GDC 2017

so Sup Forums, why aren't you at GDC?

The video game elite is there, building the future!

There are also awards for the best games and developers!

Why is nobody talking about this?

thought that was Jeff Gertsmann for a sec

what the fuck is this

What is that vile creature, and why is it allowed to live?

is that Jim Sterling?
And also Jim Sterling's wife?

Guys please. These are indie devs. They make the most creative, innovative, intelligent and bold games.

Show some respect!

>tfw your hands are so fat you can't get them out of your sleeves

I think you guys should pay up the 1000$ to go there and LEARN.


Actively waging war on reality is not a good way to get the silent majority on your side.

Is this a joke or real? How are all the stereotypes of western games development true?

Fuck this hobby.

what are we going to learn?

you can look the account up. OPs post is an image of "her" showing of her GDC day 3 dress.

Now, I personally think any institution worthy of respect should have a dress code a bit more strict than this, but who am I to talk.

>Self concious cause I put on 7 lbs and my six pack is slightly faded

>Grossly obese people have the audacity to take selfies with their fat guts hanging out with no shame

What went wrong with the world Sup Forums

(((Marxist))) infiltration.

in the wise words of Tom Servo
>"Have you ever noticed you never see smart people with their bellies hanging out?"

They see self-improvement as a vile thing. To them they're always perfect in their current form. In short, it's complete insanity.

and its any wonder why the past two years have had absolutely zero 9/10 or 10/10 titles with all the shit i see in these threads

I present at academic conferences often and find it so nerve wracking. I can't imagine trying to talk about stupid garbage like this as well.

I only opened this thread to make the same joke, fuck you

>what are we going to learn?

All our base is belongs to them ?

is that a cosplay of watch dogs 2 villain?

Why the fuck do social justice faggots flock to shit like this? Dickheads who haven't produced a single flash game sprint to some podium for a "talk" so they can start preaching about body image or LGBTQNIGG inclusion.
No one gives a fuck about your SJW religion
No one gives a fuck about your SJW religion
I want to hear about new innovations in graphics, previews of upcoming releases, and hear from industry professionals who worked on games and TALK about those games. Not some effeminate, balding, pencil-dicked faggot from San Fransisco lisping about white males. You are cancer. Someone should spread AIDS in a SanFran gloryhole so you indie-clique faggots will finally die out.

And I thought coders were bad

>gdc photos

>fat gurls with no tits

Gods greatest joke yet

god damn it I'm always late


I was there yesterday. Went to the party to shill my game and ""network"".
HOLY SHIT NEVER AGAIN I'm not even a Sup Forumsack but what the fuck is wrong with these fucking liberal fucks

>western games and game industry


>be this fat
>without having at least big tits

Sometimes god just hates people.



>all the noteworthy games of the past year have come out of Japan

She obviously was a man you dunses.

Because enough thirsty nerd dudes want to show how virtuous and supporting good guy allies they are.

this why i dont ever buy western games much less indie titles.

Sometimes they can be decent. We're meant to see Nigel as the good guy, right?

Why do liberal women have this weird retarded look to them?

Like this thing is a pig, sort of stupid but proud of being ugly and stupid, and staring at you through those ugly lenses as if daring you to notice how fucking terrible the mess it is.

what game?

Please no Torment.

Pretty sure it's Horizon.

who's that qt in the orange sweater bending over?


Look at all the diversity!

Those racist fucks on Sup Forums/V/ will be so angry!

I'm glad Chris-chan is getting out of the house for once.

They're middle upper class white people with no identity, no culture, no meaning, no purpose in life. Since video games are young and unguarded its easy for them to snake their way into it, plant their agenda so they feel like their life has meaning and purpose. There's no opposition to stop them and because they're the result of padded playgrounds and participation trophies, they believe they're always the victim if someone does disagree with them.

Tldr they're insane fucks who are ruining our hobby because it makes their clits feel big.

This confuses me.
The good guy female prime minister talks like a fucking idiot, but so does the Nigel Farage parody.

What's the point of all this?

>and it was an uprising not a riot
Jesus fucking christ at least try to be subtle

haha jesus christ

how have video games fallen so low

That nose has to be a shoop. Looks like one of those plastic ones with the glasses


The female Prime Minister talks like the millennial target audience for the game. Nigel speaks just fine, but is a meany.

these people are mentally ill

I want to pull those nose string so bad

What's with those types of people and the obsession with kitty cat glasses

Freedom is the freedom to not be able to say that 2 + 2 = 4.

those pronoun tags LEL

Yes, that much is clear, I meant "talk like an idiot" for him too, because inflammatory kill yourself comments as a politician in public is stupid.

Not sure they think people will enjoy how female PM talks, maybe it's a general "the old world sucked" theme.


I hope they have my pronounce big/guy

I hate to what is happening to my hobby. Are these people even concerned about the games?

More like Gibsmedeat

What makes a person want to look ugly?

Fuck I think we need GamerGate back.




Zoey Quinn really let herself go.

>sargon of acuck
>internet aristocrat
No fucking thanks

Because people who play video games are actually at home playing games. I remember in mid 2015, hello games were debuting the no man's sky sound track, as well as some new footage, at a video games exhibition evening at the V&A museum in London so me and a friend went along. There were a ridiculous amount of tumblr stereotypes there. Blue haired landwhales with black rims glasses, that Kinda shit. Turns out they only want to look interested in games. People who are interested in games are at home playing them.

>Anita still trying to stay relevant



No. They are aware that videogames and the tech industry are the most popular entertainment medium for youth, so they view it as an indoctrination tool.

well we just took the presidency and even the anti-gg shills are probably starting to turn seeing how ridiculous this all is

maybe Sup Forums needs to write a letter to Trump asking him to round them all up

holy fuck looking at these gdc photos is making me depressed. this was a completely different event 5 years ago. all you'd see were nerds, asians, and the occasional hipster

Yeah, nah.

Any chance of RE2 remake info at this? Haven't ever really paid attention to GDC.

How about teaching our students when to capitalize words first?

Absolutely fucked up.

>thinking liberals are conniving manipulators and not just reactionary idiots acting on instinct

>this 10th grade tier powerpoint slide was shown at a major industry conference

>Are these people even concerned about the games?
no, they just find that video games is an easy prey to latch into
after they destroy it with with their PC bullshit, they'll just find another hobby to destroy
these """"people"""" are parasites

I'm not from America, but I'm a gamedev and I start looking like a nu-male.


>so Sup Forums, why aren't you at GDC?
It's a circle-jerk for sjws and western cuck devs that pat each other on back for their shitty games and their shitty messages.

>gif with mainstream meteor globalist shills



it stopped being funny a long time ago

You know, it's sad that there are people on Sup Forums who unironically say "goobergator". Which makes you realize that Sup Forums has succumb to the people we're making fun of in this thread right now.

>pronoun tags
is this fucking real
fuck this industry

Shave the beard, lose the glasses, and hit the gym.

>literally nothing but numales and poisonous tree frogs.

How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?

i wanna ちゅちゅ the she/her on the left

I dont want to live on this planet anymore

The more you look at it, the worse it gets

>house and shelter people for a decade
>they try to overthrow you
>they get BTFO
>complain about how much of a murderous shit you are

Fingers are a social construct.

Only one, and it's the middle one

>dat slide

Jesus christ how do you even joke about showing something like that at a conference? lmao

>those glasses

GDC is the Ted talks of video games.
Used to be good in the past but has been overrun by fucking morons.

>mainstream meteor