Sup Forums in a nutshell
> how the free market works
I see nothing wrong here.
Developer is a total inbred putting all his stock into making a game "all for [customer]", implying he knew exactly what Customer would value.
When it actually reaches Customer, they don't value it, so they won't buy it.
Again, what's the problem? Bad developers aren't entitled to shit.
t. a devcuck
reddit spacing
I wouldn't know, but clearly you do.
Feel free to refute anything.
my time is limited and I have no shortage of entertainment options, you have to make me give a shit about you and your game.
>Spend 2 years developing
>Apparently 0 time in marketing or building a following
>Get mad when no one cares
>No Profit
actual reality
developer: give me a bag of money and i will make a game that is super perfect
consumer: okay
*consumer give 4 million dollar to developer*
*3 years later*
Who the fuck spends two years on a project with the only goal in mind is to impress a particular group/person? Only one that comes close is that Yandere Simulator dev
If it takes you two years to make a mobile game you fucked up hard.
Sure thing bro, I'll make the game free. It'll have a couple IAPs, ads and data-mining bullshit, and, sure, the pace of progression will be so slow it will be impossible to play through the game in your lifetime without IAPs, but - hey, it will technically be free.
This is how you enable shovelware.