Alright Sup Forums, let's be honest. It's looking very likely that this will be the result tomorrow when the reviews start to come in. BOTW will likely be in the 94-96 metacritic average range. This game is shaping up to be as momentous as Ocarina of Time's original release. It will be a watershed moment in the industry and open-world games will forever be changed. Leave it to Nintendo to FINALLY have someone do open-world right.

So not only will BOTW blow Horizon (the supposed "zelda-killer", lol) out of the water, but it will easily dethrone Bloodborne as well. When BOTW releases this Friday it will be, simply put: the best game of the current generation. And it got me thinking. Nintendo has literally just put every other major title to rest on DAY ONE. Let that sink in for a moment. This is literally just day one of the Switch's release and it will already have the best game of the generation. That is incredible if you think about it. What took Sony 3 years to build, Nintendo beat ON DAY ONE.

So, can we finally just put the arguments to rest? Can the shitposting finally be done? Can we just go back to enjoying great games now? There's no competition after Friday -- the console war (for this generation, at least) is officially over.

Game, set, match.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't wait for the bitching about paid reviews.

BotW is gonna run wild on these bitches

>paid reviews

it'll be like music to my ears

Wind Waker: 96
Twilight Princess: 96
Skyward Sword: 93

Nintendo is the very definition of paid, hollow reviews. The very thing Sup Forums despises with other series they give a pass to Nintendo.

Nintentoddlers are really the worst fan base.

1 (one) game for the entirety of a year (2017) vs. the many already available


Like pottery

The skyrim of our generation

>great games get great review scores
>this is somehow an outrage

never change Sup Forums, never change.

One Game, Man.

That's how Nintendo won E3, and wins 2017.

I played WW and SS (never played TP) and they are solid 8/10 games. No idea why the press scored them so damn highly. They weren't game changers, revolutionary, or anything of the sort.

seriously. that bayonetta 2 shilling was embarrassing. a fucking 10? for a CUHRAZY action game with a terrible story that 7 hours long?


Yea, they are called drones for a reason. Shitendo can literally just shit in a bag, label it ''nintendo'' and sell millions with 10/10 reviews.

Bayo 2 was the best character action game since the original Devil May Cry. Shit was an instant classic. Are you even serious right now or just salty still after all these years?

>Day 1

It's a Wii U game that was supposed to be released two years ago.

>Buy a Switch
>Play Zelda for a whole year

>Buy a PS4

Ni No Kuni 2
Yakuza 0
Nier Automata
The Last Guardian
Shenmue III

Hmmmmmm one game i'm interested in versus 10 i'm interested in, you haven't really sold me here OP as a PCfat

All positive reviews are paid, regardless of a game's quality.

Fine, I will admit that Nintendo fans get their first big break in 7 years... enjoy it while you can, because something wicked looms on the horizon.

>Zelda for a year
>Not also Mario Kart, Smash, SPLATOON, and Odyssey
And only 2 or 3 of the PS4 games are actually worth playing

>a whole year
You mean a month, there are more games coming user.

Unlike the anemic PS4's first three years...

>Bayo 2
>best character action game since 2001

I'm sorry user, but was Ninja Gaiden Black too hard and cuhrayzee for you?

>what is Mario Odyssey
>what is Bomberman
>what is Arms
>what is Splatoon 2
>what is definitive Skyrim portable edition
>what is MK8 Deluxe
>what is Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>what is definitive Disgaea 5

yup, sure is just 1 game

This will happen


Already played 8 to death on 3ds i'm over it


Why would I play this pleb shit when Tekken 7 is coming out this year


I'll give you that seeing it looks fun so 2 games versus 10


Call me when Galaxy gets another sequel

> sonyggers forgetting that it took the PS4 a whole 2 years to even get one single game
> sonyggers in charge of denying that ps4 had an even smaller library, consisting of only shovelware on launch.

You always bend reality to fit your agenda, ponies. Knowing your place would help you getting along in human society, you know?

Yeah because that worked with Other M or Yoshi's Wooly World right?

All you fuckers on this board hyping Zelda and at the sametime other fuckers thinking that Bloodborne is like the 2nd coming in video games.

There are great games released on other consoles that don't get these outrageous fucking scores.

We didn't talk about "worth playing" faggot, just games in the pipeline.

If you're in this genre to play videogames, why in the FUCK would you buy a Switch when most of the most anticipated titles this year won't show up on it?

Daily reminder that Famitsu gave Nintendogs a 10/10


>Skyward Sword: 93
That shit right there is weird....skyward sword was nowhere near that score.

*Wii U

name 5 games that are better than Bloodborne. I'll wait.

Bayo was garbage and you only like it because it was on Nintendo. Admit it and stop being a faggot.

oohh yiss
can't wait

Haha holy fuck that made me chuckle

Unlike Knuckles

Fug that guy

>Wind Waker: 96
>Twilight Princess: 96
>Skyward Sword: 93
Halo 3: 94
CoD MW2: 94
Demon's Souls: 89
Fallout New Vegas: 84
VtM Bloodlines: 80

Really makes those neurons fire.

It's very clearly working with Zelda

WW: Fun, but seriously flawed game
TP: Fun, but seriously flawed game
SS: Fun, but seriously flawed game

90+ reviews for all of them

Meanwhile "Fun, but seriously flawed game" gets you a goddamn 7.5 or 8 if you're not a Nintendo franchise.

disgusting marketing thread

drone or actually retarded

t. didn't play it

sad, man.

Doubt me?


A game with that many major flaws (like TP and WW before it) should've never broken 90.

>Haha holy fuck that made me chuckle

are you, perhaps, a child?

>Bayo was garbage

this is how I know you don't actually play video games

>Nintendo completely cut out the media by doing Directs
>They did this because the gaming media is in their pocket

So were they just doing a challenge run?

Not doubting you, just pointing out how skyward sword doesnt deserve that score, and even most nintendo brand loyalists can agree

Yeah uwu
Treat me gentle

>game will get 10/10s across the board, some 9/10s and some edgy site giving it a 6/10
>sony shitposters will then go and flood Sup Forums with threads about the 6/10 review only never mentioning or others (or, when called out on it, claiming all others are paid off and only this one dares to speak the truth and is "objective")
>will never hear the end of it

I sure am looking forward to this yeah

>Xfags in denial of their shittier library

wew lad

Why is Breath of the Wild being shilled so hard?

Is it just cause people think it's some kind of "nostalgia bomb" cause it has a couple costumes you can unlock from other games?

there's only one main thing about the game that even remotely resembles nostalgia and its the general "you can go anywhere and get rekt but really there is a true direction" idea. Other than that, every other major part of the game is a huge departure for the franchise as a whole and is entirely alienating and polarizing. This is likely going to end up being the next Majora's Mask in the identical terms of having a very small but very vocal fanbase who will deem it the best game ever made while virtually everyone else disregards them for having a stupid opinion.

This will go down as the millenial's version of Adventure of Link in terms of wild departure and general disfavor, but even that tries to imply that Adventure of Link was actually as different to LoZ1 than BotW is to any other zelda game which is outright a fallacious fantasy.

Ya'll are sick subhumans for liking this trash.

Are there any other excuses aside from
>Paid reviews xDD
>No Zelda game will get a bad score xDD

Settlers of Catan

Some games, for some reason, just ended up getting scores that don't match their actual quality at all

Not just Skyward Sword.
But GTA IV too.

Absolutely insane. How did it get higher scores than VC, SA or V from everyone?

>implying nintendrones don't pull the same shit

The same applies to WW and TP. Most of the time in WW you are on the Great Sea. That the main area of the game is a chore to traverse across and you're locked into a cutscene each time you change the wind direction in order to provide locomotion for your ship is enough to dock points from the game. As is the fact the Great Sea is a rather dull place with barren rocks as most of the locations, and the dungeons are substandard for the series.

But look at that, the press blessed it with a score 4 points short of perfect.

>some edgy site giving it a 6/10

and those sites will have names like Dualshockers, playstationfan or some shit like that.

But Wind Waker is better than both Ocarina and Majora.

This deserves a sticky, I'm crying with joy

You mean like how Nintendrones praised the shit out of some no name site giving Horizon a 2.5/5?

Considering Sup Forums went full retard today with IGN's Switch review, I wouldn't be surprised if this happens

Because Sony is uncontested currently and people need to push something so they can get their console war shenanigans on.

You are aware that review scores don't move at all after the first month right? Why would someone review a game years after it was released?

Yup, it's one reason why I generally cast a very critical eye on reviews. BotW neither looks exciting, nor creative, nor does it improve upon the open world formula.

But you can bet your ass we'll be hearing how it's a transformative experience, it's now the benchmark for the genre, and its storytelling is the best in years.

The gushing combined with overlooking or ignoring major flaws is what leads to ridiculous scores like those.

All I see is a watered down Dragon's Dogma with no party system, less enemies, shittier combat, etc, in a Zelda coat of paint.

I don't see why it would even score so high.

party-game for casuals

lady gaga is awful, next.


>Settlers of Catan
for nerds


we're talking about video games here.

It's to Ocarina of Time that Ocarina of Time was to The Legend of Zelda. The series just evolved again. Before I played the game, I had my doubts with the small amount of dungeons. I've lost track of how long I've played it and I haven't even entered the first dungeon yet. I've been hitting up each tower and exploring a little along the way, doing Shrines here and there. I killed a huge Ice Dragon while I was freezing to death. Seeing something in the distance and figuring out how to get there is so satisfying.

I mean let's be honest.
Every single person who has played it so far has said it's possibly the best Nintendo launch game of all time, a game on the level of Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time, a game you will remember and talk about for decades to come.

It really IS happening. For once all the hype is warranted.
You are witnessing history in the making.

No, it is not. Neither of those games is saddled by an awful world traversal system or dungeons which are substandard in both quantity and quality.

Will this game cause a bigger assblasting than pic related?

Also on the Switch™

>no party system
I tend to think this is a good thing.

I thought this game looked GREAT until I watched somebody actually playing it on the stream. Those dungeon designs are fucking terrible. Despite their advertising, it's pretty clear that this game was designed for children.

Real shame. Switch was the first nintendo console that I actually thought looked good before release since the Gamecube.

I mean in reference to each other those scores aren't wrong. TP and WW are both great games in different ways and legit 9/10's.

Skyward Sword is signifcantly worse than either.

>The game has horrendous framerate issues, horrendous amounts of copy paste and an empty world
>The only publications that were allowed to post their reviews first all gave this game a 10 regardless of glaring problems
>But Nintendo couldn't possibly try to pay for reviews on the one thing that could possibly sell their brand new console because they just can't do anything wrong

This is... actually what it sort of feels like. Wii U version even has the same resolution of DD (720p).

But it'll score high because of Zelda.

He says as the biggest ports coming to Switch are Disgaea, Skyrim, FIFA, and Dragon Quest.

No NieR, no FF, no Biohazard, no Fallout, and when it rolls around to Rockstar I don't see RDR getting on board either.

>You are witnessing history in the making.
God you people are fucking unbearable.

>Every single person who has played it so far has said it's possibly the best Nintendo launch game of all time

People have said hyperbolic shit like this about previous Zelda games. None of the footage is convincing me that this is the case.

Majora's Mask has 4 dungeons with the only one note being Stone Tower Temple.

Ocarina of Time has the most barren overworld with it acting as a glorified hub to get from point to point and rupees are absolutely worthless.

Wind Waker has far better item usage than both games as well with hookshot being able to be used in combat for multiple purposes and combining items such as Ice Arrows and the Hammer which can't be done in either of the other two games.

Nice try though nostalgiatard.

The console is brand new, companies are still testing the waters. Platinum for example already said they'd port Nier in an heartbeat if SE asked them to

Rockstar hasn't put a single game on Nintendo systems since Chinatown Wars
What the fuck makes you think they'll put RDR2 on it?

Stop lying, TP and SS weren't fun

I'm sorry you are so jaded and bitter. But yes, every so often it does happen.

>" Best console launch title since Super Mario 64?"
>"Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda."
>"It’s the best opening of any console launch title I’ve ever played, at least back to Super Mario 64"
>"Five hours in, it feels like a contender for the strongest game Nintendo has launched a console with"
>"Allow yourself to make a memory that will last a lifetime because The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of those rare games. It's an Ocarina of Time level game, it's a Super Mario Galaxy level game."

But scores aren't "relative to each other" within a series, but relative to games as a whole (especially those released that year).

TP and WW are good games with major flaws. Skyward Sword was proof that Nintendo did not learn from their mistakes in the previous two games.

And from what I've seen of BotW, Nintendo has not learned from the pitfalls that have ruined other open world games.

I own a PS4 Pro. A lot of games too and most of your games are ass besides Bloodborne. I'll be getting a Switch and BOTW. You wii poorfags criticizing this game can suck my cock, playing an inferior version with worse textures and everything. Keep your reviews to yourself because Switch master race is almost here.

One thing no one got to experience or see before release is the variety of shrines. Some shrines are literally just a treasure chest and an orb, but getting to them is the meat of those shrines. I had to climb a cold ass mountain and kill a big flying dragon before getting one.

Honestly, I've watched a few streams of BoW and it seemed kind of boring.

>Sup Forums still doesn't acknowledge the best 3D Zelda game
Casuals, everywhere.

>DmC: Definitive Edition
I can understand getting the game when it was new but who the fuck goes out and buys the definitive edition of that game?

That's what was said about the Wii U.
The Wii U also had screens showing all the companies developing for it.

Do not spend $300 on potential, especially from a company with spotty 3rd party support and severe content droughts.

>party-game for casuals
If you don't know how to spell
>lady gaga is awful, next.
someone has a bad pokerface
good self-description
>for nerds
so for you
>we're talking about video games here.
You're on the wrong board then

What's the point of having the thread when everyone can basically just play it out it in their heads and it'd be the exact same thing. Pretty much why Sup Forums is shit right there.

I thought GTA V was the greatest game ever made during my first month with the game, then as I looked over it more and more with time, I found that my hype overshadowed my actual feelings of the game
GTA V is still great but I was always ignoring its flaws due to how excited I was to be playing it

>people who are hyping BotW refuse to watch streams because they don't want to spoil the game for themselves
>people who are actually curious watched streams and realized that the game doesn't look nearly as good as people are saying

no matter how good something is, no matter how perfect something is there will ALWAYS ... ALWAYS be someone who is not impressed or doesn't like X thing.

it's ok not to like it user, you won't be the only one not impressed with the game

Really? Tell it to all the people who masturbate to it and those who rated it higher than the overwhelming majority of games.

Congratulations, you realize the truth here:

Most open world games are boring and directionless.

ProJared is praising it to the high heavens and I trust him, he's based and loves Monster Hunter.

and they're going to remain uncontested for this generation.

I'd love to meet whoever at Nintendo decided that the next Nintendo console should be a Nintendo-branded Playstation Vita in the wake of that console losing to the 3DS because it was expensive, the memory was costly, it had few games, and there was no utility in a single screen touch device that only plays games in the era of smartphones.

How fucking stupid can they be to make the same exact mistake as their only regional competitor on their tiny island of Japan - let alone make it their only console going forward. Even Sony at least had the regular Playstation home consoles and all their other electronics harware to fall back on. In that sense it's not even the same mistake - it's the same mistake except ten times worse.

fuck i feel retarded for ever becoming a fan of nintendo. This problem isn't going to fix itself in the next 5 years and I ain't waiting around for them anymore. Already waited too long for them to make the Wii U worthwhile and they never even accomplished that.

>I watched a few pirated shitty wii streams
Kys please

Barely comparable at all, you're forgetting how pitiful the announced Wii U support was