There are people, right here, right now...

>There are people, right here, right now, who would unironically buy a 300 dollar console to play a last-gen game and then nothing else for six months

You're not one of these losers, right user?

Other urls found in this thread:

Some people have the money to waste. Good for them.

Nope, I also plan on buying Mario Kart 8, Splatoon 2, Waku Waku 7, Bomberman R, Disgaea 5 and some other games.

I'd do that if I was a richfag (earning more than 50k a year) instead of a third-worlder

last-gen port, longer than six months, shovelware, shovelware, year old game multiplat.

Such a killer line-up.

Yea, insane right? people actually bought a console on release for Knack.

I'm buying three games at launch, two more games within launch month, and then five more games within the three months after that.

Nice try, though. I honestly can't remember the last launch window this good.

Nah, if I had money to literally piss away though I'd buy one for things other than the last gen open world game

>I honestly can't remember the last launch window this good.
You probably said the same thing about the Wii U

I have only played Waku Waku 7 out of all those games, I do have a PS4 but why would I get Disgaea 5 on it when I can just get it on the switch with all the DLC included and the ability to grind while on the toilet.

have fun gaming not hating user.


Nope, didn't buy the Wii U at launch. Again, nice try, guy.

>Waku Waku 7
Is it coming to the west? I know I can just make a jap account since it's region free, but it would be easier if I don't have to.

Jesus you're pathetic OP. Who gives a shit what people buy.

People don't normally give a fuck if someone wastes their money on clothes, tablets, TVs, car parts, etc.

Go outside. You need some fresh air.

Nice try shill, the Switch doesn't even have 8 games in its first year.

Unless you're buying indies you can play on literally every other platform for the past four years. In which case, have fun you tasteless sack of shit.

A day ago I found out Puyo Puyo Tetris is releasing next month. This is turning out way better than I expected.

>You're not one of these losers, right user?

I believe so, so it KOF98, World Heroes Perfect and Metal Slug 3... but I'm just happy WW7 is getting released. I have the sega saturn version but the loading are really long there.

>There are people, right here, right now, who would unironically buy a console.

>more than 50k a year

I don't want to live where you are living pham

>Waku Waku 7
Huh. That's interesting.

I've only heard about this game from the Genshiken manga, and I'm pretty hyped if it does come here, I guess I could pirate it but I can't play pirated game for more than 1 hour.

I'm sure you don't, I earn $100 a month.

Christ no. I still remember how nintendrones would attack the PS4 for having no games. Now the situation is reversered and even worse imo but it's fine since it's nintendo and it's ok when they do it.

I have a Wii U for BotW and I'm still not convinced of ever getting a switch.

Options to play Breath of the Wild if you don't own a Wii-U:

>1. Buy a now defunct Wii-U and BoTW
>2. Buy a Switch and BoTW


Nintendrones will defend anything

For starters, the switch needs a revision more than any other console.
Secondly, they're gladly accepting their wiiu being completely abandoned for a console barely better specs wise, it could easiy receive most switch games. Zelda already proves that.

360 and ps3 continued getting ports till they could, but nintendo knows what kind of exploitable fanbase they have

they mentioned it in the Genshiken manga?

well don't get too hyped, I mean I think it's a great game but as a fighting game fan, I know it has its flaws and well its a really old game that oozes with personality, but fighting game fans nowadays wouldn't bat an eye at it since it's not well balanced. however it is a great casual fighter.

I just think it's interesting it's getting a switch port. I did play it myself a while back.

In the first serie, as a bonus page at the end of a chapter iirc, not-Madarame asked other members which characters they like or something like that.I can't remember which character though.
It's also thanks to that manga that I've discovered Puyo Puyo.

Fast RMX, War Groove, Pocket Rumble, and Mr. Shifty are all exclusive indie games to the Switch.

Combine that with Zelda, Mario, Splatoon 2, and Xenoblade 2, that's literally 8 games. I'd also include portable Disgaea 5, which Disgaea fans have been begging for but Sony says the Vita can't handle it, as well as portable Puyo Puyo Tetris; while it exists on the Vita in Japan, it's not getting localized here for whatever reason, so it'll be more expensive to import.

That's ten games.

god damn, last year I rented a single room in some shitty student hostel right smack in the center of London for my masters and that costed me like 350 burgerbucks per week.

Can you look another man in the eyes and say that you play these video games? I can barely admit to playing The Witcher series to my friends without looking like a total shut-in man-child.

>inb4 none of these count

>50k is not good enough
Is this a meme? 50k is fucking plenty for a single individual in a very decent apartment/ good neighborhood. Where the fuck are people throwing away their money at?

Im really depressed user.
I have a ps4, up to date PC and im gonna get a switch.
I don't really know what i'm doing with my life, i'm considering going back to college but I already make 80k a year doing almost nothing.
Nothing is fun anymore and it seems like I just do things to keep myself occupied rather than enjoying anything.
Really considering suicide because it might be the only interesting thing for me to do.

Video games are mainstream now. They have been for at least a decade. Nobody factors in how insecure you are about your fragile public image.

Yes, in Mexico we don't judge people...actually most of you guy don't either but you want to make it seem like that, you should stop that since you are only creating this problem for yourself user.

So you're insecure and have shit tastes.

>the ability to grind while on the toilet
Enjoy your hemorrhoids. No, really, it's very unhealthy to sit on the toilet for more than 10 minutes. I agree that portability is an advantage, but stop using this as an example.

Nice, well I have always had a softspot for that game I did watch the Genshiken anime and found amusing all the Guilty Gear references

If you live in a real city the rent alone in a "very decent apartment/ good neighborhood" will already take half of that 50k away.

>Implying the entire Zelda fanbase didn't buy the Wii U for the promise of Zelda and got scammed

>Mario Kart 8
>Splatoon 2
>Waku Waku 7
>Bomberman R

These are games that are specially talored to the age 3 - 7 audience. I honestly can't imagine a well adjusted adult playing this garbage.

Not enjoying Mario Kart or Bomberman is like not enjoying Pacman.

Who hurt you, user? Who broke your soul?

Enjoy your exclusive indietrash.

Remember when Nintendo marketed Tank! Tank! Tank! as an exclusive must-play Nintendo title?

You're an idiot whose gonna get scammed twice. I also love how of the other games you mentioned, three don't have a solid release date and one isn't even releasing this year. But hey, enjoy your last gen port machine.

Maximum desperation.

You retarded, son? I mean don't get me wrong, the Switch is outright garbage, but not liking Mario Kart of Bomberman is just fucking pitiful.

>Hey guys, look who had no friends to play games with growing up! the post

It's like you're asking me why I don't enjoy watching Dora the Explorer. I'm not the target demographic, and neither are you.

The irony is that most normal people play party shit like Mario Kart while le hardcore gamers play godawful triple AAA garbage like Witcher.

Nice goalpost moving. Trés fetch.

I didn't buy a WiiU, I'm not even a nintendo fanboy, but ever since E3 Zelda reveal I got really interested in the game, I've played and finished only NES Zelda 1,2, A link to the past and Links awakening, and this Zelda has me stoked to play it.

After having played games for 33 years of my life, I find that I play games for the fun/challenge they provide. when I look for a game I don't look for a cinematic experience, or a great story, I'm looking for something that actually looks fun to play, story and graphics are not my main concern, I don't care about those things in games, when I want a story I actually read books or watch movies, for me games are there to just have fun. that said I know that some people do have different mindsets when it comes to fun, I have friends who consider themselves movie buffs, so games like Zelda seem boring to them, however they are salivating over games like Heavy Rain, Detroit, Beyond two souls, etc. perhaps you are more like them thus we can't accept each others taste in games, it's the reason that even though I have a PS4 I generally don't buy any Sony 1st party game.

There are no worthwhile games on Switch
My statement still stands.

You would make a good Sonyger. They're also king at defending shit hardware with no games.

a port
HD reskinned port

As much as I like these two franchises, it's still not a system seller for me. If they bother to port Bayo 2 onto the switch maybe I will actually consider buying it.

If you play games for fundamental challenge, why are you playing Zelda?

It's literally a dumbed down version of every open world game out with more grind added for padding.

>there are people who post console war threads
You're not one of those faggots, right user?

No, the conversation was more like

>but the Switch has exclusive indie games

That's pretty much one of the purest forms of goalpost moving you can exhibit. Not to mention that Shin'en and the War Groove dev team have a history of making great games.

It clicked my buttons user, only other open world games that have done that are Red Dead Redemption and Crackdown.

I hardly ever play open world games, Zelda may be the 3rd open world game I will ever finish.... well RDR2 is also coming so, I'm excited for that too.

I'm more of a fighting game fan, I love playing fightingg games.

So you dismiss a game for being a port, but you'd buy the system for another port.

>You're not one of these losers, right user?

Better than the losers to constantly make threads worrying about what others are doing with their money or how they have fun.


>become idort
>playing twice as many games
>console warring in threads is twice as unbearable because I get called a shill from both sides

it's kinda ok for me because I haven't play any of the games on the Switch that was ported from the Wii U so in a sense I am not actually buying the console for ports.

At this point I literally treat Wii U as a non-console, there's only 2 games that interested me and they are not worth paying for an entire console for, if the same 2 games are on the Switch that's 2 more games that will interest me that's on that console that I haven't played, you feel me?

>have fun

Such a threat!

>own every console
>don't have to pick a side

Sure is fun not being a poor fag. Seriously the best way to spot a peasant is how much they stick up for the only console they have.


The fuck is your definition of a real city? Fucking L.A or Orlando? Overpriced shitholes?

Why the fuck does some random guy on normie infested Sup Forums care what I play or what I buy?

Sup Forums is already a normie shithole

>If you live in a real city

Fucking normies

Yea normal people love to play party games on Nintendo platforms, that's why the Wii U sold so well.

I'm afraid for metal slug 3. I got burned when I bought the Anthology on Ps4 and it ran like utter arse