ruskies fucked up release trailer to public
Overwatch hero
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>Uploaded on Feb 23, 2017
How does this not have billions of reply already
Also ffs blizzard with all the cash you have you could at least make characters that dont look like complete unappealing horseshit
yeah, they uploaded it and hid it. they're tons of videos talking about it.
Fuck overwatch and their multicultural puke bucket of a game.
Conflicting, Overwatch needs more omnics but it doesn't need more tanks
because blizzard just released their own announcement, op is retarded
>lets keep releasing more unbalanced heroes while ignoring the other unbalanced heroes
Guess I found my new tank main.
>tease Doomfist
>release literally who
Huh it's like Sombra and Ana
But it's cool they're adding an Omnic/Tank.
so the leak was real
>african hero
>still not a nigger
The first African hero is a child soldier
what do you think it needs
Blizzard fucked up with the PTR, and now Bastion is broken as shit.
People want Bastion fixed more than they want a new hero.
To those that doesn't know yet, they're implementing changes to Bastion on thr PTR soon.
Now, before you say, 'Fucking finally.' I feel like Bastion being overpowered was done on purpose, so any actual changes to Bastion done later will be more acceptable to the community.
Why do Sombra and this Robo-Centaur thing have such terrible character designs? Did they just fire all the artists after they released Ana?
>Now, before you say, 'Fucking finally.' I feel like Bastion being overpowered was done on purpose, so any actual changes to Bastion done later will be more acceptable to the community.
Who the fuck is managing the PTR? Trump?
dead game
she's on the PTR right now as a tank
theres no way anyone can sexualize this
3/10 shit design
>Here's a new hero
>It's available NOW
Say what you will, I do appreciate that
Or it was just released you fucking idiot.
>alt fire is basically a small zarya ult
>has more range than any tank, with a machine gun
>tank, so will have a huge hp pool
yeah this seems balanced. gg bliz
Look, let's be real for a moment. Players hate changes. They don't like it when things disrupt their precious tiers and playstyle. By making Bastion obscenely overpowered at the beginning, any actual and reasonable changes they want to implement will be more acceptable to them later on. It would be easier to integrate the new Bastion into the meta if the players are willing to do so. Granted, it's just a theory of mine, but I hardly believe they didn't know how overpowered Bastion would be, especially since they had been willing to tweak the max damage mitigation value but not anything else during the PTR. This was a ruse, and people fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
visit /m/ sometime
>african hero
>it has bull-like horns
what did they mean by this?
>3 new heroes since launch
>best girl status STILL unchanged
the point is to release butt ugly characters and have at least 1 cool looking skin. forces people to buy lootboxes
i want porn of her goddamit
Where's the porn?
uninstalling this shit dead game lmfao, i was so hyped for doomfist but im just gettin outta here, would actually be mad if they released another fucking poc female character to please the tumblr crowd
which will it be
It would need some redesign but it is not impossible.
Pic related.
*smacks lips*
We need more offense
Considering her alt fire is a mini version of another heroes' ult, has an ability that makes her immune to CC, longer range than any tank, and will have tank levels of HP, I'm gonna err on the side of broken as fuck.
> 7 offense
> 6 defense
> 5 tanks
> 5 support (4 if you only count healers)
We need another tank badly, since Reinhardt is the only proper one.
People just don't like to think about it because the tank meta is fresh in everyone's heads.
Not really a fair comparison when someone like Sombra is considered offence
I will laugh if people start to backtrack about nerfing Bastion if only so they can use him to hard-counter Orisa.
Considering she also has a machine gun, can throw a rein barrier, and make herself immune from cc, and can also pull bastion while he's in sentry mode, I doubt he will hard counter her.
Fuck that sickens me that she's offense. Have they released any plans to fix her garbage gameplay yet?
>wanna try the new hero
>can't join game
Jesus, blizzard are fucking incompetent
You should consider changing that filename senpai.
>we originally intended for her to be much more focused on hacking, giving her a laundry list of effects for hacking different things
>playtesters got too confused and didnt play her right
>canned the whole concept, gave her a pea shooter and called it a day
Fuck nuBlizzard. They're not gonna fix shit, Sombra will stay garbage bin forever.
>Africa finally gets a proper african hero, not some egyptians
>it's a fucking robot and not a nigger