Games that look great until it has to load things more then 5 feet away

>Games that look great until it has to load things more then 5 feet away.


I know you're just a shitposting sonypony but quite frankly BotW doesn't look particularly good within those five feet in the first place.

Literally any game on current gen consoles.

>he doesn't own a Pro
>he doesn't play it on 4k with HDR
Must feel bad to be poor.

I still don't get the pro meme.
>paying more money for worse graphics
What's the appeal?

giving sony money is the appeal poorfag

>he fell for the shitposting meme

Oh, I understand now.

reigning champ

Shitposting isn't a meme, it's a way of life.

Most games. Priority is put on the character's immediate surroundings. Modern GPUs are good at what they do but not if they have to spread it out a lot.


That's what happens when you make an open-world meme.

My 1080 disagrees. Have you ever seen Witcher 3 ran on a 1080 in 4k? Looks good for miles.

Fuck that annoys me so hard, The game is beautiful if you don't move.

This is a PS4 Pro, playing on my 4k monitor. The PS4 Pro doesn't run at true 4k, plus I don't think it capture screenshots and vids at 4k anyways.

Most games don't let you just keep raising the lod.

W3 has pretty good lod on pc tho

Not in the in game settings it's usually easy to modify. However, Witcher 3 good LOD and running at ultra 144fps makes me cum soft.

not a consolefag but that screenshot actually looks pretty good in terms of draw distance

another screenshot.

For a AAA open-world console game, anyway.

Not disagreeing, just saying that most games aren't like that. Plus I think you can just keep raising the lod in the config file in TW3 until you effectively don't have any lod scaling and everything is running at its best quality always.

I wouldn't say it's usually easy to modify. Especially when the game is a console port.