So are they done with portable systems?

So are they done with portable systems?


I feel like everybody is. The mobile market is just too fucking obvious.

Even Nintendos just merging their shit together.

I only see Nintendo merging things together to be a good thing. As for sony, I feel like there was 100 things they could have done to make the Vita work, and they did exactly 0 of them.

Probably, which sucks as Vita's a damn good handheld when it comes to playing vidya. Sony screwed it with secondary bullshit like memory cards, save data tied to applications, and only one PSN per handheld though. Well, that and having no idea how to market the thing well whatsoever. But yeah, actually playing games on it is a-ok.

The hardware is great I guess

>Sony screwed it with secondary bullshit like memory cards, save data tied to applications, and only one PSN per handheld though.

None of these really affected your average person, though. What tanked Vita was the lack of games for said average person. Waifu wars nonsense can only take you so far. It only so happened that various niche audience became the main target audience for Vita.

Well, Switch was Nintendo's attempt to lure mobile players into buying a console. It remains to be seen how well will it sell in Japan

Sony pretending very hard that Vita doesn't exist didn't help convincing the devs to develop Vita games.

>mfw vita never secured monster hunter