What's your prediction for Zelda's final Metascore?

What's your prediction for Zelda's final Metascore?
Mine is 82



And that's generous.

Tony Hawks' The Elder Dogma Shadow of Metal Souls Downhill Jam of the Cooking Xenomama Chronicles Gear Solid II Turbo HD Remix & Knuckles: Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry™ Series



>Anything less than 90
Can you be serious for one moment?

delusional h8er u mean


96 or 97

93-95 Guarenteed



no way this is going below 90. zelda meme and open world meme is too strong with game reviewers.

Aside from the one literal Sony shill from Dualshockers reviewers actually seem extremely impressed. To the point where they're uncomfortable comparing it to Horizon. I'm going for a 96-97

Absolutely guaranteed over 90 but also one guaranteed 60 or 70 score that will be shitposted into oblivion on Sup Forums

Well reviewers have no balls so it's gonna be in the 90s when it should be low 80s at most

>dude doesn't suck the shit from the game's asshole

>tfw 8pm Australian time and the embargo hasn't broken so I have to either buy the game tomorrow morning or risk supposed low stocks of the Wii U version

Dude got his site banned from neogaf for being too much of a Sony shill. I didn't even think that was possible.

Above 91 and up to 95

user, the reviewer is extremely biased towards Sony.
This is not a new thing, and although they normally hire a person more well versed in the franchises that they don't play, suddenly the person who gave Horizon a 100 is saying negative things about BoTW on a performance level. This is despite the problems being apparent in Horizon too.