Pls help me

>Pls help me
>quality kaaaahntent
>8 year legacy
>muh bills
>muh unsellable condo
>leanna pls don't leave me

Other urls found in this thread:


>Machinima told him to delete videos totaling millions of views
>Machinima now telling him to go back to uploading hundreds of minute long clips

lmao they're fucking with him.

When is he going to sue and take down youtube?


e-celebs are not videogames, jesus christ

this faggot earns like 5000 buckaroos a month. If you can't live off that you're hopeless.

He claims he makes quality content? Because that's genuinely a lie, in production quality, and entertainment quality

how can we save our guy, Sup Forums?

at first i liked dsp BECAUSE he was a whiny bitch, but holy shit dude literally does not have an off switch. just constant meta discussion about his channel and shit no one cares about, and he completely ignores chat. at this point i only enjoy checking in to make sure his life is only going downhill

Donate to my patreon you lazy fucks.


And the bottom line is

Have you guys heard him in his latest videos going on and on about the "nerds" at youtube? He's going to go on some kind of rampage there I bet.

>DSP Tries It : Going for the high score

Serious question, why doesnt he just ask youtube about the discrepancies in his income? He talks about exchanging emails with his partner Machinima, but why not go to youtube directly? If he isnt given a proper explanation by someone at youtube, just keep going up the ladder until someone senior enough gives a satisfactory answer.

and HONESTLY at the end of the day, for all those people out there that HONESTLY believe this game can stand on its own, its not even GOOD, and i can say that because im been playing these types of games for most of my adult life, and i know what a GOOD game looks like

Not entirely true, he likes to read chat in order for it to handhold him through a game

>DSP needs to get a 'normal' job
So Sup Forums, what will his new job be, what can he actually do?

Whoever hit him with copyright flags did God's work.

Unless you're in the Mil+ club, it's actually damn near impossible to contact a human over at Google/Youtube. Hell, their Help/Troubleshoot boards are run by community volunteers.

He could tailor his resume to show that he was running a private business, but then they'd see all of Phil's stupid videos. Even Joe has more professionalism than Phil.

>Like button disabled.
>Comments disabled.

>send application
>they look him up in google/youtube
>see this

Liberal Arts Professor

didn't he get fired for some criminal shit from his last real job

this fat fuck is so good at lying he has been able to brainwash his fans into giving him even more money and still take mini vacations and take even more time off to spend all that surplus money he receives each month.

he threatened his boss because he didn't like him, this guy has been fucking up since the beginning, his cult are the only reason he still exists, they deserve each other.

what if they are e-celebs who play video games and produce quality content on a daily basis?
what if they are e-celebs who created the genre of Let's Play videos?
What if they had real life girlfriends and were self made men who busted their asses creating fun content for their fans and really never got the recompense they earned?

yeah, tell me e-celebs are not video games again you dumb homo

Valve Q&A tester

Stfu shitter

t. DSP fuccboi

So long story short, he wants to double his vids a day for double the ads by cutting each video in half.

This is what it's come down to, lads.

i was going to laugh at him for seriously even considering going back to the "old ways" but he fucking disabled comments.

he should really just consider taking a month off and doing some serious reflection on his whole channel.

Does that work?

I dont think he can afford to do that. He only has like 200-400 dedicated viewers and the rest are passing viewers

Nope, unless you're talking about the game they're playing it's not video games discussing them or their lives you fucking faggot.

>tfw you make less than dsp
>shittier job
>worse relationship with girl

Kill me now.