Why does the west fail so incredibly hard at making memorable characters?

Why does the west fail so incredibly hard at making memorable characters?

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Don't you remember bald tough guy?

I assume you meant attractive since Wonder Woman is an iconic character that's been around since the dawn of time.

That character has been around for over 70 years

Western female character design > weebshit fanservice design for pedophiles and perverts, because Western female characters are actual characters, not cardboard cutouts dressed like $10 hookers.

>its not photoshop

i swore i thought this is druid meme


hope this is bait

>I want ugly women in video games just like in real life! I fully understand the point of fantasy!

What the fuck am I reading

>memorable characters

Who gives a shit. Why are you looking towards video games for a good story with memorable characters? Read a book, or watch a great movie.

All the women I'm posting are cuties, you are a fucking shit-eating weeboo mongoloid.

The last memorable/attractive women in AAA are from Witcher, and the studio wasn't even Western.

someone dump "very ugly wonderbread moving at incredibly hihg speeds"

t. Fat american that plays nothing but shooters and walking simulators where his character is a blank that he can insert his delusions into



Do you exclusively play dooty/BF/any western FPS?

Wait, what do you call blizzard, ubisoft, bungie, zenimax, the list really goes on and on
Or do you think none of those companies ever made memorable characters?


literally who, forgettable, borderline furry fapbait


Iconic, simple, unforgettable and lasting

random mook you fight in an area completely optional
memorable because of how shit the fight was


It got fixed.



>lol fag you obviously haven't played the true gems of video game narratives

Yeah, nah. There are no worthwhile stories to be told in any currently-existing video game.

Seriously, go read a book.

Why do progressives hail games that they would call cultural appropriation normally and then demonize every other actual culture



CDPR are western. It's not geography that people are referring to you fucking mental gymnast. Australia and New Zealand are western countries, explain.

East refers to gook land, nothing more and nothing less.


dragon that has been modeled billions of times before
different, lizard-man


>Implying Poland isn't geographically West
Don't do this

>this is real
what the fuck

Eastern europe has often been referred to as the near east though m8



I dont know how he didnt get sued



>western women


>female (male)

enjoy your future if trump gets impeached.

could i grab one of each and 2 of the them tags? if not they are confining me to a 1 pronoun state