Borderlands 3

How many Borderlands titles did you play?
Why did you play it? What was so special about a rng loot based shooter?
Are you interested in a new Borderlands?

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I played the shit out of 2. Played the pre-sequel without my friend that made 2 fun and got bored in under 2 hours and never picked it up again. I would consider playing a third title if it interested me and I had a friend to play with.

played 1, 2, and presequel.
watched the tales game.

All of them.
The shooting and looting looked cool. It was the first game to mix the two.

I played the first one with friends and some of the second one. I'm not gonna touch anything by Gearbox.

>How many Borderlands titles did you play
One - Borderlands 1

>Why did you play it? What was so special about a rng loot based shooter?
It was pretty novel at the time it came out, but I played it because my roommate had a copy of the game. It was only fun because of that.

Are you interested in a new Borderlands?

>How many Borderlands titles did you play? 2 and pre-sequel

>Why did you play it? What was so special about a rng loot based shooter?
Girlfriend got me into the series to play with her
FPS "rpg" sounded like a lot of fun. Lots of guns. Can make char specs.
Decent variety.

>Are you interested in a new Borderlands?
A lot moreso now that Burch isn't part of the writing staff

This. Goodbye Gearbox you won't have my shekels anymore.


>A literal survey
Go suck my dick, gearbox.

>How many Borderlands titles did you play?
All of them.

>Why did you play it? What was so special about a rng loot based shooter?
Friend showed it to me, fell in love with it and BL2.

>Are you interested in a new Borderlands?
Yes, I wasn't a fan of Pre-Sequel.

I played BL1 for 300 hours and BL2 for 500, I really can't get into the Pre-Sequel because I don't like any of the characters (playable and NPCs). I'll be satisfied if BL3 is like BL2 with improved drop rates and scaling, and it'll be my GOTY if it has decent writing and a better skill system with more active skills, but I have little faith in Gearbox

>How many Borderlands titles did you play?
A little bit of 1, a good amount of 2 in three player co-op, barely any Pre-Sequel.

>Why did you play it? What was so special about a rng loot based shooter?
I played the first at release because I was young and it seemed like a neat concept. Eventually I got bored of it. A friend bought the Handsome Jack Collection to co-op, which is the only reason I'd even considered playing 2.

>Are you interested in a new Borderlands?
Depends. At this point I don't think I feel like giving my money to Gearbox. I also thought the writing in Borderlands 2 would cause a brain tumor to grow. The rng needs to be changed, as 99% of the time a weapon with decent stats is found it also has some "special effect" that makes it absolutely useless. Less fucking memes and reference quests. Then, and only then, I'll think about buying the game second hand when it goes for 20 bucks.

1 and about half of 2.
I'd been following 1 since before the artstyle change, but it turned out to be pretty boring outside co-op or playing Siren.

Technically 2 improved the game but it was like the video game equivalent of a kid who told one funny joke and just never stopped going for attention until they pissed everyone off.


I dont know, I dropped it after 2 hours

Played the first one thought it was interesting to give it a shot. Platinumed it. Then finally realized how much of a boring game it was and would never touch the sequel. Or this 3rd game by how shitty the first game was.

>releases level cap increase as DLC
>yes goy pay for downloadable settings
I will pirate your games forever gearjew

>Hides her face the whole time

How many Borderlands titles did you play?
1, 2, Pre-Sequel, and Tales

Why did you play it?
Videogames are fun and I enjoy FPS's, the shoot n'loot RPG style made it that much better.

What was so special about a rng loot based shooter?
One of the first of its kind that catered to my niche tastes which I didn't realize I had until I played.

Are you interested in a new Borderlands?

Gunna be an older playable? Tiny Tina, calling it now. Who else would wear Crimson Lance colors and why else would they want to keep her identity hidden?
Randy even pointed out that they were keeping her face hidden, gotta be a major character.

>How many Borderlands titles did you play?
One so far. But I still have B1 in my library, waiting to be played.

>Why did you play it? What was so special about a rng loot based shooter?
I played it because I was looking for coop-based games to play with my GF.

>Are you interested in a new Borderlands?
I sure am. My GF send me the IGN video today that basically confirmed multiple planets. If she's excited, I'm excited. We are currently putting time into Minecraft, and it will be nice to have more decent MP gamesavailable to us.

I played them all, it is one of my favorite franchises. Too bad burch's writting fuckibg ruins the mood. It is so out of place.

I hooe BL3 doesnt go to the same path.

Gearbox is actually cancer and this game will still sell millions

Gearbox pls go

>Burch isn't part of the writing staff

Day one purchase for me now.

Games were ignored by me on purpose until a few weeks ago actually when I gave them a try. Couldn't stop playing since then I'm hyped as hell for BL3

Pic related, it's my history on Steam from yesterday. I literally no-lifed these games with a friend in the last couple weeks


Making Elpis full of Australians was a mistake. Sure, for the 20 Australians that played this game the inside jokes were probably really funny, but for the rest of us it was shit, coupled with that annoying, incomprehensible accent and you got a dead on arrival game right from the get go

completed 1 and 2, played pre-sequel but got bored a couple of hours in
I won't bother buying a new one, the formula is stale for me already

All of them, but only finished 2.
Genuinely interesting and fun until half of the harder than hard new game plus mode (Ultimate Hunter or something) because of that you've mentioned and the bloated number, making it unfun.
Yeah, absolutely. Not gonna hope that it'll be the best game I've ever played or anything, but I'll be sure to pirate it and maybe buy it after 50++% discount if it's indeed fun.

it's still gearbox making it

colonial marines gearbox
duke nukem forever gearbox
battleborn gearbox
"nobody likes a bigot" cringey song gearbox

burch is the least of their shit now

Played them all, loved them but TPS was a bit lackluster.

Say what you will about nu-Gearbox but this looks fucking radical.

i cant wait for borderl4nds and borderland5

Wait so these games are actually good? Have you trolled me the entire time Sup Forums? I never played them because of "memelands" and "cuck burch" and stuff, I trusted you when you said these games are shit. Now I see many of you actually played and ENJOYED them? Also pic related? What the FUCK??

All of them

1 was the worst plainly because of the repetition, very simple talent trees and low variation in environments. 2 was an improvement in most aspects except of course, writing. Also enemy scaling got out of control. The DLC was mostly worthwhile. Pre-sequel is quite bland and has a pretty limited number of areas, you spend a great deal of time questing in Triton Flats which was a problem in 1 where you quested in The Middle of Nowhere (that is the name of the zone) for a huge time as well. Pre-sequel DLC was alright. Didn't do much for the gameplay mechanics, just a pretty lame O2 and buttslam thing to go with its moon setting and some lasers. I'm actually glad they got rid of Slag from Borderlands 2, didn't like constant switching.

I'd be interested in a new game if it was just like 2 but with better writing and proper enemy scaling.

form your own opinion you fucking retard

In my opinion the games are a blast to play, the writing and some characters can be awful (see: Tina), i don't get why Sup Forums memesters shit on the actual game itself

pfft no, that's not how this works

What I hated about borderlands was the level tree which maked builds boring, they should have had more active abilties than just one.

You really shouldn't be taking Sup Forums as more than a collection of opinions and a place to express yours. If you want to learn about a game objectively, your best options are silent LPs on youtube and pirating-before-buying (or instead of).

protip: when Sup Forums claims something is shit, it's most likely good. It's just part of "v culture" to hate on things on principle alone. Hate for the sake of hating. It's dumb as fuck but unfortunately that's how Sup Forums is.
tl;dr: take every thing with a grain of salt and don't base your opinions about a game on stuff you read on Sup Forums

They are good if you have friends to play with. If you lack those, might as well not bother.

Borderlands 1 is legit great
Borderlands 2 has more obnoxious writing but is till worth the playtime
Haven't played the Pre-Sequel but I've heard bad things

I played 1 a little after it came out, it was pretty cool, but too hard for me.
played 2 on release day, couldn't stand the humor, dropped it

Loved Diablo II, and this was kinda similar but required more skill that I just don't have with a mouse.

Holy fuck, couldn't they get someone better to explain this shit? For a CEO Pitchford comes off as a horrible public speaker.

>Borderlands 1 is legit great
See? This dude has an opinion like that, and in my opinion BL1 is incredibly repetitive. But he managed to enjoy it regardless, how wild is that?

Where were you when Borderlands 3 saved Gearbox again ?

this, kinda boring to play solo

>anti-Sup Forums contrarians that refer to the board as if they're not a part of it themselves
>Borderlands 1 is legit great
No, it's not. It's an empty, clunky, dumb FPS that relies on diablo-esque randomized loot to hide its negatives with only a sort of interesting atmosphere created my music and visuals going for it. As much as both BL games are complete garbage, the first one is a much much worse one.

This should stop being a point or argument, because everything is fun with friends. That doesn't make the game good

It's an FPS for people who like killing. It sounds like you don't want fun floaty jumps, a randomized gun that happens to be tailored perfectly for your build, or a special move that gets you out of a tight spot

Pre Sequel's writing was obnoxious x10. And while some of the characters were fun they were not as fun as the ones in 2. I played it with a friend and we were both pretty meh on the game compared to 1 and 2.

I played the first two out of order. And when you play BL2 before the first 2 just feels better overall to me although i can see why people think one is better.

people also enjoyed skyrim and go home

1 and 2
1 was pretty meh, but still had fun since me and a few friends played through it together
tried to do the same with 2 but the game was worse in just about every way possible, especially once you got into NG+ and beyond

and then seeing how badly they fucked up Aliens and Douk makes me feel im not gonna miss anything by never playing a gearbox game again

>How many Borderlands titles did you play?
1, 2, and PRE; 1 was my favorite and still is.
>Why did you play it?
The gameplay was fun and the story was good.
>What was so special about a rng loot based shooter?
I didn't really like the whole RNG aspect, I would have preferred having weapons to upgrade or reskin yourself rather than rely on chance exclusively.
>Are you interested in a new Borderlands?
Only if the writing isn't full of pop culture references or over zany characters; I liked the dark humor from 1.

Hey Randy, glad you're stopping by

I played all of them because I enjoy the atmosphere, characters and gameplay of the borderlands games

>What was so special about a rng loot based shooter?

Don't know man, but it's basically diablo with guns, and although shooting is a pretty simple mechanic, it's just more fun than the point & click style of diablo

Now go and hurry up with BL3 Randy

Literally you can write things like that for any game.
>mass effect 3
It sounds like you don't want fun cover based action sequences, diverse characters one of which happens to be tailored perfectly for your sexual orientation, or a special biotic ability that gets you out of a tight spot!

>fps merged with arpg
>fails horribly on almost every arpg aspect

I wouldn't bother with another borderlands unless
>each character is given at least 15 skills rather than the 1 they get currently
>more variation on what less common rarities can do
>actual melee weapons
>classes that are fundamentally different from each other rather than 4 shooters that are slightly more inclined to melee or elemental effects etc.
>status effects that do more than just more damage
Amongst others

from the other thread

The amount of decent PC online-coop games is limited however. And we are talking about PvE coop, not pvp content. That limits it down even further.

There's just as much "dark humor" in 1 as there is in 2.

they didn't make colonial marines or duke you retard
colonial marines was outsourced and duke was them polishing 3D Realms's turd

People complaining about 2s scaling.. Yea I agree but I actually never found the endgame in ANY of the Borderlands games fun so what I just did was replay the normal and sometimes the normal+ difficulties. I never even liked about farming for certain uniques. I was satisfied by the gunplay and the setting alone. BL1 100h, BL2 500h, BL1.5 100h.

I see you didn't read the responses; burch was still the lead writer for pre squeal.

>they will fuck up tannis even more
just fucking great

Played 1, kinda liked it. Came back for 2 with the Krieg DLC because he looked fun.

They're okay timesinks.

Whoops, guess I can't read either; he was a main writer.

>Bored 3

>What was so special about a rng loot based shooter
It's the only rng loot based shooter

they will make loot even worse than in 2
calling it now

>Tannis is not what she seems
uh oh

>Click the video


I played through 2, but not all the DLC. I played some of 1, and really enjoyed it, but my friends had already played it and didn't really wanna continue.

I played it because the FPS/RPG was a fun idea. The skill trees were mostly shit and late-game balance was fucking awful, but it was really fun with friends. It suffered from the same thing WoW does; late game sucks for casuals. Unless you're going to grind for a super-low drop on a fuckin' DLC level, you can't do a lot of end-game stuff, and that's pretty gay. Burch is a terrible writer, and the plotholes were dumb, but the core game is fun with friends.

I'm interested in Borderlands 3, but what I truly want is more story interaction, better RNG, and less bullet-sponge enemies. Having to mag-dump three SMG clips into a random bandit's face to kill him is stupid and ruins the flow of the game. Low health/high damage and a reliance on cover/skills/shields makes for a much better experience and encourages teamwork. It's also pretty shit for snipers if they can't at LEAST two-shot standard mobs.

They were the ones responsible for it, did they just not check on the progress of who they outsourced it to like at all?

and forget DNF, Look at World Tour
>remove Megaton Edition everywhere
>Sell this shit for $5 more, doesnt even have all the content Megaton Edition has

and that bulletstorm remaster
>remastering a sales dud from last gen
>charging full $60 and basically adding nothing to it

and theres also that gigantic mess Battleborn

>How many Borderlands titles did you play?
All three
>Why did you play it?
I wanted to play a diablo clone that had fun/ different gameplay
>What was so special about a rng loot based shooter?
see above
>Are you interested in a new Borderlands?
Yes because I'm not a little bitch who cares about voice acting and dialogue. Couldn't give a single fuck as long as it's got shooting and looting.

>Tannis was the big bad from the start now
>manipulated fucking everyone
>told Jack about the vault
>is secretly a Siren
>kills DeathTrap
>shoots Axton
>captures Krieg and turns him into the final boss
Although in all seriousnes,s since Scooter is finally fucking dead thank christ I expect Gaige to be the new mechanic, and that'll be cool to actually see her do something since she had the best Echo logs.

Pre-Sequel also implied her and Axton might be a couple now, and that's also kind of neat in my book.

>How many Borderlands titles did you play?
1 and 2
>Why did you play it?
was waiting for better games to come out
>What was so special about a rng loot based shooter?
not much
>Are you interested in a new Borderlands?
not at all

1 and 2
First was a pretty good co-op game with friends. Second was solid until UVHM and all that other padding shit + the awful loot rates compared to the first, and the amazingly broken level scaling.
Eh, with hesitation. I don't want to support Gearbox after all the shit the past few years behind them plus it won't be anywhere near as good as 1 or 2's positives.

>is secretly a Siren
I always wondered if they would ever do that since she was the original siren before the model that became Steele and before they settled on Lilith.

fuck you, bulletstorm was great
60$ is shitty but that's what every other dev is doing, and i guess they need the capital

battleborn, at least, had a pretty good co-op campaign

Nope, you'll be getting that fat fuck instead; please enjoy Borderlands 3.

Oh god damn it I forgot about Ellie.

Welp, guess Gaige will just fucking be there then. Any bets on who they're gonna kill off this time around?

My bet's on Mordecai. Without Bloodwing, and with Zer0 around, he's fucking worthless.

actually falling for phishing
great job

>How many Borderlands titles did you play?
1,2 and pre
>Why did you play it?
The first one because it seemed interesting and I believed some internet poster about an infinite randomized dungeon or something.
What was so special about a rng loot based shooter?
Not a lot other than I don't think it was done a lot before.
>Are you interested in a new Borderlands?
Boring tbhf

it wont look like that at all.
Hell, thats not even their art style, its just a rendering option in unreal 4 to check on shadows and god rays.

As a australian i agree, all the over the top aussie accents were horrible ruined the imersion for me

Looks kinda like Lilith to me.

I like Ellie though
She really reminds me of this big chick I knew in high school, was one of my best friends who I probably wouldn't have lasted without.

I'm thinking Mordecai too, maybe Lilith will kill him after he says feminism isn't relevant to the mission.

I played it because I like shooters with rpg systems and abilities and it looked good on paper
No, it was boring as fuck

mordecai's actually training a new bird, as of the fifth headhunter DLC

I'm not even a native English speaker and understood most of the conversations just fine. Also kinda chuckled at the more obvious jokes, like when Janey tells about people finding Elpis and claiming it, even though people were already living on there etc. The only NPC/Questline I do not get AT ALL to this day is that one dude where you have to find his dead buddies knapsack, that contains a baby kraggan. I literally don't understand
>what he is saying
>what references he makes
>the whole side missions subplot
Nowadays, whenever I do this quest I just alt tab out of the game while the guy is having his monologue

Is he fucking it too like he fucked Bloodwing?

I've played all of them and like all of them, but 2 and TPS were ruined by shitty writing/annoying characters who aren't funny at all. Also, the weapons/loot peaked on the first game.

I'd be interested in a 3rd game but only if they get rid of the stupid meme humour

Kill Anthony Burch then. I dont think anyone would object. Hell plenty would cheer you on.

> How many Borderlands did you play?

I've played all of them, I played a shitload of 1 and got autistically obsessed with the "science" of gun generation, what each part did to a guns stats, different requirements for prefix's and titles and different priority tiers making for some of the most complex min-maxxing in Vidya history (an ideal gun needs slightly less than ideal parts so it doesn't qualify for a certain prefix with high priority and instead qualifies for a lesser priority prefix that gives a stat boost to make up for the inadequcies from earlier). The gun play was fun, the world felt consistent and coherant and the lore was interesting (even if the actual story was barebones and terribly written). The 4 classes were all fun to play as, even though the skill tree's were rife with useless skills and Gearbox somehow found at least a dozen ways to make Math lie.

Bl1 was a deeply flawed, but incredibly satisfying and rewarding game. One of my all time favourites.

Bl2 was the opposite, it fixed all the little complaints of Bl1 (no story, no enviroment variety, blah blah blah) but managed to take everything else backwards. The loot system is so overly streamlined I actually almost cried when I figured it out, bl1's loot system took months to decipher and was an amazing community effort, new discoveries were made in 2016 (I think) regarding non-elemental Wrath Sniper Rifles and how different parts worked together. Bl2's was so simple I figured most of it out by myself in a single playthrough and I was convinced there must be more deeper mechanics, because surely they wouldn't go backwards, right? The writing as well, was disapointing. A more involved story was a good idea, but the tone was completly different and Burch quite obviously wasn't a die-hard fan of the original since there were countless retcons big and small, usually for the sake of lame jokes. The scaling was whack and Slag was a terrible idea.


>Literally you can write things like that for any game.
Yes and? You can write anything for anything that's how writing works.

Sup Forums is a delicious divine choir of flavor sure to please any true gourmet!

It's that easy.

All of them

No other game had really done shooting and looting properly, plus the basic gameplay of Borderlands was fun.

Unfortunately all of them. 1 I remember the most fondly for it's mad max shithole setting and endearing, if deranged characters.

>ruining tannis more

more like boredlands haha