Sum up your life in one Sup Forums related image

Sum up your life in one Sup Forums related image





enjoyed these videogames personally



yume nikki is a video game, you idiot

I'm sure we all relate to this one

Me irl

I haven't seen marty posted on this board for a while


Buttholes aren't supposed to look like that



This one's accurate enough.




>Insulting people for not being weebs
Very grim, please do not reply



>tfw WIZARD-NEET hybrid master race









>can't post webms with sound in 2017
Fuck I got the perfect one

>moving the goalpost
Thought we were talking about vidya?




i want to die

/wsg/ has a thread dedicated to it.
Post it there and link it here.

Jesus christ is that legal?

Reporting to be safe, that's fucked up.

Wow, there sure is porn underneath that spoiler, viewer beware, you're in for a scare.


>no more sound embedded images



i don't wanna talk about it

>Tfw been a neet for over a year now
Save me from myself.

>pizzagate confirmed


Me too flim flam, me too, I've even been considering applying for the Canadian Armed Forces lately, something I've never considered in my life.

jesus christ how is he alive after having that stuffed in him?


>botched every interview I've had for a year


Wrong version

why are you naked, user? :)


>tfw had connections for each job I've had


>my first and only job was easy as fuck and had family connections to it
>transferring to a full 4-year university soon and I know I'm about to get fucked by a strong dosage of reality

I just know I'm gonna do horrible when working an actual job






>Go in for a programming interview
>freeze completely, can't even operate the command line


>programming test in interview 1 of 2
>know I did pretty good on it
>doesn't matter because my GPA is 2.4
Why didn't I try harder in college

Have I truly become a monster?

could be worse

I'm just the ghost of my former living childhood self, possessing this body, performing daily tasks designed only to avoid starvation and pain, and to seek but to never again truly know pleasure. There is only the memory of pleasure from when I was alive.



>4.0 GPA in college
>can't pass any programming interviews due to nerves
>couldn't even implement quicksort
How do I keep from falling apart in interviews?
I've done 3 so far and bombed each one because of nerves.






Suck a dick before/during/after the interview


>in my mid twenties
>have to join the military within six months and serve for 2 years due to mandatory conscription
>our military is notorious for being a shithole and one step away from prison
>have to either gain 32 kg or lose 18 kg or fuck up a hamstring in my leg to get out
kill me pete

Get the fuck out of South Korea.

if I could I would've done so years ago senpai

You can gain 32kg in 6 months.

And lose it in about that time too.

Have you applied to absolutely every job in the US and Canada?


Extremely unhealthy both ways.



Getting shot or raped is even less healthy.

Pack on those pounds.


I'm the eldest son, there's no way my parents will let me go abroad
And how the fuck do you lose 18 kg in six months

Growing up due to being taken out of your comfy basement is healthy though.

I'm the opposite.

>can't get a job anywhere
>higher scale places say I don't have enough experience or I don't meet their requirements, mostly excuses but somewhat valid
>entry level places say I have too much experience or that I failed their online personality quiz, literally no reason to not hire me and just feeding me bullshit
>even when I get one I can't hold it for more than a month, either due to shit with management or them cutting my hours into the single digits
>only managed to get a job at a sub shop because the manager is Indian and I'm half-Indian

I might've actually gotten a huge break with this job because the guy was really looking for someone to train as a manager, and I was basically a manager in all but paycheck at my last job. But this is kinda my point, people don't want to hire anyone unless they meet their own personal preferences. I could go on about the manager at my last job and how horribly incompetent he was all night.

Bribe a doctor.
That is how it has always been done. You wanna avoid military service, bribe a doctor. Shrinks and psychiatrists have been always popular for this matter.

>And how the fuck do you lose 18 kg in six months

Thats not that hard, cut to 1500cals and you don't even have to work out to lose it.


Just get supreme ripped and make everyone your fuccboi at military



>I'm the eldest son, there's no way my parents will let me go abroad
They won't have much to say about it when you're on the plane to LA will they?

>And how the fuck do you lose 18 kg in six months
I've lost 22 in one month when I went to uni.
Here are my fantastic dieotologic tips:
A) start smoking
B) stop eating
C) develop serious case of anxiety and depression (make sure it's the non-eating depression, not the eat-a-lot one)

I hope you aren't very fond of your hair, because that shit is probably going to go as well.