What are you playing lately on your 3ds?

What are you playing lately on your 3ds?

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Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright. It's not very good.

ALBW. It's good.

I only have Awakening and it might be the only game out of ~20 that I regret buying, I just can not get into it, it's so repetitive and the story is so weak.

Devil Survivor OC

I'm trying to play several RPGs at the same time, which might be my ADHD finally taking over.

still slowly working my way through pokemon moon

SMTIVA right after IV. And P5 is just around the corner. I wonder if binge playing so many SMT games was a bad idea and if I might get burned out.

Project X Zone 2, Etrian Odyssey Untold and Picross when i have to take a shit

Birthright is by far the worst of the three. Finish it and move on to conquest

how is iv? I found it on a bin like 10$? Awhile ago.

As good as it feels to pair Belka with Ouroboros with the yuri patch in Revelations, that one is still a piece of shit and i'd take Birthright over it anyday
Except i wouldn't 'cause Conquest exists, but y'know

I'm not done with revelations yet. Does it really suck?

Once you get to the sky continent thing the map designs will get really gimmicky and annoying, i just couldn't find any solace in them

It was actually my first mainline game.
The setting is somewhat interesting, the characters are few, and while more or less likeable at first, kinda go full retard towards the end, obliged to follow the series' alignment system driven story.
The combat is your regular turn-based jRPG combat, with SMT's trademark press-turn system and the new addition in the form of Smirk mechanic. A very, very unrefined mechanic in IV. It's fixed in Apocalypse, but in IV it just might be the number one reason for frustration. At early stages of the game it almost feels like the combat outcome is decided by a coin flip. But after some point it gets really easy, if you're familiar with SMT or Persona mechanics.
Still a pretty enjoyable experience overall. I'd say if you enjoy Atlus games and can grab it for just $10 go for it. I personally just pirated it.

Monster Hunter Generations


Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright.

I've never played a Professor Layton game before, but the puzzles are fun and I almost find myself looking more forward to them than the trials.

LBX it's a fun lil game kinda like custom robo

i want to finish it and go back to 4U. i'm impressed how they managed to downgrade the visuals on a newer release.

Corpse Party
It's now my third time beating the first game, but I was speeding through it for the new extra chapters, then I finally moved on to the sequel on the PSP

Been going back through my library- found Phantasy Star Zero, so I'm playing that for a while. Had a blast with the game when it first game but that was back when there was still a community.

I just started playing it again recently to mess around with weapons. I'm having fun with HBG.

Finally playing the Plague Knight DLC in Shovel Knight. Pretty good.

I just got this yesterday, I like it so far but hear it gets even better as you progress

I'm not. There's nothing on the 3DS left that I want to play at this point

Not even Pocket Card Jockey?

I've always had a lot of trouble with OoT because I'm an idiot, but I'm progressing very steadily this playthrough and might actually beat it for once.

Monster hunter x, soon mhxx
And shin megami tensei iv (I'll soon have finished all endings

Oops I didn't mean to reply to you

River City Tokyo Rumble

Is pfun, actually

Got a flashcart for NDS games a few weeks ago, so I'm dumping a list of all my NDS and 3DS games.

- 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors: Pretty neat puzzle game (room escape)+visual novel (even more of a novel than a puzzle game). There are 6 endings, but honestly I played 3 of them, and watched the true one on YT, cause beating the same puzzles to advance the story got boring.
- Radiant Historia: The one Im currently playing. It's a cool pixel art+3D bgs artstyle JRPG with a (so far) cookie cutter time-travelling plot (diverging paths and such). Aesthetics remind me of Ragnarok Online, that's good.
- Pokémon Sacred Gold/Storm Silver. A HGSS difficulty and Pokémon availability romhack.
- Pokémon Blaze Black/Volt White and BB2 and VW2. Same. Harder and with more Pokémon available. Those are the Pokémon games Im playing after Im done with Storm Silver.

Now for the ones I haven't touched but are there:
- Chrono Trigger: JRPG with more time-travelling.
- Disgaea, some other JRPG
- Children of Mana, some other JRPG
- Dragon Quests IV, IX, V, VI and Monsters: Joker 2 (the latter being basically Pokémon but fusing them, and its DQ monsters)
- Etrian Odyssey 3, JRPG
- Final Fantasy IV
- Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for an action RPG
- Pokémon Conquest (kinda Fire Emblem+Pokémon?)
- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: EoS, dungeon crawling with Pokémon
- All Layton games
- Suikoden Tierkreis, another hyped JRPG but it looks so bad wth


Playing Fire Emblem:Awakening and Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance. Both somewhat polarizing but a little underrated, I feel. It helps that I am playing a version of HoD patched to look and sound a little better.

>- Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for an action RPG
You still have time to drop this and get Re:Coded instead

Now for 3DS:
- Pokémon Nova Sun (hard romhack)
- 2 more Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games, havent
- 2 Pokémon GSC romhacks (Anniversary Crystal and Polished Crystal)
- Heroes of Ruin, I forgot what this is, probably JRPG
- Rhythm Paradise Megamix, alright meme chill game
- All 3 Zelda games, I hate Zelda, played 15 minutes of A Link Between Worlds, hope it gets good
- Kingdom Heart Dream Drop Distance, played an hour or so, hate the touch screen part. I hate using the touch screen if its not things like Layton at my own pace
- DQ 7 and 8, good JRPGs, havent played 7
- Bravely Default and Second MY TWO FAVOURITE GAMES for the 3DS. Play both, cause Second is a sequel.
- Terraria cause I like it on PC, but controls on 3DS are meme
- Shovel Knight, hate platformers, got it cause its popular and I like retro looks, dont like it much
- Layton games (good but too slow for me)
- Phoenix Wright games (v good)
- Story of Seasons Trio of Towns, Im rather bored already, this title was only released a couple days ago. Its Harvest Moon, but it feels empty so far,
- Stella Glow, JRPG, havent played yet
- Luigi's Mansion, Mario Kart, Mario and Mario 3D Land, cause meme, never been a Mariofag
- Sega 3D Classics Collection, havent touched it
- Both Fire Emblems (so 5 in total I guess). Only played Awakening so far. It's good IMO I know 4chang hates it
- All Shin Megami and Etrian Odyssey cause I love JRPGs if you hadnt noticed already, unplayed yet
- Final Fantasy GBA roms, havent played yet

Any suggestions? Other than killing myself

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney trilogy. Currently at the final case of the first game, probably gonna get to JFA today

I thought thats a phone shitty meme game like the card one for GBA, is it not?

Pokemon X and Spirit of Justice

TLoZ : a link between worlds.

Hyrule warriors legends, planning to play the phoenix wright games next

Coded was a phone game, Re:Coded is the remake for DS and uses a combat system similar to Birth by Sleep but actually smoother

I'm playing the game of trying to sell my homebrew 3DS on Ebay without it getting taken down.

Aw damn, Im getting it then, thanks. Is 358/2 shit then? In terms of story or just boring in general?

Story is slow paced but if you like Roxas and Axel you should get enjoyment from it, the gameplay however is pretty bad, combat is the button smashier KH has ever been, every enemy is a damage sponge and the game abuses its mission structure to drag a lot, if you're interested in the story you're better of checking the movie on youtube that was released with the HD collection
Re:Coded is like the total opposite of 358/2, the story is pretty inconsequential and by the books, but the gameplay more than makes up for it

Bump post your favourite games. I want to play new stuff

>mfw my new 3ds will get here between the 2nd and 7th, more than likely the seventh, they havent even sent the games.

i already have 4 games and the charger waiting though. fuck amazon

Everyone on earth probably played it but... Just in case

Just finished moon, playing MH3U now and a bit of new leaf.

Haven't played much beside Project Mirai on it lately.

Pokemon Prism. I picked it up after not playing it for a couple of months.

You could try 7th Dragon III CODE: VFD,a sega rpg by producer who had made phantasy star.It let you pick voice from anime you might had watched.
Aslo have bgm done by same guy who done Etrian Odyssey.


Monster Hunter 4U and juggling ZTD and Spirit of Justice. ZTD is not very good compared to the other 2.

Kirby: Planet Robobot.

True Arena is kicking my ass. The absolute lack of healing items in between fights is ridiculous.

Ghost Trick?

Hyrule warriors.

At least I was until I realized you had to grind levels on characters you never use for adventure maps to unlocks characters you actually want.

Now maybe Xenoblade or River City, iunno yet

>tfw 3DS refuses to starts anymore, light just pulses blue for a moment then shuts off
>I'd get a N3DS but I wouldn't be able to transfer my saves and shit
80 hours into Pokemon too, shame.

Dragon Ball Fusions.

I actually finished the main game and all the side quests a long time ago. I've been in Catch 'Em All mode since then. Plus I still need to finish the 100 Man Battle to make the father/son fusions and get the last couple titles I never unlocked.

I'd say it's the best Dragon Ball game since the days of BT3 and Buu's Fury.

MHXX demo and picross, not much else to play really.

If only the translation wasn't so garbage. They figured out how to replace swords with sticks, but not how to add extra textboxes? Yeah senpai just shrink the font size to 3.

It's good, though. It's just the text that's shit.

Persona Q. I finished the first playthrough on P4 side and I'm doing P3 side now. Carried everything over since I only wanted to do the additional quests and 100% the compendium. I can only fight liz, theo, and margaret on my third playthrough apparently? Jeez.

>True Arena
oh shit that game has that? I'd heard it was good but shit man now I have to check it out

A link between worlds. Why is this game so underrated?

Does it ever get harder? I'm at the part of the cell games where i have to recruit dudes to get the other colored energies and it's been too easy

I didnt. I know its an important title and all, but Ive never been too interested. What's this? Some kind of bullet hell game? Is it heavy on the touch screen?

Yeah the random-ass cutoffs are annoying. I also don't really get the swords to sticks things when characters can still literally pull out a .22 and shoot people with it. Kids are way more likely to accidentally shoot someone with a pistol than slash them with a fucking sword.

Speaking of translations, I've also been playing the english version of SD Gundam G Generation Genesis on my Vita, and some of the names have weird inconsistencies. Like Ford Romefellow is called Fold in story text, but called Ford in all menus.

Certain fights get a noticeable jump in difficulty. The Cell fight you'll be doing soon is frustrating because there's 5 of him and they all have regeneration. Some later fights also get tough, and enemies seem to be more consistent with blocking as you advance through the game. But outside of certain boss fights the game never really gets all that hard. Especially if you're like me and do side missions as soon as you can. They give a shitload of exp.

Oh and fuck Hirudegarn

Very touchscreen heavy, you aim entirely on the touchscreen, every mission has a shooter bullet hell'ish start that's about 5 missions, then you go to the ground and it becomes kind of a hybrid of 3rd person shooter and hack'n'slash, presentation is top notch

I've only been using the internet feature to watch egg boy and the nlss for the past few months
there's just nothing there that seems fun

which 3ds version did you get? The new yellow one is ok, I just wish nintendo would release a fucking white one in the US. Bastards. I'm stuck with the shitty ass red xl because I was too impatient to wait for the black one.

>ZTD is not very good compared to the other 2

3ds still exists?

anybody here who's got that Legend of Legacy knawlidge? Got a few questions

monster hunter 4u