Sup Forums in a nutshell


> how the free market works

I see nothing wrong here.

Developer is a total inbred putting all his stock into making a game "all for [customer]", implying he knew exactly what Customer would value.

When it actually reaches Customer, they don't value it, so they won't buy it.

Again, what's the problem? Bad developers aren't entitled to shit.

t. a devcuck

reddit spacing

I wouldn't know, but clearly you do.
Feel free to refute anything.

my time is limited and I have no shortage of entertainment options, you have to make me give a shit about you and your game.

>Spend 2 years developing
>Apparently 0 time in marketing or building a following
>Get mad when no one cares
>No Profit

actual reality

developer: give me a bag of money and i will make a game that is super perfect
consumer: okay
*consumer give 4 million dollar to developer*
*3 years later*

Who the fuck spends two years on a project with the only goal in mind is to impress a particular group/person? Only one that comes close is that Yandere Simulator dev

If it takes you two years to make a mobile game you fucked up hard.

Sure thing bro, I'll make the game free. It'll have a couple IAPs, ads and data-mining bullshit, and, sure, the pace of progression will be so slow it will be impossible to play through the game in your lifetime without IAPs, but - hey, it will technically be free.

This is how you enable shovelware.

Sup Forums tick throw

I bet this is how Randy Pitchford feels about blunderborn

But even making it for free wouldn't be a good enough incentive for people to play it

I have the agency to not play your anti-consumer game. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

ancap fag detected

tumblr footsies

Funnily enough mobile ""gamers"" prefer this

It's got nothing to do with pro- or anti-government you stupid buzzword memer.

Also, not a refutation. I think you're finished.

>spend all his time working on something for me
>didn't know I didn't want to pay for it
Poor judgement dev-kun

The fact people on Sup Forums think Fire Emblem Heroes (A free to play game) is too jewish and deserves to be hacked should go to show that people are just greedy communist

>spend multiple years crafting the perfect shit
>find out no one wants to eat it up, even though I poured my heart and soul into it

Maybe if you made a game worth the money people wouldn't demand it for cheaper/free

Seriously though why in the fuck do people double space shit? Makes no sense.

dumb phoneposter

I dont get these indie devs that believe the world runs by charity and good feelings
The info that he spent two years for example, or that he risked everything should be irrelevant in the purchase decision

pirates are literally hitler honestly

You're just a cold, emotionless shell, user. Think with your heart, not your brain.

Who the fuck charges a dollar for a game anyway? What's the point? If it's really worth a dollar it's probably not worth wasting time playing it anyway.

>selling your game for 99 cents

More like 59.99$ + season pass + subscription + DLC extra bonus + exclusive gamestop mission + tipping your game handler + tipping your local video producer

Man that dev really is entitled to believe his hard work has intrinsic value, that title is very apt OP.
In all seriousness though, why would you spend 2 years of your life making a mobile game of all things. The market is years past saturation and anything you make will have been done a thousand times before with better quality and a lower price.

if you spent time working on something sure you deserve to be able to be paid for that.
if the customer doesnt want to buy thats their choice.
but it doesnt give the right to just use it without permission.
sure its not stealing, but they spent effort doing that and its their ip

>i wouldn't have bought it anyway

irrelevant, you are still using it
you're like the fat guy that eats shit at a buffet and says it wasn't that tasty so im not paying.

Or, get this, you could make a game people would like to play, then they'd pay what they value it for without p2w or other subsidizing features.

Or you could develop for a platform less cancerous. Really makes you think.

I have a problem where I look at apps for 1 dollar and make it seem like it's a life changing decision.

I think you're in the wrong thread friend, this is a thread about entitled devs feeling like their garbage shovelware is worth money, not piracy..

The new shit is free app with microtransactions and ads.

I prefer it the other way.

>Food analogies
Stop that.

And then you wonder why is the industry devoid of creativity and dominated by Final Fantasy Fucking 666, Mario Drives Bike 150, American Soldier Shoots: Duty of Honor, and other remakes of remakes where nothing changes in mechanics, only the number of blacks as protagonists.

the dev is retarded, the free apps are the ones that make the most money

>Favors free market
What a retard.


All these people saying "if the game were better we couldn't pirate it"

>not realizing that regardless of the game quality, it will be pirated
>Sup Forums confirmed for man children who can't afford a video game

Inb4 some neck beard tries to make their immoral and illegal act cool by claiming they do it to punish 'the evil corporations'

>but they spent effort doing that and its their ip

I think pirating is justified a tad if you wanna try out a game before purchasing it (if you even do that) because I find video game publishers and reviewers to be unhelpful as fuck and it's annoying that you have to pay full price for a gamble that either of them are telling the truth at all.

Or to put in >food analogy

You go to a restaurant and see like a filet steak on the menu and you see a little nice picture of it and everything it comes with and the waitress confirms it. Then she brings you out a hamburger in the shape of a middle finger with no buns and a side of crackers.

>make bad/decent/short game
>no one buys it
>go cry about it in a webcomic

>make good game
>sell it at a decent price
>millions of people buy it


Lazy developers and old outdated fart producers. That's basically it. When the money gets transferred to a younger team then we can get back on track.

I said make a good game, not don't make a unique game, fuck off moron.

How are uncreative indie mobile games affecting the mainline console industry again user?
Do you really think mobile devs are constantly churning out quality titles but the dumb unwashed proletariat are just ignoring them?

People don't pay for mobile games because it's a totally saturated market, why even spend 99 cents on a game when somoene else has made the same thing for free.


>Giving money to mobile devs

alright my bad

>not liking food analogies
you're like the guy who asks 'hows the meatlovers pizza' at a pizza restaurant and the chef says it tastes like all your favourite meats put together in a wonderful blend and you get angry that they're comapring food to another food,
even though it would help you better understand the taste.

>making a videogame for anyone but yourself

But it doesn't, because retards keep shitting on indies who actually try to experiment and bring something new.

So money goes where consistent shit is and shit stays consistent and consistently shit.

>Developers stop giving a shit about PC because of piracy.
>cry about it on Armenian sandal repair forum to other loser faggots

Yes, I'm sure picky consumers are the ones who buy these year after year

I don't believe the Reddit connection but it's really obnoxious and I just skpi those posts.


>liking food analogies
you're like the guy who posts on Sup Forums and can't come up with a good example so they use food as a way to express your point using the sense of taste to your advantage.

If they experiment and people find the results unappealing then they aren't retarded, that's just the free market at work you animal.

If consistent works and people keep buying it then they must be doing something right. Especially when sales go on to favorable reviews. You cannot expect some indie developers experimental hipster bullshit to come close to tried and tested genres, narratives and themes.

>'hows the meatlovers pizza' at a pizza restaurant

Big difference king autist

I don't wanna go to a car dealership and say "oh how does this car run" and the fedora wearing car dealer to go "well if you've ever been in a restaurant and ordered a bacon cheese sandwich imagine no bacon but you get mayo on the side for only 99 cents but you get your food very fast and free refills on the mayo and the bathroom is a solid 7/10"

Guess what, it's not piracy, your game is simply too bad to sell.

Is that TGT?

Strawman comic. There's lot of examples of the scenario in the comic happening and it paid off, if it truly has value, it will be valued.

Most famous examples is the first Final Fantasy which I'm sure people already know the behind-the-scenes story.
Lesser examples include stuff like Muvluv Alternative where the director mortgage his house and also took a debt to finish the trilogy.
And then from the indie scene there's DungeonTown where the author said if this sells 2000 copies he can keep making game.

>If consistent works and people keep buying it then they must be doing something right.
(((Free Market))) at work - if it prints money, it is good.


If people value it, it is good. I guess you're done here now.

>if it truly has value, it will be valued
>market manipulation, adverts, memes and shit consumers don't dominate the market

reddit spacing

Data does not support your imagination. It's much easier and more profitable to go the above route, and your playerbase will genuinely enjoy your game more than if you crafted it with care. See: endless Horizon Dawn topics.

That's Sup Forums in a nutshell

i like mayo, sure i miss out on the meat. Also
>using restuarant bathrooms
i bet you drink the toilet water too

>Spent two years making a mobile game
Those things have less content than most flash games baka desu senpai

>miss out on the meat
Nothing worth being worried about.

>implying indieshit is any less creatively bankrupt

You're blaming the consumers for not enjoying your care and hard work, I doubt you've even considered the fact that your work sucked and didn't meet consumers expectations.

>Developers stop giving a shit about PC because of piracy

Let me fix that for you...
>Developer can't jew PC consumers with dogshit marketed as chocolate anymore because PCfags have placed faith in (((development studios))) enough times to intimately recognize the pungent odor of dogshit long before they open their mouths and now decide to blame their failed shilling on "piracy" instead of just admitting to themselves that nobody like kikes and nobody wants to buy the dogshit that they sell.

you guys are forgetting that its one guy and it could be amazing like your ''favourite game''

That's a good analogy and a fine meme.

Its apparently what they call "redditquette" you type like that so that it's easier for other redditors to read because in the past the site's spacing was fucked up

If their games are so shitty then you wouldn't mind if they just stopped making them for PC then?

Opinion disregarded because it's trash

This is literally me.
Fuck everyone that actually think they are having fun playing shit like Overwatch and SFV.
They are either too stupid to play other games or just uninformed

Pirating doesn't matter as there will always be buyfags supporting the game, or even rich autists that are gonna outbid themselves in a race to virtue signal, like it happened with the humble bundle. If anything the word of mouth from the pirates will generate even more buyfag interest. Now someone is gonna come at me with some strawman argument like "if anyone thought like this the industry would be bankrupt" but that is easily disproven by the fact that the videogame industry is as healthy as ever despite piracy being still a thing, even niche games can sell milions of copies today.

Oh I'm sure indieshit is totally identical to each other.
After all, Factorio is just a clone of something, Rimworld is just a DF clone, Prison Architect is also a clone of DF, Spacechem belongs to an actual genre wider than "logic games", Risk of Rain is just a platformer and free roguelikes are also clones of Nethack.


Some people can't enjoy a game unless there's some kind of social interaction involved. Normalfags, reeeee, etc.

The quality of the product determines the value, not the effort that was put into producing the product. The overwhelming majority of indie games lack the former.

If it costs you 10 million dollars to assemble and airplane that can't fly, you don't get to ask for 10 million dollars as a price.

In some cases it makes perfect sense.
A single line of text doesn't break well on Sup Forums because Sup Forums is not a LaTeX typesetter, so manual breaks are useful.
When separating one line of thought, one break is enough, but a whole new idea - paragraph - works better after two new lines. Like punctuation, it helps to tell where does an idea start and end, to put things in context.

Though doublespacing every single line is most likely just a reddit spillover. And double newline after post number is definitely 100% reddit.

It's to make the writing look neat and tidy, double spacing is goat.

Nobody who loves gaming and in the right state of mind would create something for smartphones just out of pure passion. For PC? Yes. For consoles? Maybe, but there are publishing hurdles. For smartphones? Give me a break.

Jesus Christ how fucking dumb are you...quality of the product is generally determined by the effort that was put into producing the product.

"Oh yeah I put zero effort into this product but it's super high quality, so it's more valuable"

>"I spent TWO FUCKING YEARS in making this perfect game!"
>it's either another RPG Maker game with stolen sprites, a """"retro"""" platformer or a 2deep4u walking simulator

It's just as much as problem that all the retards flok to one thing that is popular and everything else that isn't the popular game they play is either "dead" or not important to them because all their sperg friends don't care about anything else.

>quality of the product is generally determined by the effort that was put into producing the product

Have you never been to college? I don't get double spacing every sentence, but it generally improves visibility of your post, especially if you're doing multiple paragraphs, which is pretty much essential for writing papers. I never do it myself, because I forget, but I wish I did: sometimes my posts read like a word salad.

Oh so you're saying that high quality products can be made with absolutely no effort?

Give one example of a high quality, high value product that requires no effort in producing.

>If their games are so shitty then you wouldn't mind if they just stopped making them for PC then?

Correct. I'm surprised that a nappy haired, hook-nosed shill of questionably middle eastern descendancy such as yourself is able to listen and learn for once.
..If only once.

>give one example
Way to ruin the whole point you made you bungler. Go try really hard doing something somewhere else, like not being a disappointment to your parents.

Oh what you can't name anything? I thought so you fucking moron.

You're a perfect example, a useless fucking product with no value, and it took absolute minimum effort to produce you.

After Automata and BotW posting die down what do you think will be the next big meme game(s)?

Yeah, the free market doesn't give a shit about you.
There will always be someone who does it better and cheaper, and he will always be selling it to a non-appreciative market.
you cunts get that wrapped around your fucking thick skulls, it sucks and that's just the way it is. Nothings going to change it

>hows the meatlovers pizza?

Funny story, my parents wanted me.