Final Fantasy XIV

Is this game dying? Why can't it beat WoW when WoW is over 10 years old?

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>It's 4AM and there's a queue to get on my server
Yeah game is super dead they should just shut it down already.

is maintenance over yet?

Yep. Just logged in.

>be elezen
>try to wear the ladies day men's clothes
>look like shit

>literally 0 people online

dead game

>Zhloe is retarded
Kinda cute but also kinda annoying.

Every male looks like a complete douche or raging homo in it, so don't feel bad.

The only good thing about the event is that I thought the dance was the Carlton at first glance, and now I've cursed all of my friends so they can't unsee it being the Carlton.

Running into a similar problem. Outfit is super cute but female elezen kind of struggle with cute.

Trying to find a color or something that makes it work.

>Khloe will grow up and talk in succor reddit speak
It's not fair.

>I thought the dance was the Carlton at first glance
now i see it, i fucking love you user

>zhloe items are even easier than ixal items
Expected, but still disappointed
Easy scripts, i'll actually bother unlike her little sister shit.

That easy huh, I was worried they be random 1* items or something and by the time i got home all the scalpers would've jacked up the prices on the raw mats.

All the mats for the items she requests are sold by a vendor in Idyllshire. Every time you level up her satisfaction the items she requests get more difficult, but they don't go higher than 1-star.

Zhloe story spoilers so far for non-craft/gatherfags:
>She's an old friend and employee of Rowena's
>Started an orphanage in Idyllshire
>Doesn't have enough money to pay the bills
>Opened up a trading business to make money, gives you scrips in exchange for collectibles she can sell.
>One of her orphans is the pink loli catgirl, whose name is revealed as T'kebbe.


Great, more shit to gather and craft for vendors rather than players. Is Yoshi retarded or something

>you'll never give Zhloe the joy of motherhood

I thought Khloe was her daughter? Did the father do a pump and dump?

It sort of makes sense when you consider that Zhloe is not too bright

Sister probably. The cutscenes will probably reveal her relationship to Khloe down the road, but not for a while because you can only get so many satisfaction points per week.

>didn't expect your server to have to many crafters at 5am

>not expecting people to poopsock the shit out of content the second it's out

Do people playing this game learn nothing?

At least this content is T I M E G A T E D

>tfw no fun challenging content cuz retards are too stupid

best mom

What is easier to get in terms of scrips if you do it the normal way: gathering or crafting scrips.

If you buy the materials, crafting. Otherwise, gathering.

Crafting. You can automate it with a macro that can do the whole fucking thing for you, you just need to reset the craft after every one.

Gathering timed node shit is just annoying as fuck. Fishing Illuminati perch is easy and reliable.

Well alright then going for crafting scrips then for this waifu thing.

You got a macro I could use?

>be elezen
there's your problem right there

So is this like another beast tribe grind except even easier?

>didn't do seph or zurv first day so now am stuck in limbo between people who won't take me in no matter what and people who are absolute shitters
>will never get those birds until lvl70 unsync faceroll groups

Did anyone's red scrips just vanish? I should have 450 banked from last week but I have 0.

>She literally treats them like cats
Jesus Christ how terrifying

Are you sure you didn't mistaken current amount and weekly cap amount.

No I had capped Red Scrips with both DotL and Hand last night I'm 100% sure of it.

>get bird
>use it once to jump around housing area
>return to using the ads all the time

I wonder what the RDM trainer is going to be like. A failed mage that took up fencing? Maybe some Ishgardian nobleman. Or maybe red magic is some ancient lost art like summoning.

>treats them like cats

Kind of. Basically just sidestory content for crafters and gatherers. No one knows if there are any unique rewards for it yet though, besides a title.

It's also just the first of what seems to be many similar NPCs they'll be adding over time.

No idea then. Did you accidentally spend it?

They promised me affection with other chaarcters

They should put in a mogstation item that puts Y'shtola in a bikini.

Overnight millionaires.

I expect the most euphoric of gentlemen who uses his red magic to save the women in a most chivalrous manner but is also kind of a dick when they don't put out.

give me a /tipshat emote too please.

I unironically want to have sex with Y'shtola

Speaking of sex
>decided to put squadrone to train
>didn't want to wait so went to sleep, just start mission in the morning
>another maint for no reason
It's not like i wanted this shit or anything...

Also is ther a way to buy things into my inventory and not armory? I want to get shit for retainers but without retarded armory page jumping.

There's an option to put all gear you get into inventory

Well, what's this option and how do i activate it?

Go through your options dumbass.
You might find more interesting stuff.

Its in character configuration somewhere

Not enough content.
plus you'll get sick of the little content it has because they force an artificial grind on you.

Also can't play as the best faction with the coolest armors. Garleans.

>Samurai’s “sen” system is a completely new rotation system. It’s more similar to Monk’s stances, completely different from Ninja’s mudras.

Thoughts? Is SAM going to be MNK with sword?

They even use same gears and (presumably) share same raid spot (melee, single-handedly deal high damage)

>mnk gets btfod harder and harder with each new info piece about sam

Only thing i want is for sam to have no positional shit.

>plot twist: SAM has debuff for blunt damage but doesn't deal blunt damage.

My guess: Their combos/weaponskills will have Setsu, Getsu or Ka affinity. If you use all 3 in some order you get a stack. Spend 3 stacks on super-attack like Iai slash.

>it is in second combo route
>nobody will ever use second combo route

>Start thread about FFXIV dying
>Turns into FFXIV General

After the SAM was revealed I feel like everyone's boner over RDM disappeared, but mine is still hard as sin.

Samurai will have only one weapon skill combo that will change depending on which stance you're in.

Even boner for SAM seems to be dwindling too.

Doesn't help that they haven't release any further info regarding RDM or whatsoever, except for the fact that they will be sharing caster gears, which people already guessed anyway.

Nah, i take stylish RDM over SAm any day, as long as they won't make him ass to play, like they did with MCH and BRD

So like Grease Lightning except it's not Grease Lightning?

>You fucked me doggystyle, to balance out I must fuck you with a strapon now

>the unenlightened cum

>GameWatch: Two new jobs, Samurai and Red Mage will be implemented. All of the DPS jobs up until now had some kind of a support skill in their arsenal. Is that not the case for Samurai?
>Yoshida: With the battle system revamp, we will be removing the additional skills and introduce a new system called “Role-shared actions”. Not limiting the question to only Samurai; other DPS’ support actions will also be looked into. Many actions that are useful and shared at the moment will be put into the role shared action category. Therefore, it’s better to talk about role shared actions, rather than only Samurai.

Goodbye MNK special Mantra?

W-Who cares! Martial arts were gay anyway!

Anyone else getting this error when closing act

>zhloe takes less than 2 minutes to finish


Maybe. But could potentially also get Goad if they open up ROG's skills.

it will deal 200 more total potency than main combo or some shit.

But so people won't only use it the main combo will give you buff for damage (as is tradition) and evreything is timed such a way you can only do 1 combo+1skill before having to reapply buffs\dots.

>GameWatch: The city of Kugane seems as huge as Ishgard. Will it be split into multiple areas?
>Yoshida: We have split the big cities into two areas up until now, which made navigation and movements quite a pain. This time we have created only one zone, while maintaining the size. We also had some fun with the city, so when you’re done with adventuring, be sure to go around the city and look for those aspects (laugh).

So Kugane will be only 1 zone?

Nice, I guess.

I don't know why they had to make new items to hand in to her. Could have just used the extensive list of shit we barely touch as it is.

Same goes for other collectibles. It annoys me that shit like Periwinkle or Cuprite is not used in any recipe and exists only to be turned in as a collectible.

>Proto Ultima is easier than the very first enemy you encounter at level 1
>Relic final quest is shorter than the very first Main Scenario quest
wew lad

how can i comit a suicide?????

Why is Shire Shield + Alex Sword considered "bad"?

After Red Mage and Samurai, how many more jobs can there conceivebly be left?

>complained about how server resource is so limiting
>lmao let's add new bloat items every patch

They are retarded.

Loads. They're not going to be especially unique but most people won't care.

But it's not? The other choices would be Relic or Zurvan shield anyway.

>Agent >Animist
>Ark Knight >Assassin
>Bandit >Beastmaster
>Berserker >Bishop
>Biskmatar >Black Belt
>Blue Mage >Breaker
>Calculator/Arithmetician >Cannoneer
>Cardinal >Celebrant
>Chemist >Chocobo Knight
>Cleric >Commando
>Commoner >Corsair
>Dancer >Dark Fencer
>Defender >Devout
>Divine Knight >Dragonkin
>Duke >Elementalist
>Evoker >False Saint
>Fencer >Festivalist
>Fighter >Freelancer
>Flintlock >Fusilier
>Gadgeteer >Gambler
>Game Hunter >Geomancer
>Grand Duke >Green Mage
>Gunner >Heritor
>Hermetic >Hero
>High Confessor >Holy Knight
>Hunter >Illusionist
>Judgemaster >Juggler
>Keeper >Knight
>Lanista >Magus
>Mascot >Master Monk
>Medic >Memorist
>Merchant >Mime
>Moogle Knight >Morpher
>Mystic Knight >Necromancer
>Netherseer/Hell Knight >Nightblade
>Nightshade >Onion Knight
>Oracle >Orator
>Parivir >Party Host
>Puppetmaster >Princess
>Psychic >Ranger
>Raptor >Ravager
>Rune Knight >Runeseeker
>Saboteur >Sage
>Salve-Maker >Seamstress
>Seer >Sentinel
>Shaman >Sky Pirate
>Skyseer/Heaven Knight >Sniper
>Soldier >Sorcerer
>Spellblade >Spell Fencer
>Squire >Sword Saint
>Synergist >Templar
>Thief >Time Mage
>Tinker >Trickster
>Uhlan >Vampire
>Viking >Viscount
>White Monk >Witch of the Coven/Arc Witch


just don't remove SMN ress, it's my guilty pleasure

we haven't fulfilled the 1.0 prophecy yet but it's close now

>Grand Duke

Those are just noble titles. Do your money and land holdings give you power?

>Dumbing down the battle system and having role restricted actions
>DPS will only get DPS actions, Tanks have to stick with Tank skills etc
>Summoner still gets a heal, a debuff, eye for an eye, a tank pet and a combat rez, none of which are cross class so they cant be removed.

Feels good being the most flexible job

Just names of jobs/classes that have appeared in previous FFs. Those ones are usually special classes for unique characters.

Yes, I keep getting it with the dx11 client but not dx9. It still logs fine either way though.

>cross class mantra
lel no, the mnk cross class skills that'll go into the role pool are internal release and second wind.

>Summoner heal
You can't even make toothache go away with that base mnd, fuck off

>does money and land holding gives you power?

I read that in a Lalafell voice for some reason.

The interview specifically mentioned support action though.

>lalafell voice

You support your healers by not dying :^)

Will we get to kill this piece of shit?

Ilberd pulled a fast one on us I hope this little won't be too.

>Monks will also lose Fracture
Stormblood is the gift that keeps on giving when talking about Monks getting fucked.

>SHP will never be real
>you will always have to rely on retainers and fucking drop rates for skins and meat


>implying Rez and E4E won't be put in healer bracket therefore gone from SMN arsenal

so i can be full support now?

>Doing turnin quests to raise satisfaction levels with an NPC
>Just unlocks some basic dialog
>Always the same shit. Just some NPC using you to get them shit then saying 'kthxbai'

How long into MQL i unlock drawanian gaylands? And how long untill i unlock flying everywhere?
I had 60lvl gathering for long ass time but only just got black chocobo (and realised i still can't fly because lol MQL) and wonder how long do i have to do this.

>Shepherding dragons