Paizuri Automata

Paizuri Automata

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Should I buy this or Yakuza 0?

wait 3 months and get both for the same price!

Neither. Wait 10 years and pick them up from the garbage for free.

neither, make your own games


Buy Yakuza, fap to 2B.

if it's one or the other I'd say Nier but Yakuza is really fantastic

2b is for impregnation

>these two will never ever tag team your penis.

Didn't get an answer earlier.

Can YoRHa androids fuck and get pregnant?


Can you impregnate their tits

They'd probably fuck up again a cut it off, so no thanks.

>According to Nier, when Devola drinks alcohol she becomes "very friendly"
>She is good at tying a cherry stem with her tongue.
Bet the one on the left sucks some mean dick

>Paizuri Automata
Nigga I fucking love paizuri, but 2b was clearly made for buttjobs

B-but the titty window!

Engineered for the most efficient semen extraction.


You mean thigh and belly jobs, am I right?


finish the game nigga

she gets drunk in automata

Too bad androids don't have dicks that can be sucked
>getting drunk
Is all the androids in this universe fucking Bender?

A. Devola had a hard life

>that feel when I'll never impregnate 2B while holding hands and she leglocks me

Why fucking live

>Literally coming out next week
>Know some spoilers but have not seen streams or gameplay from the full game other than what has been shown in trailers

My body is ready

Just curious, what's the native res this game is running at ?

i think the PS4 version is 900p and pro is 1080p


You honestly should buy both.

If you really have to pick, it comes down to whether you owned/played any previous Yakuza games or not. The thing with Yakuza games is that they're all the exact same game. They repeat the formula, it's a good formula but they repeat it with no alterations ever. Nier 2 is fresh, even if you already played the first Nier.


meme game
buy yakuza
2b dies


>everyone goes for the obvious ass and thighs
>everyone ignores the small paizuri hole in the official model


literally everyone dies

is this your first Taro game?

That isn't a twist its the entire plot device

this is the worst programmed part of the game too for me

all I see is a few big axe robots hanging around and doing nothing while the twins are having the fight of their lives in the dialogue only.

What does her butt smell like?

She's a robot, son.

>this is the worst programmed part of the game too for me

this was done intentionally.
You see life sucks, so they made the gaem suck.

I just beat the game the first time and holy shit, Taro did his "multiple playthroughs mandatory" gimmick HARD this time. Ending A tells you NOTHING about anything. You learn nothing about the story or the villains or any of the characters or what's going on. Holy shit.

I mean, fuck, Nier 1 told you most things on the first playthrough, not everything but you get a good chunk of the story. Here you get nothing but a message saying "GJ do it again faggot". Damn.

I think its that area in general

I can't even be bothered to try and complete the third race because one of those suicidal flying robots will one-shot me before the race even starts.

She's literally programmed to suffer at all times. Not joking. It's actually canon.

How did they get away with making such a fucking fine booty.

Answer the question.

Oh okay so lesser res on the older platform.

lost hard

Why don't you just kill them before starting the race?

>Ending A tells you NOTHING about anything.

It's a pretty good bait to make you play multiple times though, B revealed something but not quite enough, and then the "trailer" shown at the ending of B really hypes everything up

Smells of burnt Auto Transmission Fluid during black friday traffic jam in central L.A.

That's why its done so well.

Anybody who has ever played a video game before would realize that there is something fishy going on when you are 10 hours into the game and its not letting you access certain treasure chests. When you beat Ending A, you KNOW the game is not over because you PLAY video games. You know how they work. You know something is off and that there are unresolved plot points.

This is what Nier 1 did WRONG and is completely why it tanked review wise. Ending A give you a pretty satisfactory conclusion to the game. It's a generic "you did it!" ending and I'm not surprised that journalists stopped there. Its their job to play through games so when they think they've beat it its time to put the game down and work on the next title. You can finish ending A and put the game down forever. It's not obvious to the player that new things will happen on NG+ or even further than that. However that is also what gives it its charm.

In addition, if anybody has watched ANY of the trailers, or even the opening cinematic they'll be aware that there are scenes they have not watched yet.

Its akin to the end of Chapter 1 in MGSV, except done like 5000 times better.

How the fuck did Yoko Taro do a better job at literally everything Kojima said he was going to do for MGSV?

Cause Kojima is a hack.

In the first game you actually get most of the story at the castle, with the second playthrough just adding some backstory on the enemies

In this one you get jack shit for A, hands down the most boring ending of the series
Then B has enemy backstory and the info dump like the one from the castle in the previous game
C and D are straight up the rest of the game

>This is what Nier 1 did WRONG and is completely why it tanked review wise. Ending A give you a pretty satisfactory conclusion to the game. It's a generic "you did it!" ending and I'm not surprised that journalists stopped there.

I really don't think most "6/10" reviewers beat Nier 1 even one time. I think most of them stopped at the mid-game timeskip or earlier.

I was 50/50 on Kojima being a hack before this came out but Automata solidified it 100%

actually fuck you're right, most of them got stuck at the fishing section my mistake

even with that in mind, the first playthrough of Nier is decent enough in length that you would think its over after ending A, Automata feels just a bit too short to make you suspect somethings up

>How the fuck did Yoko Taro do a better job at literally everything Kojima said he was going to do for MGSV?

Nier Automata is an open world game???

When is it coming out in 1st world countries?

This is also 2B's fat butt


I assume you were making some kind of a joke but I don't get it so I'll just answer seriously.

My main beef with this game is that I wanted to enjoy Toobie's fat butt more than ten hours. A2 is nice but she's no replacement.

My other main beef is that the hacking minigame gets old when you do it 500 times, which you will on the Fuccboi playthrough.

>She is good at tying a cherry stem with her tongue.
Both of them can apparently.

>When is it coming out in 1st world countries?
already out here in Singapore.

She's a pure robutt who literally doesn't know what sex is

>When is it coming out in 1st world countries?

US release date is the 7th, EU release date is the 10th. This month, obv.

Why are they even in the newest nier? Didn't they pretty much fuck up their objective thousands of years ago anyway

>stuck at the fishing section

what fishing section?

Fingers crossed for good titty doujins.

Friendly reminder

I think I can say I gave Drakengard a fair chance now, I just played three hours of it but the gameplay is just unbearable. How does Drakengard 3 compare?

How bad is the gameplay on a scale from Drakengard to NieR Gestalt?

Waifufags are strong here, huh
Get in line, 9S has 2B first


No, Devola is good a tying a cherry and Popola is good at untying a cherry with her tongue.

Enjoy your terrible frame rate desu
D3 gameplay is better, but if you are playing on a PS3 prepare for 9FPS

>holding a turd

runs like shit but it's fun

>not including the hacking tracks along with the OST

fucking square enix jews

>Glorious face
>Glorious lips
>Glorious tights
>Glorious butt
>Ask for paizuri

I don't understand. It's like fucking a gorgeous girl and shoving her face in a pillow so you won't see it.

I like how literally every track has a hacking rendition but that is cheap man

Built for BBC

>but if you are playing on a PS3
As opposed to what? I thought it was only on PS3.

well fug

>literally has a slip in between the embroidery to access her cleavage
>not made for titfuck

you are no longer welcome here

All the Drakengard games are really bad as games. Great stories, awful to play. 3 is the best of them, but it's still pretty fucking bad, especially because the framerate regularly drops into single digits. I'm hardly a "give me 60 FPS or give me death" autist, but DoD3 is just unplayable to me.

If you want a Taro game that plays okay, buy Nier 1, and if you want a Taro game that plays well, buy Nier 2.

2B has modest tits, they clearly not her main attraction point.

You have no power here.

>If you want a Taro game that plays okay, buy Nier 1, and if you want a Taro game that plays well, buy Nier 2.

I've already played and loved both of them, that's why I'm looking into Drakengard

had to get a toobie sticker


literally who

where from

do want


2B will always have 99% ass doujins because just fucking look at her.

Though I do like the narrative that she's insecure about her breasts because everybody only ever looks at her ass.

holy shit you're a fucking loser

>no reward for beating hard mode

Sold out sadly at the moment.

I want it.

>collect game promo posters that's typically hung/stapled to the wall in nip shops
>the only Automata poster left is at the same price as the GC Killer 7 poster

kill me

More like this

>99% ass doujins
I see no problem with this.

We can all agree she's made for bodyjobs.