>Game that's made to play with friends
>Game journos hate it

Hmm... really makes you think...



>Namefag defending a wii game
Wew, I bet you're also a gay furry.

For a full-price game, then yeah, it's asking for too much.

>For that piece of shit
If anything, that's too fucking high.

Did anyone actually expect this game to be good?

why the fuck would you pre-order this thing?

It's the switch's Sing Party.

Did anyone expect anything else?

I like that jerking off minigame where they teach you to fondle the balls while jerking the virtual dick off

One more negative review and we can get it into the red

It was literally a $50 tech demo to test the joycon features. All Nintendo did was add images/animations to what is basically a debug application.


It's pure shovelware trash.

I cannot believe that this game is $50 and not a pack-in


Shouldn't this thing be included with the console though? Is this Game & Wario?

This is the only Switch exclusive out right now.

Says something, doesn't it?

61? it's a 40 at best.

honestly im not surprised. saw giantbomb play and a whole gameboard has all but i think the ninty reps said 5 of the games.

for a full priced game its p shitty, i imagine theres only the base "take turns rolling the dice and playing random minigames" and a freeplay, which of course would get boring after 5 hours.

shouldve be BUNDLED, retarded fukin ninty. itll probably be bundled starting black friday.


This game shouldve came with the System like Wii Sports

Fcking Jews rule the world now

>implying this had anything to do with jews

The score really isn't surprising though. I'm not sure why it isn't bundled either since I doubt it'll even sell that much.

Reason why the game didnt get bundled with the system= Corporate Greediness

Whos famous of being greedy?.....It rhymes with blues...

it wasn't included with the console?

Supposedly with "all the stuff it already has", the Switch couldn't cost 299$ WITH that game included.

I kinda feel bad for Sup Forums. I mean, I see where you guys are coming from (in a way), but I was playing this with all my friends last night, and honestly it is a good game, but ONLY if you have friends, so while all you virgins complain about this game on a fucking message board, understand that those of us with friends and girlfriends are having fun with it ;)


>muh sony

dont you dare shit on my knack

>I-it's fun with friends!!

I enjoyed laughing at Heavy Rain with friends, that doesn't make David Cage games good.


this will be a cult classic like with earthbound
mark my words

wow, we actually have nintendrones defending this kek

>KNACK got worse scores than a fucking TECH DEMO

>b-but sony

every time

Knack is a bizarre thing. I'm pretty sure Knack 2 is only allowed to exist because the director basically designed the PS4 so it's Sony's way of thanking him for a really fast selling console. It's a shit game that the director has a weird attachment to but it keeps him happy and occupied.