Is there any hack and slash game with cute and sexy heroine, like Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae?

Is there any hack and slash game with cute and sexy heroine, like Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae?
(Nier Automata is unsuitable, I don't want to play this crap)

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Try a musou, I think your genre is dead.

>(Nier Automata is unsuitable, I don't want to play this crap)
good taste

Musou games.

You can play customized characters in samurai warriors 4 and dynasty warriors empires 8. You spend most of your time genociding east asia.

Onechanbara z2 chaos

>MKH is good
>Nier is bad
is this opposite day?

It would be good if there was a complex combat system like in Ninja Gaiden.
Nier has connections with Drakengard, and Drakengard has connections with mahou shoujo magica madoka, the disgusting garbage. I do not intend to play anything associated with it.

MKH is pretty fun, if you play it just for the mindless hack and slash and not for too long.
I guess.

>Drakengard has connections with mahou shoujo magica madoka

>and Drakengard has connections with mahou shoujo magica madoka
>Yoko told Fujisaka to "think Puella Magi Madoka Magica" when designing them.

Damn MKH was fun to play. I thought it was really successful too, considering the budget. Why haven't they made a sequel yet?

Whew, some connection.
In that way it has connection to the food they ate during development.

Did Gen touch your Soul Gem in a bad way, user?

You're a weird one if you let that influence your gameplay choice but I won't hold it against you

Nier is on a different timeline than Drakengard 3 so it's okay

drakengard =/= nier retard

Don't understand what you meant.
Madoka universe has much injustice, and I don't like it.
Nier is spin-off of Drakengard, is not it?

That's a retarded reason, but Urobuchi is an overrated hack, so whatever.

>Muramasa (Momohime, Okoi and Rajaki are all great)
>Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge (Kasumi and Ayane are playable characters throughout the game and Kasumi is the best character to play as in general)
>Bayonetta 1 and/or 2 (Bayo isn't exactly cute, but the gameplay is good)
>Oneechanbara Z2 (not an amazing game but the girls are cute and sexy regardless)

Nier is a sequel to one of Drakengard 1's endings in which the protagonist and his dragon are taken to the real universe to fight the final boss and get shot down by fighter jets. It's in a different continuity than Drakengard 3.

The Senran Kagura games are really fun if you can get past the fanservice.

>Madoka universe has much injustice

But it's full of nothing but justice, user, it's a zero-sum series!

But yeah, you wouldn't like Nier at all if that irks you

I'd love to play Bayonetta 2, but don't have Wii U.

Well then just play Bayo 1 and then see if you like it enough to justify getting a WiiU. Prices should be down now with the Switch coming out, hopefully.

>but don't have Wii U.
if only there was some way to change that...