Third dungeon in a row where the quest NPC or item doesn't appear...

Third dungeon in a row where the quest NPC or item doesn't appear. I've been checking for secret doors and bashing down locks for hours, motivation for continuing has dwindled down to nothing. Have I downloaded a bugged version or is this game just fucked?

welcome to daggerfall
now check out might and magic 6

>turn on cheat mode
>press [ or ] to cycle through potential quest spawn points
>notice that the spawns are NEVER bugged, just hard as balls to reach, sometimes even looking like regular dungeon clutter

They don't call it Buggerfall for nothing.

See you underage shitposting nigglets

Go back and stay in your containment board.

people born in 1996 are now 20 years old.
Some are 21.

Still underage then, brain doesn't finish developing until 25-26.

yeah ok grampa

/vr/ is welcome here anytime

This. I had to see it with my own eyes.

However it's fucking retarded that every dungeon has a shitload of hidden doors that you can't tell apart from regular walls, except sliding all the time up against them. It really takes you out of the fluid RPG when you're forced to do this every dungeon.

No it isn't, fuck off to your containment board.

Yes it is

They did it so that they could jew people out by forcing them to buy a strategy guide.
It was a fairly common pratice in the 90s, Nintendo also abused this with the first Zelda which was literally designed with artificial bullshit in mind so they could sell you Nintendo Power monthly which drip fed you tips.

There's no point in a strategy guide for daggerfall just for dungeons and intentionally making them have a ton of fake walls. That doesn't make sense. I wish that shit could be modded out so quest items don't spawn in there.

Daggerfall is trash.

The point is to tell you which walls are false and such.

Do you not understand the concept of random generation? All walls - apart from corners - can be fake and there's no strategy attached to identifying them. You can only bruteforce it.

They aren't random. They used procedural generation when making the game, but the game itself doesn't randomly generate shit. Every single town and every single dungeon looks exactly the same for every single person playing the game.

/vr/ isn't a containment board, it's a "Some of this shit can't survive how fast Sup Forums is so here's a place where it can survive" board.

It's randomly generated but the game always uses the same seed.

daggerfall was a really shit game, especially the dungeons

the "you need to save before using this door in case it's one that instantly kills you rather than teleports you" was not endearing game design

Not to mention the utter lack of any level scaling.

Some starter quest for a guild sent me to a dungeon where I was doing dandy until a fucking Ancient Vampire spawned on my level 3 ass and utterly destroyed me.

How is that a bad thing?