BOTW Reviews

Its past midnight PST. Where the fuck are the reviews?

I guess the reviewers didn't receive their checks in time.

They haven't beaten it yet

IGN said they'd post it at 3am PST, I assume that'll be the same for the rest.

dude it takes about 12 minutes to get to the final boss

Embargo lifts 6am so in about 6 hours

6 am EST

so 3 hours senpai.

Who cares? It's a Zelda game, and they just gave Horizon 9s across the board. They can't give Zelda less than that, it will be 9 at the lowest and most reviewers will give it a 9.5 or 10.

And you'll get 1-shot and he has 6 forms

>implying reviewers play games
user please.

>EDGE 100
>*some other reviewer* 100
>fat cuck sterling comes in and gives it a 0 ruining everything

It isn't 6est

2017 BotW Predictions:
>92/100 metacritic
>paid reviewers (ign and co) 10/10
>some faggots 0/10
>feminazi's will find a problem and it'll become an ironic shitstorm on Sup Forums
>Tony danza dies

do they count towards the meta score? if so why are people with an agenda allowed to fuck everything up?

Jim sterling is a video game critic. Like it or not.

>how dare people dislike what I like

he hates nintendo so much he won't even acknowledge the game's existence. he's too enamored with the last of us: robot dinosaur edition

That's quite the victim complex you got there. Why can't he objective about the game only because he doesn't like the devs?

You figure Ebert would be considered a legitimate movie critic if he encouraged everyone to pirate movies instead of buying tickets?

Not him but jim claimed it was okay to pirate nintendo games whilst discouraging piracy of other games. I bring this up not because I necessarily want to disagree with his sentiments and reasons for doing it, but because is demonstrates a bias against nintendo products.

So what you are saying is that they can be as objective as possible and rate the game based on the game itself, but it still wouldn't count because you agree with some completely unrelated stuff they said?

Edge gave SS a 10 which was shit and Famitsu is literally garbage. Don't take their opinions seriously.

This is why I've never understood why people care about reviews coming from places that get the game early. The usually give the games a passing grade so they continue getting free swag/wined n' dined/early copies which bring them traffic. I'm not saying that all pre-release reviews are a load of shit, but just that it's very hard to trust them as being genuine. I don't even trust early reviews for games I'm interested in.

Edge also gave Bloodborne a 10/10 which essentially destroys any credibility from them.

I could swear Edge used to give out bad reviews for attention once. Maybe I'm misremembering.