So are they done with portable systems?

So are they done with portable systems?


I feel like everybody is. The mobile market is just too fucking obvious.

Even Nintendos just merging their shit together.

I only see Nintendo merging things together to be a good thing. As for sony, I feel like there was 100 things they could have done to make the Vita work, and they did exactly 0 of them.

Probably, which sucks as Vita's a damn good handheld when it comes to playing vidya. Sony screwed it with secondary bullshit like memory cards, save data tied to applications, and only one PSN per handheld though. Well, that and having no idea how to market the thing well whatsoever. But yeah, actually playing games on it is a-ok.

The hardware is great I guess

>Sony screwed it with secondary bullshit like memory cards, save data tied to applications, and only one PSN per handheld though.

None of these really affected your average person, though. What tanked Vita was the lack of games for said average person. Waifu wars nonsense can only take you so far. It only so happened that various niche audience became the main target audience for Vita.

Well, Switch was Nintendo's attempt to lure mobile players into buying a console. It remains to be seen how well will it sell in Japan

Sony pretending very hard that Vita doesn't exist didn't help convincing the devs to develop Vita games.

>mfw vita never secured monster hunter

Depends if the Switch takes off.

If this is real then they aren't done with handheld

Yeah, but nips only love phones because of huge mobage cash sinks like P&D, F/GO and such.

I honestly doubt Ninty will get in on this on a home console.
Hey, they have Frontier. :^)

To be fair, Sony basically told capcom to fuck off.

Doubt it. Vita is still selling well in japan. But sony are not going to release their new handheld early (for the west since psp still got games a few year after release).

I don't think it's going to be marketed as a AAA machine in the west but I don't think they are going to exit the handheld market.

Memory cards definitely were a factor from a price point perspective, made the Vita WAY more expensive than it should've been to have a half decent setup, especially if you planned on primarily going digital. The other issues are annoyances that crop their head up after long enough - hell, I'd love to play Umihara Kawase Shun on my Vita since I have it for my JP PSN but all of my Vita games proper are on my NA PSN. So much for that, then.

But yes, a lack of games for the average person was a problem but if you think about the reality of handhelds, not as big of one as you'd think. Yeah, it lacked heavy hitters across the board aside from entries in more console-friendly franchises like Killzone or Uncharted, but it also has great support from western indies. Issue there is that no one buys handhelds for western games, and the small handful that did sell on the PSP are just the only exceptions ever. Handhelds have always been Japanese as fuck and Vita is no exception, but that comes back to lacking franchises that even have the draw of something like Monster Hunter, let alone Nintendo megatons like Pokemon or Mario.

likely, I don't think the portable market is big enough to split 2 ways anymore

3ds and vita sold like 70m combined

ds sold 150m, psp sold 82m

This desu, it's all just shit animu games. Plus the delusional vita fags posting charts full of shit games don't help.

All it really needed was something like Yakuza, Dark Souls or Monster Hunter... Hell, Bloodborne alone would've been a reason to keep it, but ultimately, I sold it after a few months.

Replaced by VR.

Considering Sony's financial problems and the fact PS4 is keeping it afloat, most likely.

I'm like 50% sure that they're going to release a Switch knockoff within 18 months

Whens the update for the PSTV coming that allows hacked ones to use USB Storage?

Soul Sacrifice Delta has better gameplay anyway.

>3ds and vita sold like 70m combined
>mfw the install base of the 3DS is 65 million
Where I agree that the main reason the Vita tanked hard as fuck in the west is lack of non-weebshit games, the price of the memory cards definetly affected enthusiasts. I know I wanted to buy a Vita originally when Henkaku came out, but then I realized a 64 gb card costs a HUNDRED dollars and I quickly discarded the idea.

Vita was NEVER in any danger in Japan, though. 3DS outsold it for sure, but that was because Vita never had a "killer app" so to speak while 3DS had MonHun, your usual Nintendo first party titles, etc. But unlike 3DS, Vita audience hah higher retention rate aka they' were actually buying games beyond just couple of titles they got the handheld for in the first place.

>dat feel when there are in fact two Yakuza games for PSP
Weird shit.

Makes sense, the PS4 has laptop-tier hardware so you won't lose anything by using a 720p tablet display.

>Vita could have been a success if it wasn't for their own proprietary memory cards

My best guess is shortly after theflow's theme competition ends on 13th march.

He's a gigantic fucking faggot but we meed him.

If Sony make another handheld it will be a cheaper device with weaker hardware. Or maybe they'll just repackage the vita hardware and put it under a new brand.

If they want their next handheld to sell they need to make it cheap(ish) and get some actual games on it.

Nintendo has left a massive gaping hole in the market with the switch, there are a lot of people out there who actually want a dedicated handheld. The switch barely qualifies as a handheld at all with its 3 hour battery.
(and it loses change faster than it can gain it unless you have a 15V, 2.4A charger, there's only about 2 high end battery banks that can do this and phone chargers put out only 5V 1A, you'll need to buy a special dedicated switch charger if you want to play n charge)

I don't think so. People put to much stock on memory prices because that's really the only negative you can't argue with. Niche library was a much bigger problem.

He better give us PS1 bubbles for 3.60 that's compatible with PSTV before his retirement.

I don't think the Vita's library at large is terribly different from the DS or PSP's. Sure, there's more reliance on fanservice shit but maybe that has to do with what sells in Japan nowadays more than any proper failing on Vita's part. But shit like Soul Sacrifice Delta, Freedom Wars, Tearaway, Gravity Rush, Ys Memories of Celceta and TxK? Those are the kinds of games I'd expect to see on a modern handheld, not to mention to multitudes of VNs and DRPGs it ended up getting. Handhelds have always been pretty odd, and despite the lack of recognizable franchises Vita's library is suitably "handheld weird".

>New NEW 3DS

I hears he was going to put PS1 support in Adrenaline. But Adrenaline is kind of shit.

>there are a lot of people out there who actually want a dedicated handheld
I surely do, but I doubt many people care about playing anything more complicated than another clicker game on their cell

Did you try playing those games? I remember them not running on my PSP right.

That's basically what the vita 2 has to be if they want it to be successful lol

In the west the only people who really use handhelds are children (and a small minority of man children), so they need to make a handheld that parents will buy for their children

>I hears he was going to put PS1 support in Adrenaline. But Adrenaline is kind of shit.

has anyone tried running ps1 games converted to psp eboots in adrenaline?

I mean ps1 eboots ran flawlessly on my psp

>In the west the only people who really use handhelds are children (and a small minority of man children), so they need to make a handheld that parents will buy for their children
No it's pretty obvious they have to cater to all demographics.

Give the kids some shit like Tearaway. Give the adults some shit like Bloodborne. And then just keep pumping out big titles on a Vita 2.

That's not really true. Then again, I don't really use handhelds for the portable aspect at all, I just want the games.

I'd call bullshit but you said at large so I can't argue there. When I think PSP, I think of an absolute ass load of retro compilations and ports like shmups, Sega, Namco, SNK. Meanwhile on the Playstation side of things, you have Twisted Metal, Motorstorm, God of War, Peace Walker, Wipeout, just a lot of stuff that make it feel like a real Playstation. Speaking of just like a PS2, you have ports of PS2 games that play almost identical in portable form with very little downgrades like Midnight Club 3, Tekken 5, Outrun 2006, Armored Core, Mortal Kombat Deception. It's insane how some of these games managed to preserve everything from the PS2 versions.

I'd like to agree, but even with the games you mentioned, I feel like there's not enough longevity and unique gameplay between them. Hell, stuff like Freedom Wars feels like dated PS2-like fare to me. And again, being honest, I found both Tearaway and Gravity Rush to be vastly dissapointing. Beautiful aesthetically, but just not that fun to play.
I guess this all just stresses the importance of having a 'killer app'. Hell, a localization of PSO2 would've been enough for me personally.

Clearly you are the first person to think of this idea.

calling it now, Vita TW1ST

I feel like the PSP had a lot more variety than the Vita for the "average" gamer. It had shit like FIFA, a multitude of racing games, Tekken and all that jazz. The Vita focused much more on the niche crowds with stuff like Dragon's Crown, Soul Sacrifice and Ys.

The DS, I feel, was only successful because the touch screen gimmick was new at the time it came out, and it had the standard Nintendo pull titles, like Kirby, Mario and (however shitty the DS games are) Zelda. Of course, we also got a bunch of shitty shovelware for the kids, but alas.

I need real PS1 bubbles and not just some emulator thing pretending to be a PSP mode. PSTV 4 player won't work in PSP mode I don't think.

Fuck the dual-screen layout makes the 3DS so fucking bulky.

HOW TO make the new playstation handheld successful:

>put ALL the ps2 games on the store
>make it able to run ps2 games natively

>put ALL the psp (and psvita?) games on the store
>make it able to run them natively

>make it possible to stream ps3/4 games

easy to crack and pirate :^)

Vita had FIFA and racing games tho (I had NFS). They're just all shit.

Oh, I see. Yeah, I see your need then. It's probably possible.

>Clearly you are the first person to think of this idea.
I am pretty sure I am not
which is absurd since I even lowered myself to lurk reddit about it and found nothing

largely true about the ds. people tend to forget it hand a shitload of garbage titles, just like the wii. it actually made finding good games rather difficult until modding took full swing and you could just download everything you wanted.

It would need to be something like
>average hardware
>touchscreen but no touchpad
>no cameras, they're unnecessary
>PSP/PSV-like ergonomics, Vita's d-pad
>MH on launch
this. Would sell like hotcakes. But they probably won't try anymore.

You realize at launch the 3DS had the same battery life as launch Switch right?

I make love to my vita!

>make it possible to stream ps3/4 games
Reminder that Sony is shutting down PSNow on Vita and PSTV, the only platforms where it would be useful .

Vita had Wipeout 2048. Flawed as it is, it's better than any racer on 3DS.

The Vita, when looked at in a Vacuum, is actually a great piece of hardware. Comfy in your hands with a good dual analog, the original Vitas OLED screen was fucking gorgeous, and it had shit like tabbing out of apps that made it functionally really nice to use.

Sony just failed in the marketing hard and in getting devs to make shit for it. Really only Japan every bought into making titles for it and a decent number of those never got a western release.

Same with the GB and GBA. Their handhelds have always had vast oceans of shitty shovelware

>Reminder that Sony is shutting down PSNow on Vita and PSTV, the only platforms where it would be useful
I still cannot understand why would they do this. It's not like it requires massive servers since all streaming is done locally.

You look autistic playing a console in public. I can't wait to see all these manchilds playing their Switch in public so I can point to them and scream FAG

The Vita is the same. Except the shovelware is otaku-pandering instead of kiddy-pandering, and the shovelware gets the same glowing reccommendations as actual good games from the same people.

Well Vita does have an Uncharted, Killzone, Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, Wipeout, ModNation Racers, Lumines and probably some other shit I'm forgetting. Retro compilations weren't much of a thing to my knowledge but you did get compilations of series like Ratchet & Clank, God of War, Jak & Daxter (I hear this one is terribad though) and Metal Gear Solid. And if you wanna talk ports then Vita has that for days with PS3/4 multiplats - Deception IV, Hot Shots Golf, Blazblue, Dragon's Crown, Odin Sphere, Rayman Legends, Dead or Alive 5, even weebshit like Senran Kagura and GalGun. Hell, one of its most celebrated games is an expanded rerelease of Persona 4.

I they added PS2 classics to a portable it'd be day fuckin 1 buy
especially if it had trophy support (_)

Because no one uses the service. PSNow never took off in any sort of decent capacity

I'm sure however that a lot of that shitty shovelware helped push sales, since oblivous grandmothers and mothers could just buy 100 Games in 1! to their grand/children and get away with the gifting.

PSNow is not remote play.
PSNow literally does run on remote servers.

The true crime was not having a Gran Turismo on Vita. I can take or leave Wipeout really, but yeah, the 3DS really doesn't have that much of an essential library either, just a few games that function as decent killer apps (Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter, a couple Zeldas etc.).

Ah, nevermind. I mixed up those two

>I only see Nintendo merging things together to be a good thing.
It's something that sounds good in theory but in reality they've managed to make something that has the negatives of both without the positives.

I mean shit they can't even get a Gran Turismo out on PS4 right now.



I wouldn't really write off the 3DS library as just "a few decent killer apps". It got the 2 most popular Zeldas remade, the most popular Fire Emblem (Awakening did save the franchise after all, even though a lot of classic fans don't like it), MonHun got really big thanks to 3DS, and the Kirby titles are 2 of the better ones easily. And of course, Mario.

On the other hand, there's also a lot of niche titles for the enthusiasts, like SMT4, 7th Dragon, Stella Glow and a multitude of others.

> 544p
> looks better than my 5.5" 1080p phone

OLED truly is a miracle of the universe

I never play my vita even if I love this console.

Shit games and japan only games killed Vita.

I can play something intensive like Zelda right in my bed. I see nothing but positives about the Switch.

This is the main reason. Also removing near all retail presence of the system and its game doesn't help either.

People will just think your an asshole though

I play handheld inside my home or if I tune up my car, requiring me to wait a few hours

I agree with your statement.

Honestly if you're not a fan of JRPGs and other more niche titles out of Japan it's not that great of a console. You've got some good first part Ninty stuff but most of the big games are some form of JRPG, including a lot of PS2 classic ports

>something intensive like Zelda

I will never wrap my head around people on Sup Forums not liking jrpg or japanese stuff in general

It's amazing what difference name branding makes. Vita and 3DS don't have entirely dissimilar libraries but 3DS has names people actually recognize.

I seriously have no idea what they're doing with GT6. Are devs just hitting up auto shows to "research" or something?

I do agree, but I think you underestimate how popular stuff like Pokémon, Mario and Zelda (especially OoT) are. I'm sure a lot of 3DS sales came from the fact that OoT3D came around the 3DS' release.

Not everyone is autistic.


Man that console is not aesthetic, that glossy black plastic makes it look and feel so fucking cheap. My 2000 is a squeaky pos.

If I could get a vita with the front of the 1000 but the back of the 2000 I would be a happy man.

Which is the better emulation device out of the two?

read again.

Just depends on the sort of JRPGs you like I guess. I could play PS1 JRPGs forever but the Vita doesn't really have the same style.

It also is extremely well marketed by Nintendo and the DS had a bigger install base than the PSP

Not underestimating it, the opposite in fact. It sells so well because of those titles in spite of there not being near as many of them as the more niche titles mainly out of Japan

>Which is the better emulation device out of the two?

hacked vita can emulate up to snes and then ps1 and psp

hacked 3ds can emulate up to snes and then ds

if thefag actually pulls through on ps1 support then Vita

They're doing a PS4 port?

Well Sport has been pushed back like 3 fucking times and we don't even have a date on it anymore.

Will never understand why they released a complete downgrade of a handheld in the slim

Anyone got those old Quentin Diamond Dogs images?

Not compilations per say, but Alien Breed, Duke Nukem 3D, Umihara Kawase and Metal Slug 3 are perfect ports and feel right at home on vita. Romancing SaGa 2, on the other hand...

He gave it PS1 on lower FWs.
But he has been putting it off...

>Will never understand why they released a complete downgrade of a handheld in the slim

Cutting costs, most likely.