Generic indie game

>generic indie game
>game that panders to furries
>effortlessly rakes in money within days of being announced
Are furries the secluded self-supporting Jews of culture?

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Name one furfag indie game that was successful just for being furshit.

Every furfag indie game


What the fuck does that mean.

Furry sells more because the Furry "culture" is literally about sex. Its more efficient than making a moe blob game unless you get them voiced by a Grade A Seiyuu

why are you mad that furry sells? just dont buy products geared towards them? or do you want a less diverse market?

Those crow feet around her eyes make her look old as fuck

Name one that wasn't.
I've seen an early-development pixel-art platformer on /agdg/ (the lowest a game can get) be mentioned elsewhere.

It was furry, and no game like that which wasn't furry would receive any attention.

Cool story, bro.

Furamasa was extremely successful though

Why is our glorious leader in a furry comic?

You imply that they aren't already.

Not a whole lot of people remember this, but when the furry map thing first came online, there were literally and unironically hundreds of accounts clustered in places like london, zurich, midtown manhattan, basically anywhere where the super-rich live.

Once the mapping application got more popular though, almost all of them disappeared within a matter of days.

They've been around for a loooong time.

Venetian mask parties held by the upper class didn't use to have only human masks.


Only japs are obsessed with VAs


Furries are the natural evolution of mankind. In a couple hundred years pure humans will be a rarity. Everyone will be a splyced furry.
We are merely the early adopters

I don't get it, so are those animals portraying real people actually dressed up in those costumes at all times? Also, user I KNOW you liked those Newgrounds furry hentai games. It's a guilty pleasure that's easy to get into, but it's just something to jack off to, nothing more.

Well, I never hear anybody actually discuss the gameplay so you may have a point

Forgot to mention that I'm fairly sure animal/furry/mascot characters are way easier to market thanks to the 90s mascot characters and all that shit (+ all the past religions worshipping animals and yadda yadda) when compared to typical pixel indie crap or some game with lolis in it.

This just looks like a bad copy of la mulana with gay furries

Yes i think that's it, which is why they are expressionless and have dead eyes

She married Foxdad and bore his children.

That furry map application really needs improvement.
It loads every single user and their icon from the top down, and since I live at a very low latitude, it takes a while to reach my area.
Not to mention that having so much stuff loaded is really bad for performance and memory.

I don't believe you've researched these things and are merely trying to fish for attention from people who have also not researched these things.


Game play is actually pretty solid. Boss fight is pretty challenging too.
Sex scenes are good too

I don't know about them.
I would like to know more.

Litteraly Orion's Arms (even if Rianths are still a minority)

>but it's just something to jack off to, nothing more.
In-denial furries are my favorite

like pottery

>She married Foxdad and bore his children.
Wow I actually felt disgusted
But why the training outfit?

>He's never gotten all the tail in HTH

Looking at furry porn isn't a big deal. The fursuiting and all that shit is dumb though.

>ask about a game
>get given the acronym


Furfags are monumentally retarded with money.
Does anyone have the auction screengrab with "$2000 neon green dock cock"?

Never forget.

boku no google kiddo

If they're retarded and you're not, why don't you make as much money to spend on glowing neon dragon cocks?

>yfw furries are the real illuminati

The static dumb face does make me chuckle

To be honest I think he'd be a great husban

No. Being a jew would mean they are thrifty and would rather have other people fund their projects if possible.

I feel so bad for KS projects that allow this.
Didn't Shovel Knight have some guys retarded oc?

Anubis and the buried bone is bad?


this comic is hilarious but i don't get this one

mad scalyfag detected

>those over saturated colors
Apologize to my eyes


she is meant to be a weeb focusing on pokemans
he is meant to be a furry with a fox fursuit
the comic is set in the near future presumably

That's the point. From the strips I've seen in LOL threads, she's a 40-something weeb who wears cosplay all the time.

Affogato(drowned) is an italian "special" that consists of a spoonful of icecream floating on two shots of espresso. Gato is spanish for cat. It's actually a clever pun that loses it's appeal due to the sheer obscurity of the terms used.

affogato is a coffee desert. Typically called Affogato del Cafe, literally "drowned in coffee."

>gato is spanish for cat
hell i thought it was a gatomon pun since it was a cat thing
didn't get the affro part at all

Not only that, the titular character is DEFINITELY A CHILD but gets that "totally an ageless deity ;)" thing.

Interesting how many people, including myself, assume that it's a comic set in the future.

They could have said affocato and everyone would have got it
But no
They had to make it a Spanish pun

Do you classify this as furshit furfags
I had fun

Reize and Baz Knight. Reize is the worst kind of DeviantART original character please don't steal made by a weeb who takes everything too seriously. Zubaz was a rejected Street Fighter 2 character that got memed by Let's Players, who at least were self-aware enough to enough to make him fit and be a goofy joke.

Hat Knight is also a Kickstarter backer character, but you wouldn't even know that unless someone told you, because the creator gave a shit.

the funny thing is the fact it's actually more fun than La Mulana.

I want to slowly skin you alive. Fuck, I want to go full YHVH on your ass and torture thee for aeons, occasionally reincarnating you into a life that's not-so-bad just so the torment doesn't become stale, until the end of time. Not for being a furfag, everybody is entitled to their private fetishes, but for coming up with these horrible "puns".

I juuuust had the realization that the reason foxthing is always staring off into nothing is because it's a suit.

Okay but why the training outfit? If you're gonna 24/7 cosplay from an Idol show wouldnt you wanna spice it up?

literally nobody says this, even ironically


Just go to a fucking faggot club nobody cares wether you jerk it to men or animal men, you're still an ugly faggot loser who wants a dose of shit-dick.

Maybe, maybe not. I think the devs just wanted to make a game that is mixture of boardgames, Redwall and Game of Thrones. Also, based Barnaby got worst fucking skin.

Daytona USA 2 holy shit


I bet the eternal krauts is behind this.

jeez user you must never play undertale or you might go and actually kill toby fox for the horrible puns

as someone who once fell into the depths of Furcadia

you know nothing

>Kemono coliseum


Describe Furcadia in 50 words or less.

Does it count?

>everyone in this thread has fapped to furry porn

Abort mission, ABORT MISSION!

Is that Rand with mech wings?

What game? Any good?

Obviously not him, but the game is Endless Legend, it's Civ-like game. I suppose you would give it a try if you're into that sort of stuff.

Endless legend with the Shifter DLC.
YES very good.


When did Danny Phantom get a fox for a dad?

in the words of that guy in the official podcast
"i'm not a furry but that would not stop me using that rabbit like a fleshlight"

Wtf is that IDOL, 4th row, 2 over from the left?

Yeah, let's pretend Dust, Night in the Woods, Undertale and 2064:ROM are non-existent.