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Protip: That's what real shithead cats actually do
>Game released like this
Why is this allowed?
Your right it should be you're mum's
>your pet loves you so much it sleeps together with you
I forget, are the Pokémon from the games sapient? I know the psychic and legendary types are, but what about the others? I ask because in the anime they all are, including Caterpie.
Imagine Meowth from the anime sleeping in your mom's bed and being all smug about it.
Why would they be shitheads because of that? I loved it when the cat slept in the bed.
Meowth is a cat and cat's are known to end up sleeping on someone's bed because they do what they want.
Oh no right, he fucks your mom right very funny 10/10 thread
>cat sleeps on bed with you
>why is this allowed
Are pets not supposed to sleep with you?
I love having my dog sleep with me.
because cats won't make your legs so numb like fat ass dogs
They'l just skin you alive with kneading
it's just seeking warmth, like any filthy slut
>no really my pet legitimately loves and cares for me
lol animalfags
If this is what you think having a cat sleep on your bed is like then you've either never had a cat or you're an idiot.
how the fuck do I get more lucky eggs
I bet you do.
How can you be sure a cat wanting to sleep in your bed isn't just the Gondii virus commanding the cat to find new hosts?
t. enlightened plant fedora-tipper """master race"""
What was that Miyamoto quote? That little girls are like cats?
Im just being an idiot
Sleeping with my cat is about 7 minutes of holding the blanket up while he ponders whether or not to sleep under the blanket or not
>letting your cat go outside the house
This is a sign of a bad owner, and you're retarded.
>sleeping under blanket
Are you suicidal
Oh boy here we go.
In general nearly every Pokemon is at least smarter than a real animal. Real animals are capable of having intelligence comparable to human toddlers or retards.
I'd estimate that the average Pokemon is roughly as smart as a 7-9 year old kid.
>keeping a cat inside your house
Just buy a plush toy if that's what you want for a pet instead of tormenting animals.
>Gondii virus
the common name for it is toxo
No my cat just loves sleeping under the blanket
Ever since he was a kitten used to sleep with me all the time
It's a parasite you dumb nig.
>Not letting them go outside and get in cat fights and get cat AIDS or get run over by a car is abuse
What are you, a britbong? They're not dogs, as long as you keep them entertained they NEVER have to set foot outdoors, and if you for whatever still feel you should at least walk the thing rather than just shoving it out the door and hoping for the best.
>they NEVER have to set foot outdoors
>walking cats
please be bait
>he doesn't walk his cats
Cats really don't have to go outside. At all. Some of them unfortunately have a strong instinct to go outside and it's basically impossible to keep those ones indoors, but ones that aren't constantly trying to run outside are fine staying indoors. They aren't dogs, retard.
One of my cats used to love sleeping between my legs under the duvet. He really liked it warm.
I see you've memorized the name of an icky-looking worm you can use for your doggo propaganda, but it appears you haven't actually read the article you just linked, which is quite typical from a dog person such as yourself.
>Infection in humans and other warm-blooded animals can occur:
>1. by consuming raw or undercooked meat containing T. gondii tissue cysts. The most common threat to citizens in the United States is from eating raw or undercooked lamb or pork.
>2. by ingesting water, soil, vegetables, or anything contaminated with oocysts shed in the feces of an infected animal.
>3. from a blood transfusion or organ transplant
>4. from transplacental transmission from mother to fetus
>5. from drinking unpasteurized goat milk
>6. by contact with soil
>7. from eating unwashed raw vegetables or fruits
>numerous studies have shown living in a household with a cat is not a significant risk factor for T. gondii infection
What? My cats enjoy the outdoors. It's not like I let them out without supervision though, that's retarded. Cats are less likely to get themselves killed than dogs or human toddlers but I'm not taking the risk.
yeah, they totally don't feel the need to explore and expand their territory, chase rivals and females and play with prey
I'm sure your cats loves to sit between the same fucking walls every single day. not even allowed to play indoors because he could break stuff
I'm sure he won't get bored or depressed!
one a side note, houses aren't completely isolated shelters, micro-organisms can easily sneak in. And since your cat never adapted and hardened to the outside world, he's extremely vulnerable to diseases
>Implying your cat doesn't steal your blood while you sleep
No way would I let my cats outside.
Cars, psycho children, next street over is outdoor/stray cat central.
The cat can steal your blood. As long as he doesn't give you his blood you won't get infected.
My cat is by my side almost 24/7. he sleeps with me at night, he sits by me during the day. he follows my from room to room.
Cats expand their territory and they certainly don't "break stuff" like bigger, clumsier animals.
>adapted and hardened
Even indoor cats are vaccinated against anything dangerous that lurk outdoors. You're a fucking retard if you don't vaccinate your cat and instead throw it outdoors to "harden up".
Indoor cats, by average, live an entire decade longer than outdoor cats that are likely to die by infection or accident.
A fucking leaf
you can't vaccinate your cat against everything, the point is that you can't fully protect your cat no matter what. and you're ruining his life by frantically protecting him
you're making it look like your garden is a fucking hellhole and not his natural habitat
there's always a risk, simple as that
unless you have a purebred, then yeah putting that inbred outside pretty much guarantees his death