Why are new video games boring?

why are new video games boring?

Because you guys continue to pay for shit games

You are getting old

Because retarded bloggers (not games journos, BLOGGERS, because that's what they are), refuse to partake in ETHICS IN VIDEOGAME JOURNALISM

Because you don't know where to pursue your most enjoyable, niche interests

There's such a great variety of vidya out now, you should be able to find a game to suit even the most niche taste. Failure to find said titles falls upon you

like any drug you are old and developed resistance.

You'll always chase the old high.

its all because of the youtube front page, mark my words


Because you are a boring person and also have a limited scope of interests. Pretty easy.

There's great games out there, but you have no personality or taste.

You stopped using your imagination


Aside from establishing a cross-site general and providing newfags with a mob-mentality starter kit complete with ignorant use of established terms. Amount of cunts spouting tenbux without even realising the meaning was outright depressing, I say this as a guy who thought adam baldwin shitposting was the best thing in years

Sup Forums shenanigans are fun as long as you know who you're posting with. This shite about taking in anyone who'll parrot your views is cancer. We don't need to get on all the time, I just want to know you'll pat me on the arse as much you jerk me off, depending on your views on the subject

Time to expand your interests.
Buy a tiny quadcopter and attach a micro camera on to it.

it was funny as it started, then it got to shit when all these who started trying to get "famous"

Gamers are dead and you're just now realizing it.

Games are FUN user, you're just depressed.

I'm gonna to fuck Vivian!

The escapism they offer no longer keeps the reality of your shitty life at bay

vivian got some nice futa images, but everything else about that whole situation was cancer

Has there ever been a more jewish jew than jewt?

>tfw there aren't enough pictures of Vivian getting fucked by old fat guys.

About two years too late there buddy.

why are games so empty compared to before?
they had so much content and so much to do now they don't and the way its done for open world gamss isn't how open world should be done, it feels like a chore ti move around

>Sup Forums Sup Forums
pros: fun allowed, very active, loads of OC, no ID bullshit (better anonymity)

cons: at least 25% of posts are shitposting, lots of newfags

>4+Sup Forums
pros: fun not allowed, decent amount of OC, goobergators actually (used to) affect video games at some level, alright opinions on things, better site functionality overall

cons: fun not allowed, anything Sup Forums is immediately saged and shat on, genuine opinions are silenced because they don't fit their political agenda, ID bullshit (poor anonymity)

they abandoned their only daughter
but other than that yeah

>pros: fun allowed
>cons: at least 25% of posts are shitposting


4+Sup Forums seems to like more neckbeardy/autistic games and their tastes are much more in line with my own.

I wish it had better browser integration for reply notifications

becuase we can't do much more novel I suppose with a video game with the current technology

and vr technology is just really starting to sprout

I went to 2x4chan once, just to see what it looked like.
The entire site is Sup Forums. I don't know how this happens but they did it. Every board is Sup Forums with some other theme, and all of the posters are freaks. There's even an /asmr/ board, except all they do there is stalk youtubers and take pics of single frames where you could see theirs butts or cleavage and then they cry about how what sluts they are. I'm kinda glad I stayed here instead of joining the exodus even though the mods are fags here.


I don't mind the fact that every board has Sup Forums opinions since they line up with my own, but I feel like it's gotten to the point where they sage and silence most that isn't Sup Forums-related while shilling shitty games merely because they make fun of their enemies

because they're barely games anymore.
enemy variety and challenge got fucked over to give space for graphics and story.
now shitty games gets all the praise for looking good and "deep" while being a complete turd to play as you can just power through everything.

I actually prefer infinitychan because the quality of discussion is higher. I've actually been on this site less often because now I can see exactly where it falls short now that the alternative exists.

Back on topic:
Less effort is going into making games fun these days. Now everyone just replicates what was successful in order to sell more units. The old 2000 era was perfect because game studios were making bank without investors and executives making too many demands, so the creators were more free to experiment. On the flip side, indie games are made by people with no experience or talent with a shoestring budget, so they're almost never actually enjoyable.

>Sup Forums
>loads of OC

I wanna do lewd things to that butt