Borderlands 3 hype

so battleborn's DLC had hidden messages hinting at Borderlands 3's plot
(promethea, planet where atlus first discovered alien tech)

Other urls found in this thread:

Im suprised someone found that, since there is only 1 or 2 people who played stillborn

How did people even find this shit?
Also fuck yeah, we're finally gonna get into some real alien shit now.

the devs had to drop a few hints
but yeah, people were searching for a month or two for this stuff
pretty interesting
sounds like tannis is some kind of ayy lmao or mastermind who's been guiding the vault hunters to open the vaults for her own purposes

actually consoles are still active desu

woah, that's cool.

how fucking lame
>our new game is set at a different place that will look exactly same as the last, but it has a different name though!

>actually consoles are still active desu

How do you get the black queen to spawn? I want that Nukem so bad




Tannis just has autism but maybe the death of her ceiling chair made her snap.

where'd you get that image?
the only BL3 press stuff i've seen is an 'engine demo' which might not even be the actual game

that being said, BL2 was all ice and eridium blight, so if BL3 is back to dust it might be pretty cool
seems like they're throwing back to BL1, with atlus coming back, dustlands, and BL1's writer

2-3 minute queues most of the time on PS4 and X1 is way better, apparently

More like Tannis is running off on her own to chase vaults again.
Back in the first game, she sent you on a fool's errand so she could run off with the vault key and open it herself. If she didn't get captured by the Crimson Lance, she would've been the one to get impaled instead of Steele.

I was hoping for a new world, that looked different but had the same name.

You'd think this message is pretty obvious just by following the plots of 1 and 2.
>sounds like tannis is some kind of ayy lmao or mastermind
Sounds like an asspull but oh well.
You expected them to show off new stuff in a literal tech demonstration demo?
BL2 had tundra, sandy location, some green as well, it was really diverse, in a good way.

I cant wait for gearbox to ruin all the Tales characters.

10 minute tech demo



This is it lads. If Borderland 3 flops, there's no way Gearbox is going to be allowed to continue to exist. Borderlands is their ace in the hole. If this game isn't a success, Gearbox is fucked.

You couldnt be more right

Randy Pitchford feels like Stillborn was his passion project , pitty nobody gave a fuck.

Son, you got facts to back that claim?

TFTB had writing by the same guy who's writing BL3 you coon

well, 2's vault was a fucking giant alien you got to control and a map
so 2's vault was actually good for you
and TFTB had that portal to god knows where which might have been good
>tech demo
>indicative of the game as a whole

Battleborn: failed
Borderlands online: canceled
Homeworld remake: poor
Duke Nukem: poor

Whats the likelihood we get a Tales 2?

Except for Chris Hardwick voicing Vaughn I really quite liked it.,

Don't forget Colonial Marines. Gearbox have released disaster after disaster. Borderlands is the only thing that sells. If it fails, it would make Gearbox more or less worthless.

>TFTB had writing by the same guy who's writing BL3 you coon
It's funny how everybody is cumming themselves about that, but I'm actually incredibly wary. BL1 was underwritten as fuck, with not a single good antagonist character in sight. Whats-her-name Crimson Lance bitch barely did anything and got chomped by a toothy vagina. Baron Flynt had a badass stronghold and hints of cool backstory but all it amounted to was a really shitty boss fight. Everything was wasted potential. BL2 writing had lower lows, but the highs were above anything in BL1.

Knoxx was alright, but BL2 DLCs had even better writing.

It's cute that they think anyone gives a fuck about Borderland plot. I fucking hope they finally get some competent writers but considering it's Gearbox I'm not getting my hopes up.

Borderlands has too big of a brand name to fail, it's like fallout. No matter how shit it will be, it will still get a fuckton of people.

knoxx was fucking amazing and blew anything in BL2 out of the water
the actual main game was okay, it did the 'old west' aesthetic pretty well. if nothing else, it'll be serious and a lot better than BL2

if battleborn goes F2P it'll probably redeem itself, actually
PC is the only platform where it's actually dead

Everything about BL1 is complicated. For example whats-her-name Crimson Lance bitch is actualy a first siren model, that was reused.

It was an new ip to test around, that got complete remake from realistic fallout-3-like world to that cartoon mess we all know in last 6 mounths of development. It didn't flop, which was pure luck. But production quality of BL1 is very very poor. Only in 3rd and 4th DLC they got close to what we got in BL2.

I love how you can really hear the stress and nerves in Randy's voice. It's like he believes someone's gonna shoot him in the head if he stops talking or slows down.

And the gun is a metaphor for the looming failure of his studio

Also enjoy the
>I know this is really unimpressive stuff and if you're good at UE4 pls email me and we can make videogames

>>I know this is really unimpressive stuff
Is it? It looks quite good for the kind of stylized look they're going for.

It's all pretty easily accomplished in UE3, and it's all damn near COTS with UE4. The cloth and subsurface scattering were set up well, the rest is fairly humdrum.

This is a solid improvement over Borderlands 2, graphically.

It's a shame they'll likely fuck it up in every other way.

if there's one thing GBX can do it's make good FPS games
>opposing force
>borderlands 1
>borderlands 2
and (brace yourself)
because even if it failed, the battleborn co-op was fucking amazing and the PvP isn't bad either

>buying gearbox
>buying anothny burchs games

Burch works at Riot now.

They just need to:

1) Add guns
2) Add characters with interesting and different mechanics
3) Reuse old characters again
4) Add shitty memes

Wrong, they just need to unfuck the loot system from 2

2 was a solid improvement from 1 in every way, but they fucked the loot system so hard it canceled the improvements out and then some and made 2 a worse game then 1

Don't forget reimplementing linear scaling.

Also they should go straight to steam inventory and server-side drop.

BL1 scaling was silly in the opposite way. You could take a really gun you bought at level 20 and kill level 60 enemies without much trouble. I don't like numbers going in the millions either, though. Some compromise would be the best. Well, the best would be removing numeric RPG progression and just making it and FPS with perks, but I'm probably in the minority here.

Scaling is encompassed in "loot system"

switching to a new planet and new vault hunters might be just what BL needs
since anthony burch fucked up a lot of the old characters, it'd be great if we could ditch zed / marcus and the OG vault hunters

So gearbox is now shilling here as well?
Oh Sup Forums, what have you become.

Probably none, even though its the best borderlands game by a mile.

>someone payed for battleborn dlc

>no anthony burch

What are the chances of the writing being at least alright this time? The games are decently fun if you have others to play with

But at least with that sort of system actual good and possibly rare guns will actually feel worthy and nice to get compared to BL2 where you get a legendary and have to replace it 5-7 levels later because the special effect just isn't good enough anymore.

borderlands can someone be excited for borderlands at all wow

>too new to have even been around for BL1

Nigga Borderlands 1 was the first professionally shilled game on Sup Forums. It actually introduced Sup Forums to the concept of marketeers and shilling in the first place. How fucking new r u?

If Randy walks on stage at E3 2017 and kisses a healthy straight woman, then accepts Jesus into his life, then sends his boy to military school, I might consider buying Borderlands 3

It's kind of disappointing to be finding revolvers for 30 levels straight only to realize every single one of them is inferior to your level 20 purple.

I mean, it also creates an attachment to that purple but it defeats the purpose of looting in the first place.

Not if the game looks good? Nice priorities, man.

>Burch is lead writer
Critically acclaimed amazing game. Both critics and players love it, TENTHOUSAND people playing on Steam alone to this day 5 years after release

>Burch is NOT involved in any way
Seen as the redheaded step-child of the franchise, horrible, forgetable story, Janey "LOOK I'M A LESBIAN, DIDN'T I TELL YOU ALREADY? OI CRICKEY MATE, HERE I GO AGAIN!!" Springs and other """amazing""" characters

Tell me why you niggers hate on Burch again?

The pre sequel did involve Burch though.
He was 10x worse during pre sequel than he was during BL2

>plying BL2
>having fun
>get to TVHM
>things get kind of ballbusting, but whatever
>get to UVHM
>suddenly I am required to only use the Unkempt Harold, Grog Nozzle and the Norfleet and nothing else or I will get fucking destroyed
>literally need to slag everything to kill it
Oh and let's not forget the fucking loot system.
>want to get a cool head or skin for your favorite character
>not even a fucking weapon, a cosmetic that effects nothing
>only drops from a specific fucking enemy in fuck all nowhere or randomly from literal piles of shit
>guns, ammo, health, and money all have a higher drop rate than heads and skins regardless of rarity
>kill Henry, King Mong and Bunker like six hundred times
>get literally every single drop except the skin/head you want
God fucking damn it, just drop the Krieg head you robotic shit.

>borderlands [...] hype

burch was one of the main writers for TPS you fucking moron

>funnest character
>most interesting backstory
>arguably is the only one with an actual motivation for wanting to take down Hyperion beyond "they was mean to me and called me names and I want shiny things"
All I want from BL3, literally all I want, is for them to expand on Krieg. His backstory, his character, the entire fucking thing fascinates me like nothing else and I just know they're just going to turn him into the comic relief and completely ruin his character and it fucking kills me.

>Now the wacky leader of a band of (good guy) vault hunters
>looking after his Husband(female)'s son
>Sends you on a mission to get back his wiiu

I'm sure that would be Salvador or something, but they'll ruin all the Vault Hunters don't worry. They already ruined Zer0 in the Tales series by pitching his voice up to make him gender neutral.

If Krieg was with anyone, it'd probably be Maya. He'd probably at least be her body guard or something, sticking close to her. Or maybe he's just chained up somewhere on their ship after almost killing someone or some shit? Given how they usually handle shit he'll either be comic relief as cringey as Tina, or just casually mentioned or killed off.

Hopefully we at least get some Echo logs about his past.

are you faggots retarded
they're bringing back BL1's writer
y'know, the guy who wrote the entirety of borderlands fucking 1?
the one that wasn't written by anthony burch?

>borderlands hype
you're about 5 years too late m80

Yes, the one that was completely underwritten and had almost zero memorable characters until the DLCs. Good stuff.

Though supposedly that was because of troubled development. Maybe this time he can deliver a good antagonist. It's hard to fuck up the "ayy lmaos are returning" premise, right?

Borderlands 1 was fun enough, it was barebones and simple and a great podcast game. Loot felt quite interesting, with most classes of gun being worth trying. Combat was decent enough.
Borderlands 2 had way more polish, glitz, and glam... but played it way less and overall didn't really enjoy it. Loot felt way less interesting, with many classes of gun being outright useless, and with more focus on getting specific named guns. Combat was a shitshow.

You mean the game with no plot and a shit ending? Yeah, real improvement there.

Say what you will about Burch, but at least BL2 had some memorable and interesting characters. Fuck, Jack is probably one of the more memorable villains to come out of this decade, and when Tiny Tina actually fucking has her brief moments of sanity she's a pretty fucking interesting character all things considered.

did you even play it
it was minimalistic, and that was most of its charm
you spent most of your time shooting bandits or giant fucking monsters like the rakk hive
>when you switched to a new PC and manage to start playing BL1 in 60fps just in time for the rakk hive

>a mission to get back his wii u

>did you even play it
I have like 130 hours in it solo.
>it was minimalistic
Barebones, more like.
>the rakk hive
What a disappointment that was.
>all that build-up
>Angel hypes it up
>ground shakes
>I expect some kind of eldritch alien god monster
>wow, it's huge
>make a long burst with my machine gun
>it dies

>with many classes of gun being outright useless

>find Hyperion weapon
>accuracy is 99
>shoots like a god damned fire hose until the last fucking bullet in the chamber
>find a good sniper rifle
>it has burst for some reason so you chew through ammo like nothing else on planet Earth
>fucking Turtle shields

Hated that so much. Did they even play their own game?

>find a shotgun
>consumes 3 ammo a shot
>clip is 4
>reload is ten years long
>you forgot it's a Tediore so you blow your fucking shield off
Why is it so impossible to find a good fucking shotgun holy shit.

>he didn't abuse golden loot keys
>long reload
nigga are you fucking retarded

reminder that buying borderlands is giving our enemies (SJWs) money

do not buy it an do not bump these threads

their toxic attitudes cannot be given oxygen any longer

RNG spawn, but to even trigger the chance for a spawn you have to make sure you enter the small canyon from the eastern save/checkpoint (chokepoint right where the last spiderant-only area ends) - not doing so seems to bug certain spawns down there until you remake your game.

>long reload
didn't use tediore weapons, the whole grenade reload thing is beyond stupid

For Jakobs and Torgue look for shotguns with more barrels. Torgue will always have slow projectiles and slow reload speed tho.

For Hyperion and Tediore look for ones with 1 or 2 barrels.

For Bandit look for canyon to throw it out.

>hoping to get a Legendary from something
>it drops a Pearlescent
Welp, guess I'll just go fucking sell this for more DPUH ammo then.

>midget hunting for like the first time in Thousand Cuts for gear to get me through a couple levels of my new playthrough
>get a pretty awesome Infinity Drop
>"Shit yea."
>equip it
>0 fucking bullets in the clip
>Gaige is just fucking incapable of using the Infinity with Anarchy
>this is a feature apparently
>just like Krieg blocking half the fucking inventory screen

I don't care because Gearbox is full of nothing but SJW's that want to make political points in their games stories rather than actually make a good game.