Hes back boys
Hes back boys
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get out
fuck off asshole
ITT: Tumblr
check your mileage cyst scum
Imagine yourself kissing him, nibbling at his soft pink lower lips, slowly running your tongue inbetween his dental gap
its time to move on
I'm surprised no one has posted the boipucci pic
literally who
He's in the regret stage of his mental illness. He yearns for the day he can return to the scrawny skeleton that set WRs and nearly won the first Nintendo World Championship in years if it wasnt for the crux and catalyst for all of his misery JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS
For the love of fuck everytime i see that gap. I always want to yell through my screen.
"Get BRACES!!!"
His gap could be closed within a year maybe even less than that. Plus braces are not as painful as they are made out to be. My wisdom Teeth were far more painful than anything Braces have done so far.
Is that the kid who murdered those children at Sandy hook?
You don't just come back from complete insanity and disassociation from reality.
Is he speedrunning it? If not, who fucking cares
>Imagine yourself kissing him, nibbling at his soft pink lower lips, slowly running your tongue inbetween his dental gap
wtf im hospitalized now
Who the fuck is Cosmo? Narcissa's brother?
Link? And I swear to god if you give me a literal Link character I'll kill myself.
>Zelda BoTW makes Cosmo a man again
that's pretty powerful for a game
He's probably looking to get in on the BOTW scene, but the problem right now is that the speedrun needs some massive skips found to actually work, and it'll be super difficult.
If they work out how to get the master sword without 13 hearts, then the rest isn't too terrible. Otherwise it's going to be a 5 hour run.
I didn't save it. Someone posted it before saying he was doing pics for donations
Cosmo was a famous speedrunner a few years back who made history for fucking up at a Nintendo competition against a nobody and also being one of the greatest speedrunners with the original Legend Of Zelda.
To be honest, although Cosmo is sort of a lolcow, as long as Cosmo shapes up and stops using MAH HAND HAS PROBLEMS excuse i am more than willing to go back and watch and support Cosmo.
Didn't he chop off his dick? You can't come back from that
I'm literally shaking...
All dungeons will be the main category for BoTW. Followed by any%
I have imagined this, anonymous. And it would be fairly agreeable until I saw the usual "im tranny lol *buttplug*" picture and then into the trash it went. Being deviant is for behind closed doors and I'll have none of it out in the public.
Famous in the speedrunner community, without Cosmo you can say that Speed Runs Done Quick and Speedrunning in general would not be where it is today and statistics prove it. Its only when Cosmo ended up being a fucking lolcow and a trans did everything go downhill.
The only irony is from what i hear Speed Runs Done Quick which Cosmo is part owner of actually has kind of banned fun time after the streams of goofing and fucking around because "its not SAFE". Hopefully this means a change of heart.
If that's real he's truly past the point of no return.
>staying married to the bitch
>same fag.
I'm more interested in a fabled webm of him twirling in a skirt with his dick flapping about
why is it so funny he threw his life away? He could of made so much fucking money if he continued speedrunning. Now it almost seems like hes begging for money
Wait did anyone have the one pic where he showed his ass and some user uploaded it?
who cares about this disgusting faggot, he'll kill himself soon enough like any weakling who doesn't like his life and think he'll be much better as a woman
Those must weigh like 100 grams
He might be passable if he fixed his teeth... Lol he won't be popular again most people just view him as that guy who lost his mind after he got wrecked at Mario meme
Its the motherfucking Nintendo World Championship Final anybody that is not a retard knows you will need to play a Mario rehash at some point. How could he show up and get bodied like that? There are only six buttons nigger how many different ways are there to wall jump try them all you dumb fucking piece of shit.
Follow up on the choke of the century with a nervous breakdown.
Start using hormones a decade after you stopped growing.
Smart money is he kills himself within the next 4 years.
What's the appeal of speedrunning? For me it's the most boring shit in the world especially when game is glitch heavy or easy. I understand some fun challenge runs like SSS DMC walkthrough or no death run of Dark Souls but what's the point of speedrunning games? It's just about if you can trigger some glitch which skips 90% of the game or not.
Its the gums too tho. And the shape. Its just sickening to look at
The amount of auts in that subreddit is astounding. Who really fucking cares?
wtf did i just watch. is there documentation of this guys downfall ? before trans, what made him, after and all that. almost sure I could get a grant off studying this retard.
He looks better pre op, honestly. If only John Numbers didn't fuck him so hard then maybe he wouldn't be so gay.
What lips? He has those thin white people "lips".
Because he's fucked in the head thats why
narcissa is gods gift and we need to make her feel safe and give her money and attention.
I don't know, it's fun to see a game get taken apart and broken.
Guess it just doesn't appeal to you.
>Zelda BoTW makes Cosmo an attention whore again
The only reason xir's playing it it's because it's the only thing that gives validation to xir life.
those fucking noodle arms
This. it's in his name. He's a narcississt. Stop watching, commenting and disliking and he will revert back to male cosmo for attention. If you still ignore him he will go back for good.
He decided that he needs dick.
He wants to get dick without hitting the gym.
This contradiction drove him insane.
>BotW run is a low effort rng grind where you hold forward
>Guys I'm back to speedrunning haha xD
Wait what?
I thought he made history when his girlfriend cucked him.
Fuck you user!
I was eating!
All dungeons is incredibly slow, though. I think it'd actually be faster to just go to shrines and increase your hearts, because of how much prep work you have to do for each dungeon.
40 shrines/any% will be the real route. Even with dungeons, you still need to visit 24 shrines, so it's not a major difference.
Once you get the master sword, you can quickly grab the shield on the way to ganon, and then it's just a boss rush with 13 hearts to beat the game.
Faggots will fuck anyone. He doesn't need to look good just ask and tell them he isn't gay. Fags want to fuck straight men and children, not each other.
Can someone tell me what made him snap and go tranny?
Any video showing this decline, also?
>you will never suffer from gender dysphoria
Pretty good feeling, next to never being Anthony Burch of Randy Pitchford
Just saw the chibi videos and learned how much of an unlikeable bunch AGDQ scene is
How this is a thing
He is going to hell.
He grinded Ocarina of Time any% for months, even years, then set his legendary WR at long last
Then he was BTFO a couple months later by some random who from Sweden.
I thought white people were smart
Go to 47:51
What videos? I'd like to see.
I would like to thank Sup Forums for being supportive during my transition.
I really wish I had never looked into the speedrunning community and simply enjoyed the events. It's just fucking abysmal.
I'm German.
i dont think it made him go tranny but i think he had enough of speedrunning when his record was broken in like a month. he tried to do games nobody cares about for a little bit but then he just stopped.
>how white people think
Yeah, man, those sky faeries are not real.
Space man, we're going to a different looking rock floating out in space. I don't care about anything besides CUM.
Holy shit you are retarded.
I thought nazis were smart
Shouldn't you be worshiping black cock CF?
Was I the only one expecting a screamer?
I'm so sorry to hear that
No that's his sister(male)
Tan German huh
speedrunners should really be raising money for an autism charity instead of cancer awareness
>Look like an average nerd with buck teeth
If he just fixed his fucking teeth he would have been a lot better off
imminent suicide soon
Healthy young speedrunner goes to Nintendo World Championships, tries his best but loses bigly , doesn't feel good and changes - TRANSITIONS. Many such cases!
>i'm just being ironic
>transition to """"""""""""""""""""""""woman""""""""""""""""""""
>Still have shitty fucking teeth
If anything, a """"""""girl"""""" with shit teeth is a huge turn off unless your fucking Japanese.
>Now it almost seems like hes begging
Still better looking than Brianna Wu.
Did he cut his dick off yet?
Is HE dare I say it... back?!