Let's go Sup Forums, and don't forget to say the settings as well

Let's go Sup Forums, and don't forget to say the settings as well.


According to Sup Forums all you need is REALISTIC Graphics, MEGABDifficulty, and mediocre COMBAT


>No graphics
It's a text based game then?

Just make it mod friendly and the users can fix all the bugs right?

My assumption is that the chance cards affect purely points and the perks can't go negative.

Just fuckin check the Avellone box if you're gonna make PS:T nerd.

With a good enough combat system, unbalanced difficulty wouldn't matter.

It's a revolution for the RPG genre, anything you can imagine will be possible, the game will deliver a structured narrative that tells the tale of every single character in the game, each a fully fleshed out individual with as much care and attention paid to them as the protagonist of a standard RPG. Although these hand-crafted unique narratives are in place, the number of interactions and the ultimate path the world takes is incredibly flexible, and it's you, the player who will influence these events. You have total freedom to be who you want to be, go anywhere, do anything. Want to just open up a store and settle down in the first town you come across? You can do it. Want to enslave the entire population? It won't be easy, but nothing is impossible.

All this will be delivered with mind-blowing graphics using our new engine that really allows the world to reflect the march of time and the effect of the inhabitants living on it. From sweeping vistas to the tiny bugs crawling up the stem of a plant, you'll see it all.

That seems fairly optimal actually, though I would have taken 3 points out of quest depth, 2 out of marketing, put 1 more into combat and the other 2 back into RPG stats.

So basically it's just a really good combat simulator.

Well done, your game has exceeded the GDP of Japan.

Might want to be more specific about what storytelling and dialogues mean. Like what aspects of those things rely on these stats?

There I made the perfect video game.

>text adventure
>perfect combat

You made a buggy boring mess

The bugs add to the fun.

Using your imagination makes for the best combat.


And also why doesn't dialogue count as part of the story? What exactly does "dialogues" entail?
If we don't worry about whatever the fuck "dialogues" means we can create literally the perfect game.

>Using your imagination makes for the best combat
>Let me just imagine the rest of the gameplay too
>Hey look! Now I have perfect game!

what a shit template, none of the chance cards make any sense

>Piracy boosts sales

>pleb has never played a ttrpg

This is a cool chart.

Character interactions. You can have a shit story but still enjoy what your characters have to say.

You know that 3 cards are free right? You can use the points you save to compensate the cost

"Proper difficulty is a retarded category, that only comes off as some spiteful jab a fromsoft. It's throwing off the scale.

And the chance cards are retarded. Because you're spending points in order to gain points.

yall niggas posting in a well crafted bait thread

Well, that was easy

bugs in a text game must add a lot of fun

Sure hope you don't mind Halo-on-legendary levels of bullshit difficulty

nice walking simulator

>Can't beat bugs
I bet you get your ass kicked by a fly.

>I'm sorry I didn't understand that sentence

where is then music?

you'll buy it

Congrats you've made a MOBA

>Quest deeper than the mariana trench
>Has no plot, dialogue or worldbuilding
>Mindblowing text-based combat

This is approximately what I'm shooting for with my game

It's not a walking simulator. It's a masterful digital CYOA, you pleb.

And it'll have some nice waifus, alien waifus

How to spot a soulsfag 101.

You have 2 points unused.

Yeah, I'm a soulsfag, want to fight about it? Doesn't change the facts. The chart is poorly designed.

just like souls games LOL

All of them in story telling


whoops didnt mean to quote

>+5 graphics

You don't know how to count right?

For some reason I tought Sup Forums had good taste in RPGs

I read it all in his voice too, you fuck.

>FromSoftware, +8 Marketing
Normies don't have a fucking clue about most of their games. Their marketing is pretty shit.

And I thought people on Sup Forums could read a simple sentence without fuck it up

What did he do wrong?