Have you played this and why is it GOTY?
What is it? Never heard of it.
>Early Access
That looks pretty fucking incredible, but that "early access" sign in the top right corner is a huge red flag, so no thanks.
I want to but my internet sucks
Why is this game so damn good? It should be shit
I'm having the time of my life playing the pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack on repeat while reloading a cannon.
I'm loving it. It's got some of the best weather I could ever hope for in a game about naval warfare.
As far as early access go it's pretty good. The gameplay is all there and I'm interested to see what else they add. Games are a lot of fun when you are with a crew who knows what they are doing, but are pretty bad if your crew is shit.
I'd rather have two giant ships
Rather than a bunch of tiny boats with only a handful of cannons
I remember there was a Garry's Mod gamemode that was just like this, and it was a blast. This looks fun too, but the trailer showcases very buggy gameplay, so I will probably wait until they finish it before I consider buying it.
this and M&B:napoleonic wars are giving me my 18th century vidya fix
Dont you mean Black flag?
Nice fps you got there.
Oh fuck I think I played this a long ass time ago in GMOD 9. It had straight up full twin and triple mast ships with different cannon sizes.
The devs actually mentioned that as one of their main inspiration during the kickstarter. If you liked Pirate Ship Wars in Garrysmod you shouldn't worry about it being buggy, as that gamemode was enjoyable but a giant clusterfuck.
Basically it is very similair, but with a faster pace and much more polish and a bit more content. The only thing that is really buggy in the honestly poor trailer are the ragdolls. The game doesn't take itself serious, but it isn't a buggy mess if you got that impression from the video.
Actually is a really fun game except when you get a crew of gooks who have no idea what they're doing.
This shit happened when I was playing, haven't laughed this hard in a while
They were testing a siege mode during the kickstarter alpha, but that was put on hold to balance out the ship TDM modes. Seems like the devs want to work on that soon again though.
That loops pretty nicely.
Yes I noticed that myself, it was purely accidental.
holy fuck I usually never buy EA dogshit but this is pretty good. I hope they add a load more shit and work on melee combat more. Also add actual aiming to cannons to distinguish between good crews more.
I don't think they'll add aiming to cannons, it seems to me that the point is so the whole crew will fire at the right time on the captain's orders. To encourage broadside coordination instead of lonewolfing.
By aiming I mean more up/down rather than left/right, though you could add maybe 15-20 degrees of left/right. I'm a massive naval history fan so I'd like to see more realism, like if you were going to pepper people from a distance aiming would be great, but newbie crews could still be useful for a full broadside at point blank and board in the smoke.
Looks fun. The sounds in the trailers and the sailors exploding got me interested.
Don't think I'll buy it just yet though.
So how is performance? Looks pretty decent here unlike in OPs pic.
I have a 970 and i5 2500k, I get 80 - 120 FPS on max settings.
>it's a "Captain lets the ship get raked every volley because he just wants to ram the enemy" episode
>it's a "Some asshole keeps loading grapeshot in half the guns" episode
Don't care if this is a viral marketing thread looks bretty fun.
GPU just shat out though so it'll have to wait :(
>Early Access
I wonder, why has noone made a commercial copy out of Garrysmods Trouble in Terrorist Town?