Almost years ago to the day

>Almost years ago to the day
Are you still mad? Will it stop you from considering playing Andromeda?

Other urls found in this thread:

5 years, excuse me.

Mothafucka, I stopped playin' Ass Erect befo' it ME2 was released, yo. Nigga, ya'll gotta be crazy tazy to 2 be excited fo' dat dem bo shieet called Ass Erect: An Dram Oh Deez Nuts, biatch. Fuck da homoz who tink dis pile o' fuckass iz gonna be gud. BioWhere suks shieet, and day be headin' fo' da jew gutter soon 'nuff an' sho' 'nuff, biatches! Peace out, yo. I'ma blow muhself.


The shitty animation, awful looking design and underthought premise is what's keeping me from playing Andromeda.
The fact that ME3 was a faintly fun game that prolapsed into a pile of rotting garbage in the last few hours is neither here nor there.

I never did finish ME3, how did it end?

Not mad, learned to let go. Won't buy the new one.

I'm mad because I bought Dragon Age Inquisition complete with all the DLC for $5 and I still don't own this shit. BIOWARE CHEAP MASS EFFECT WITH DLC REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeEEeEeEEeEEeEe

>Playing any Bioware game after the Founders and Drew K already jumped ship

I honestly don't know what people expect, it's like if McDonalds started serving fresh shit in their burgers instead of meat and clowns saying it tastes just as good as before.

>how did it end?


>bought it new 2 months after release for £10
>nealy 1k hours in the MP

No. I got my moneys worth.

Pretty much this. Video games have become a championing of mediocrity.

Nah, Mass Effect 2 did it for me tho.

Dragon Age 2 was actually better than Mass effect 3.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Mass Effect 3 is not even bad. Group thinkers easily influenced by others just circle jerk about how bad it is.

Here's most of it.

It's bad, not even because of the ending, the entire game is shit and the story doesn't work even on basic levels. People who praise Mass effect 3 have no ability to judge things from a neutral stand point and just praise whatever kind of feels shit others shove down their throats

This and Inquisition made me sure that pirating is the only choice for bioware games

The gameplay is enjoyable but the story (the bit most people played the game for) doesn't make any fucking sense.

Mechanically, no. It's not bad. That said, however, I didn't buy a fucking Mass Effect game for the fucking gameplay. I bought it because I wanted to witness the conclusion to the story I spent two fucking goddamn cunt wrecking games playing, for fucks sake.

Then they spit in my goddamn face and make none of it matter. Now they have the fucking gall to try to force me to spend another SIXTY FUCKING DOLLARS to get LE EBIC SJW SPESS ADVENTURR

Fuck them, fuck the devs, fuck the publisher, fuck all of them.

good post, user. I enjoyed your post. C:


Even if ME3 has been good, the promotional materials for Andromeda would make sure I'd never buy it.
Blue Shrek, and the MCs being a Botox addict and Farquad don't appeal.

>implying i would need any more reasons to not play that garbage

>Hey Shepard, we know that we are the ones who actually built the crucible, but really nigga, we have absolutely no idea how it works or what's gonna happen when you operate it
>Yes, there's 3 branches there, but really, we don't know what they do. I know you are a soldier and we have the best scientists in the galaxy on our disposal, but you are actually the best person to go there and see how it really works!
>What's that? A kid literally coming out of a machine and explaining the plot and how the crucible works?
>But wait, this doesn't make much sense. Why all synthetic and organic life will become one If I jump on a giant laser beam? What the fuck. And why putting my hands on some electric shit makes me become the ruler of the reapers? No wait, why the fuck would the reapers give me the means to control them? Just because I can use assault rifles?
>Now that I'm paying attention, how the fuck I am surviving and breathing without using a helmet or any kind of protection? I'm literally on space right now.
>Forget about all that, since the beginning of the game, why my characters talks by himself all the time even without me putting any option? I thought this was supposed to be a role play game
>And why the options were reduced to just two per dialogue now?
>And why there's no more quests and everything is just resolved by pushing space and watching Shepard acting by himself to deal with the situation?
>Why there's no bosses in this game even though it's supposed to be a RPG?
>Why the last mission is such garbage, no, why the last mission is literally the worst mission of ANY RPG EVER
>Why the Warpower that I got has almost no direct effect in the battle
>Why Asari and Turian technology is portrayed as being World War 2-tier, even though Asaris are supposed to be the most advanced race on the galaxy in terms of tecnology
>Why Kei Leng exist
>Why Cerberus is portrayed in such a retarded and one dimensional way
>But hey, you don't need to worry, we have gay sex now!

In terms of being a shooter, the gameplay is mediocre, not bad, not good, just average. However, as a RPG it's absolutely atrocious. But like you said, no one buys Bioware games for their gameplay anyway, especially when it isn't tactic.

I read it all in Admiral Hackett's voice.


why should I be mad?
every sane person could see the shittyness of this series from miles away
the ending was just the icing on the cake

>have been replaying the series on consoles
>was having a good time despite some hiccups
>suddenly, Mass Effect 3
>those awkward dialogues
>those weird, glitchy animations
>the neverending swarms of enemies
You were wrong. The ending is the best thing about the game.

ME3 is an obligation and nothing more. Adam Shepard deserved better than this.

I wasn't mad, I just lost interest after a couple of hours in the game. It didn't have anything to do with the ending since I never got there, I just didn't feel compelled to keep going. I still like ME2 though, completed it a couple of times.

I love how most of Sup Forums swore never to buy another bioware/EA game again after DA2 yet we had heaps of ME3 threads, heaps of DA:I threads and will soon have heaps of Andromeda threads. Then you'll all swear again how you'll never buy another EA/Bioware game and how you mean it this time!
Never change, Sup Forums.

>you now remember EA got back to back worst company in america awards

>piracy doesn't exist

If you're gonna make a claim to not buy their games then why even pirate them? If they arent worth your money then what makes them worth your time? You guys are full of shit.

Nice try, bioshill.

>heaps of DA:I threads
That's dishonest, DA I was forgotten in less than a month here
>but it had thre-
Yeah, of course you faggot, Sup Forums has millions of users and DA I was a AAA game, so it had threads, but most of Sup Forums didn't gave a shit about it.

>1 city hub
>fan service everywhere
>terrible nemesis
>completely dissatisfying endings
>laughable evade Reaper minigame
>music wasn't as good as the other two
>graphics were actually worse than the other two

Too long, I can't be bothered.

>Racist Pajeet
>SJW devs
>Shitty animations
>Story seems to be nonsense
And yet I still want it because I have such fond memories of Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3's multiplayer

I'm just glad there's so many other games that came out all at once, it'll help. I don't want to support such shitty developers. Maybe I'll pirate it on PC although from the looks of it, mine won't run it well so I guess I'll have to upgrade first.

>it's fine because no one buts Bioware games for their gameplay


>why would Sup Forums, a board notorious for shitting on games without playing them, shit on Bioware, their number one punching bag and source of schadenfreude, based only on webms. Piracy and hearsay
You people are adorable.

I'm still upset

I'll try Andromeda but my expectations are low

I wasn't even that mad at the time. I was just "meh, that was disappointing". I won't play Andromeda because it looks like shit and anyone of worth has left Bioware and now they just hire tumblr fangirls.

This is exactly the way I feel. The Mass Effect series has a lot of nostalgic value for me, even though ME3 sucked. But man, I really am in doubt. On one hand, I'd love to play another Mass Effect game. On the other hand, I'd rather cut off my cock then supporting Bioware's SJW cancer

>how did it end

A color, "Shepard saved the galaxy", buy some DLC

>Almost years ago to the day
>Are you still mad?

I'm still mad
I will always be mad
On my deathbed, I will still be mad
When the seas heat up the world descends into global catastrophe I will still be fucking mad
In the afterlife, when I get to the gates of Heaven, St. Peter and his angels will ask me "Are you still mad about ME3?" and my answer will be "Yes"
When the race of man is no more and the ruins of Man's cities have crumbled into dust, I will still be mad
Ancient alien civilizations will find the smoldering, volcanic corpse of the planet Earth and decode the secrets of our ancient "Internet", and they will find this post and so my eternal anger will be brought forth into the far-flung reaches of space
When the last tiny flash of heat in the universe dies and all descends into entropy, my hatred will remain

I'm still so fucking mad I tool the time to copy-paste this stupid fucking post, and it still doesn't make me feel even the slightest bit LESS mad

I fucking hate you Bioware

I'm still playing mass effect 3 desu

>In the afterlife, when I get to the gates of Heaven, St. Peter and his angels will ask me "Are you still mad about ME3?" and my answer will be "Yes"

Not mad anymore, but after ME3 and Cisquisition I don't trust in NuBioware capacity to make decent games.
If later people praise Andromeda I will buy it, but so far I don't like what I'm seeing of that game.

>Mass Effect 3 is not even bad.
It's the worst in the series, dumbed down almost in every aspect, plus joke ending.

>Group thinkers easily influenced by others just circle jerk about how bad it is.
Actually, the most egregious group think influencing people was the meme that it was good until the ending.
I only assume it came about due to the fact that Tuchanka was decent, and until the end people could delude themselves into thinking it might get better.

Rannoch, the crucible, anything with Cerberus and Thessia were absolute abortions.