Things that make us proud to be console gamers

things that make us proud to be console gamers

Truly beautiful.


is this... the real life?

So progressive.

PS4 is truly the thinking man's platform of choice. Finally we get a female protagonist that does not subscribe to society's arbitrary standards of beauty. This is what all of us feminists have been waiting for.

Drumpf BTFO
Alt-right BTFO

That is the most awful, gaudy controller decal I've ever seen


Why are the statuettes they hand out for this sort of shit always fucking horrible garbage? I've literally never seen a statuette come with a pre-bought game that looked even remotely like it's bullshot.

>This thread
Get your butt ugly women and games taste out of my board you blind shills REEEEEEEEEE

the DOOM one is great

I'm sheltered as fuck when it comes to vidya "culture", but has this game actually gained any attention among normies or did it just sneak past under the radar like a ghost's fart?

I fucking hate all these collector's edition bullshit. It's always overpriced shit and it's almost never worth it.


Should hotglue the statue and send a pic to the story writer.




That statue looks manlier than in game. Can i get a closeup?

this is the lamest controller decal ever.
Why not make it look like the makeshift armor they wear in game instead of just printing the cover on it?


Ac ones were good. Mainly cause the hood hid the horrible faces that these things always have


I hate when companies idea of a themed skin is a basic advert using the stock images and the logo

I can't believe someone did this with a battleborn statue and pitchford ACTUALLY replied

Is this a repainted oblivion statue?

That looks pretty cool. Does the Aloy bust have a night light or something?

this is a false flag from Sup Forums and Sup Forums will still fall for it

The autism is high in this one

You know, the shit statue is to be expected. A bundled figure is expected to be bad, especially from a western company.

But that controller, goddamn. How in their right mind decided that shit is in any way aesthetically pleasing at all? Like, what the fuck?

Randy is pathetic though. He's desperate to see any talk of Battleborn, regardless of the subject. There are also suspicions that he created the Battleborn rule 34 subreddit that he linked on his twitter in an attempt to get more people to play it.

Joke's on you, it's the PC platform who got the most feminist shit you can imagine, Gone Home.

>it's the PC platform who got the most

D44M is a 2016 game