>chromatic abberation in my mass effect
dead on arrival
>chromatic abberation in my mass effect
dead on arrival
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I think chromatic aberration looks nice.
Usually I can spot it pretty easily, but I'm not really seeing it. If it's there, it's subtle.
I mean, I'm not buying the game regardless, and for reasons far more egregious than chromatic aberration, but still.
absolutely disgusting
Why have so many devs fallen for this meme? This shit is worse than motion blur.
Because it's the current in-trend with artists. Give it a few years and it'll be gone.
It makes it look like I'm watching a 3D movie without 3D glasses.
that ui is a fucking mess
>has floating icons to show where stuff is
>AND a compass
>and a little display thing in the top right
fucking hell
In moderate amounts. It looks horrendous in The Order and Bloodborne.
>playing an asari
Hold on have they shown the multiplayer then?
old film grain because im a failed artist who will never get a job at Hollywood nor im talented enough to make a successful indie flick so i'll just use instagram filters to make up for my daddy being disappointed in me and my entire generation meme. Basically, most devs now are millennials.
honestly i hate vignette 10 times more than i hate CA
my vision problems create a decent amount of it in the real world anyway. I will never know it is added unless someone tell me about it. everything in life has it.
People will literally bitch about anything huh?
>There are people on this board who pre ordered this game
What exaclty is chromatic aberration?
>no visible weapon
wtf is that bullshit
What the fuck are you guys subscribed to where you get mass effect information this fast?
cant wait to pirate this on release.
the move the red and blue away from each other to fuck up the image and hide how bad it looks normally.
>lb and rb have to be pressed for your third power
>not Y
and multiplayer was ruined as well
Don't ever read comments. Just stick to the news links.
fps means first person shooter you retard
I know that you idiot but why would you say that about a game that's 3rd person?
I'm not going there user.
Been posting screens after they said the tech test was cancelled.
Over half of the multiplayer classes are human.
wtf it's clearly first person I can see the crosshair and the hud, that's why I was wondering where the players weapon is?
i bet you like hotline miami
Ibdo hope youre just pretending
To be far ME3's multiplayer was like that for a while as well.
You're not getting a (you) from me this time.
For the degenerates out there who actually like it or don't pay attention to it. Fuck you.
I hope they actually give us the option of turning it off tho.
So you like everything being needlessly harsh and blurry?
t. stevie wonder
>game is clearly first person (i.e. you see what the character sees)
>yet there is no weapon on screen
that's the worst fps I have ever seen and you are retarded if you can't see that
not that guy, but i still don't see it
I can't see it if it's there.
I do too, user, i do too.
I see nothing but loathe and disgust for it on Sup Forums, but personally i think it looks cool. I love the look of it in Bloodborne. I understand people dislike for the blurry sort of effect it has on games cause people on Sup Forums tend to like a crisp picture and nothing else. But chromatic abberation is such a cool stylistic effect, i like the style a lot, i just think it's nifty.
Bring on the hate if you want, but i like it.
Why does the HUD in ME:A look like that of a shitty free to play asian MMO?
at least you didn't say you actually liked DoF like everyone in /tesg/
Slight chromatic aberration on highly contrasting edges is nice. OP's pic is atrocious.
wtf I don't even see it
All I'm seeing is this.
Your shitposting skill is weak. Lurk for 1 year before you post again.
Lighting looks really nice desu
>tfw I never even notice it
Only things I hate is motion blur and dof.
I wasn't shitposting. Just trying to make a point about how cancerous over the shoulder view is.
looks average; nothing in there is showing off the lighting; doesn't even look like PBR, that specular map is pretty rough on the armor
>to give the image a more artistic look
Me too
>Basically, most devs now are millennials.
How old are you and why are you still posting here?
>there are people who pre ordered this game
why are you upset, stupid people are going to waste their money on a bad game that they will pretend to like
This warframe update lools shithouse
What did I just tell you?
Of all the things to hate about EA and Mass Effect in particular and you autists are complaining about a little colored blur in an environment with ridiculous colors and a bizarre mix of high and low rez textures. Are you not seeing this horrendous UI?
Fuck right off.
Only game i've seen it done extremely well in was Ayylmao Isolation
>tfw you hate CA, DoF, bloom, lens flare, motion blur, de-satured colors and everything else that mucks up the visibility during gameplay
Truly the worst time to be gaming.
I don't get this "UI" meme. Sup Forums is incredibly divisive between Sony, Nintendo, MS, PC, etc. But the one thing everyone agrees with, is to complain about bad UI. I have never read anyone here praise any UI, only shit on ALL uis..
Triple AAAA games have had no idea on how to make an immersive interface ever and feel like it's a necessity to add information everywhere with their "follow the guide compass".
The UI is minimalistic, precise and easy to read. Also very similar to the UI of previous ME games. There is literally nothing wrong with it.
I still hate it that I can't disable it natively in GTA V on PC.
>OP's image
the fuck you smoking
did the the thin lines at the top lead you to believe this?
Tell me what does not belong in the UI and I will tell you why you're wrong.
Especially if you're a crybaby faggot.
>tfw you love all the cheesy visual effects.
i think it looks dumb but not to the point most people here do, not unless it's way overused
depth of field and motion blur can fuck right off though, 100% pure garbage
i think it's the red and blue tint surrounding the edges of those sharp shrubs
What's chromatic abberation I tried reading about it but still domt really understand
next game is gonna look like this
eat a dick, cluttered ui is a legit complaint
good news, DoF is being phased out as console-tier hardware can handle more distant meshes on screen to make distant rendering beautiful and not need effects to disguise shitty geometry in the distance
Not that guy but the information about A B and C is redundant, you could entirely remove the compass on top and the indicators on the top right or better yet, keep those and remove the disgusting icons from the middle of the screen
>motion blur
>chromatic abberation
>film grain
into the trash
I'm not interested in this game but you don't really know what you're talking about. Film grain is used to blend everything you're seeing, not to make it look like an IG filter.
An extreme example of the opposite are Japanese games like Yakuza where you can basically see the texture pattern jpegs individually. Nothing looks cohesive.
How is the information about A, B and C redundant when all 3 need to be captured? The locations change each time so it is necessary to keep location markers on screen so you know where to go.
>make game look worse
>lowers fps
you forgot dof
looks like CSI:Miami