My Switch finally arrived from Amazon

My Switch finally arrived from Amazon.
But I got no games until tomorrow.
What do?

dick on tablet with timestamp. Dubs demand it.

What country are you in? I'm in Amerifat land, we're still literally all waiting a whole nother day.
Test the joycon signal issue and tell us about it.

he'd better wait for the day 1 patch

Im in Japan.
Timestamp coming up.

Yeah, but some people have units that don't have signal issues even without the patch.

Browse the web

You can't even go to the eshop?

Oh is it out here already? I've seen like NO hype for it other than the occasional TV ad.

nintendo is investigating this problem, I will buy the switch only if the left joycon problem is fixed

>Test the joycon signal issue and tell us about it.

No dick but here you go.
I dont know why but the guy that sold it to me sent it fast.
There's a good amount of hype for it here.

Charge it,
Get ready for vidya

Finally someone who got it early and is willing to show the console

Can you answer a question I had about it m8? Can you use headphones with the switch and listen to the game while the console is docked? I don't have a TV and my monitor doesn't have any audio out ports.

Ok so I tried standing what I assume is 10 feet away with both joycons.
There was no lag at all.
I even put them behind my back.
Maybe Im just lucky.

Why the hell would you preorder a console on day fucking one of its release, dumbass?

Are you gaijin?

If so, guessing you teach English over there?


..Wait, I'm in America

So you can say you had the Switch since day 1, why wouldn't you faggot, unless you were nigger-tier poor.

Thank God some units are working properly.

European Switches have the issue as well.
Seems like only Japanese models are safe.

Can you please test whether the screen is glass or plastic?

Some sites say this others say that

Yeah you can use headphones with it.
I gotta make that yen.
I felt like buying it.

While it's docked on displaying on the TV?!

Cool thanks tons man.

How is the screen quality? Do you feel like a protector is needed or is it more like modern phones where you'd have to be a moron to damage them?

Im pretty sure its plastic.
I think its the same quality as other nintendo handheld screens.
Im getting a protector because its already smudging up.

hey...does this thing have an auto day light saving option or whatever?

Really? I see. Pretty much every reviewer so far said the screen is a big step up over the 3ds/wiiu gamepad one, strange to hear that.

>No games

Better get used to that

Put a joycon in your ass.

Joycon up the pooper

Yeah it has auto bright.
Yeah I dont see it as an upgrade, just more of the same.
Im getting Zelda tomorrow.

I ran out of lube.
You dont wanna see my black ass.

Cool. Are you a high school english teacher?

9 seconds apart wew

Can you put it in the dock and take it out again taking a close look at how close the screen is to the "wall" in the dock?

Basically I want you to examine how tight it is in there and how likely one would be to scratch or at least make the screen touch the inner side of the dock when putting it in and pulling it out, is that safe or is there any risk in contact?

You know seeing pictures of the Switch in a regular setting, I'm starting towonder if the joycons will take off as intended. Multiplayer and all.

The UI looks like android. Can you post more?

does the front wall even do anything?if its such a problem could we just cut it off the dock?

do the joycons unlatch easily (with a simple push) like that video some faggot posted some hours ago?

user, try holding about for 5 seconds and if you find build number try pressing 7 times. I want to know if it's Android/ developer mode possible

Nope just part time right now.
Its a pretty tight fit.
I'll try to take a good pic.
No they do not, and its kind of annoying to detach.

Are you banging any japanese women? (please answer)
Also, if you have a macbook, or access to one. Can you do me a favor and see if you can plug the switch into it and use the macbook like a display.

Wow op you're actually a pretty cool guy

This is the best pic, I could take.

Also can you try booting with pressing volume up and power button at same time?

Seems like not much space is left there.
Did your screen make any contact with the wall when you put it in and took it out?

Yeah my wife.
I've never owned a mac.
It just boots normally.

Yeah it did, but there are no scratches.

>Yeah my wife.
Got damn you're cool. And damn, see I ask because I just bought this macbook pro (the one with the touchbar) and it has a better screen than anything i've used and i'd like to use it for the switch. As in like the mac will be the display and the switch will be the controller if that makes sense.

Do you agree that Matsuya is better than Yoshinoya?
How many times have you gone to an imouto cafe?
Why is natto so disgusting?

Watch Neftlix. You can at least do that, right?

Tsukiya beats them both.
>How many times have you gone to an imouto cafe?
Only once and one of the maids had track marks on her arm.
>Why is natto so disgusting?
Ancient Japanese secret.

Please, try turning it on with power, volume + button, volume - button and show pics. That is the maintenance mode.

...they have heroin in japan?...

You know you can't, you already knew that.

Connect the joycons to PC with bluetooth.

drugs are everywhere

>Only 3 and a half hours until I get my Switch.
I'm pretty pleased.

Not as much as my home city. (Detroit, MI)

Take a look inside. Open it

Start transferring your Virtual Console games to it.

It boots normally but I'll keep trying.
Drugs are everywhere.
Roppongi is drug central, and the cops wont do shit about it.
Im actually surprised at how light it is.
I wish I could try out Breath of the Wild and post the results.

How many weird looks do you get as a filthy gaikokujin in Japan?

What file system does the SD card use
Can you pair joy cons to a pc
What happens if you plug in a generic usb c to HDMI adapter
Open up the dock and see whats inside the front if anything at all

I'm getting nervous man, only reason I bought it on Tesco is because of the employee discount.

You have to hold the power button, volume up and volume down, all at the same time. The maintenance mode is mentioned when you try to initialize the console (factory reset).

How does it compare in weight to the Vita?
How does the build quality feel?
Are the buttons clicky or mushy?
Will you be getting Snipperclips?
What's with the tiny D-Pad?

It's not a tiny d-pad, it's a button.

Why do so many blacks work in roppongi where they walk next to me and try to convince me to go to some titty bars? They are really annoying to get rid off

Thanks for beta testing user, hopefully it'll have a decent lineup by the time i pick it up around Christmas.

You should be.

Hey if you can save £50 on a new console why wouldn't you

Its worse being black and have them holler at you like
>hey brother come here, youre my brother right?
Those African fucks are scam artists.
I never had a Vita but its lighter than a PSP.
I think its pretty sturdy.
Dunno, but it works fine.

Hey, if you like being lied to, sure.

Maintenance mode pls
I bet it looks like the vita's

Excellent. I love clicky buttons.

Not sure what you mean, Tesco did a bundle for the controller and switch to save £10 and I saved £38 from the employee discount.

> I got no game* until tomorrow
fixed that for you

how is japan op
what you doing there

Its pretty nice. So many people are robotic though.
So Im just culturally enriching the place.
I gotta go cook dinner now.