Filename thread

Filename thread.

Keep it vidya.




Asian ads always hit you right in the heart

Tumblr needs to be annihilated, destroyed, and their land salted. Jesus Christ.

I'm 200% sure no one actually likes that art-style and whoever does it does it only to enrage people.





>hong kong 1987



Fucking kek.

Nothing quite beats simpsons filenames.



This one will always be my favorite of those.

>Composition? Anatomy? Facial expressions? Oh who cares it's just a PART OF MY STYLE



Nice one





max speed min dex

lol someone used my filename

How dead is he?


Course I did, I fucking hate Bioware's glorified dating simulators.


Snakes are cute! CUTE!!!



Shouldn't that do the opposite for you?

Good one.


>Only just realized it works on two levels.

>not resident_evil_III.gif

dumb bitch closed it too quickly - you can't expect a baby to read that fast

Go outside they said, what's the worst that could happen they said.

Looks like the teacher in Battle Royale. Is he a big shot in Japan?

What's the story behind this webm? Was source ever found for this?

Would an early access name be better? Couldn't really decide.

It's the same guy, Takeshi Kitano/Beat Takeshi. He's a huge deal. He came up with Takeshi's Castle and a NES game that exists just to fuck with the players.

how dead would you be?

>She is happy to make her child cry
What a whore.

At least from neck down

>Takeshi's Castle
Was that Most Extreme Elimination Challenge in America?




im actually tearing up
what the fuck


Probably, I'm a Britfag we didn't get a name change when it aired here. Was it loads of Japs running through an obstacle course and then getting ruined at the end in an impossible challenge with little carts with guns on them? If so, it's the same thing.

>those fucking man faces


because they are men, look at the bulges


>look at the bulges
i am

Noting the rest of the artstyle, it's probably tumblr, and they're probably transgender.

>Farcry_2_ savegame.webm







>tfw no more MXC



Not many people will get this one.




What am I suppose to see?




If that's real, she's cute now that she's normal


That looks like cum.



Sauce? H-haha.

>a NES game that exists just to fuck with the players.
Takeshi's Challenge is a work of goddamn art. I don't know whether the credit for it should go to Takeshi himself or the Famicom designer who decided to put in literally everything Takeshi said that was possible on the system.


>she's cute now that she's normal

so everything she said should be disregarded because she has vagina or became cute, rethink your life user, people like her will never change


.M-masaka. It can't be, is that...


Pretty sure it is. Looks similar to tsukino jyogi x-ray shots.

Rip gg

It's not like it's a reallly original one in the first place you imbecile.


I just came to post this, fucking NICE.

I want to have sex with them one by one desu


Are they supposed to be men? I honestly can't tell.

>Casinos in videogames

>ladyboy rape me

Fitting title for a future Poison solo game spin-off.