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What the fuck? Who cares if people lick carts?

Isnt that the guy who literally thinks he is super mario? Also way to out yourself op that you follow such a fat cuck on twitter

Not gonna lie I've chewed on game carts before. The size and texture is just too perfect not to.

Ok so what exactly happened to this guy?

His reviews used to be like this:
Not special in any way or even that good but competent, straight forward with some insight now and then.

Now it's this:

The content is the same but now he has this JERZAY accent. Why? Why did he think it is a good idea to have his face in the videos?

He jumped hard on the SJW bandwagon but why these other decisions?

Why do you think anyone wants to see twitter screencaps on tawainese stick figure message board?

Leftism is a cancer of your brain, it eats away at everything you do

I feel like that's true of extremes on of both leftist and right wing views. Personally I think extremists should be shot like dogs, but that's just me.

>takes three tweets to call people degenerates
motion picture robert is the thinking man's neoreactionary

>said the extremist

No, he's the guy who thinks Mario 3 was basically 9/11 and console wars were literally Vietnam.

The hell is movieblob talking about? Is "bad tasting carts" actually a thing, and has it always been a thing, or is this a new development with the Switch? I think when I get my copy of BotW, the first thing I'm going to do is lick it.

fuck, he's resorted to eating carts to keep his blood sugar down.

he needs our help, Sup Forums.

IIRC thats his normal voice, the voice he used to use is his "radio voice".

New Switch development. Everyone and their grandmother are tasting their new Zelda game carts to confirm that they taste bad

I have a few theories:

1. He's saying that he thinks his bosses need to hear. Progressive politics and Disney bootlicking.

2. Chipman always had a massive chip on his shoulder but became more combative when people rejected all the fucking role playing in his Gameoverthinker videos.

3. Something personal obviously fucked him up. He really went bad when he crossed over into his 30s and moved out of his parent's house.

4. He was always shit but is more confident in promoting his shit worldview.

How will Nintendo recover.

Do they actually make the carts taste worse or is it just a retarded thing where people exaggerate the bad-but-not-uncommon taste of a factory product?

nintentoddlers are literally babies, they will put the stuff in their mouth instead of actually playing the game

How will Nintendo not knowing gamers are retarded be their downfall?

It's possible to coat them with a substance that's bitter.

He's a fucking manchild with fascist tendencies, that's all there is to it. It's also funny how he's very similar to Son of Dob.

>Urgh. Why are people having fun with an interesting and novel solution to a problem people didn't really consider with game carts? Clearly I am the intellectual mastermind for thinking myself above these people
He never grew out of that highschool phase. Poor guy.

I bite my fingernails quite often. I hope my fingers won't taste even shittier after picking a cart up.

What's the "It ain't me" of video games?

What the fuck did I just read?


Remember that one time that Moviebob's BFF Devin Faraci got in trouble for sexually harassing women, and Bob said that people who used it to "gotcha" him were even worse than sexual harassers?

Fun activity is to count the seconds it takes for Bob to mention or make a reference to Trump in an unrelated video.


Of course the fat man looks through the lens of eating when talking about something.

Didn't he also say we should have an intelligence test to allow you to vote?

what is that disgusting fat fuck even talking about?

Whenever some state does something he doesn't like he calls for the end of all state sovereignty and how federal troops should be sent in to arrest all the state politicians and kill anyone who resists (although he probably wouldn't say this now since the hated evil cheeto is commander in chief and all)

It's 2 and 3 with half of 4. He's that one kid who's bitter with the World and family, a template of what happens to someone who's constantly shunned and never gets a friend. Kids who grew up in the 90s had no major event or conflict and so he latched onto the console wars as that was something that he already was invested in. Now he's able to express himself on a large platform and so he does so in what he feels is his most creative thing possible and since no one was there to lovingly call him out on his shit, his viewpoints were never filtered. Then being a journalist decided to ally with his fellow "journalists" just to feel like he actually belonged to something

So basically:
>Nintendo fanboy who grew up in the first big conflict post-crash
>Mario DiC fanboy (ala the Sonic SatAM fanboys) who think that Mario's from Brooklyn
>Disliked by many growing up, including family (likely felt the same in return).
>Inspired by Youtubers to start his own show to express creatively to a great amount of people (likely the first time he was able to do so with any kind of feedback)
>Becomes a movie critic and gains that movie critic specialty of being a high snob
>Game related controversies happen and decided to align with his fellow "Journalists" just he feels like he has friends

It's just a recipe for a complex embodiment of emotion and stress

Chief Judge Fatso up there says that comment will cost you 487 years in the iso-cubes, citizen.

The latter. No company would go through the effort of coating their electronics in some kind of bitter substance, that's completely idiotic.

>Moviebob is a self-appointed feminist who fights for the rights of women
>but he loves Metroid: Other M and thinks it's a work of art for Samus to be abused by a man she adores

Nintendo has confirmed that they apply denatonium benzoate to the carts as a bittering agent to deter ingestion of the carts.