Should basic cyber implants be free for every citizen?
Should basic cyber implants be free for every citizen?
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A better question is what is the appropriate age for cyberntic enchancements in a society that embraces it? Is it like a when you turn adult kind of thing, or do you get them earlier and have to keep swapping 'em out as you grow older?
Nah. Genetic modifications instead.
That's just asking for a Cylon uprising.
finally I'll be able to get rid of all this useless flesh
Right after birth
Inert testicles implants should be mandatory for every non-white citizen.
Can I become a cyborg skeleton? Then yes please.
Humanity should slowly be replaced by robots!
What is a citizen in your version of the future?
Stellaris is shit
It's not as great as it could be, but it being shit is wrong and (You) know it.
People who proved their worth to the empire obviously
it's best current 4X tho
Then yes. Mandatory and free.
digital recorder in your brain at birth and then when you turn 18 they transplant the digital copy into a robot body and terminate your original meat
Has Stellaris been updated yet with Utopia?
Or is that a mod, OP?
Cylon is robot. Cyber implants are human implants.
Difference is pure robot vs human + prosthetics.
Not yet.
The Update and DLC will come April 6th
Oh so we do have a release date then? Neat.
Sure, just agree to terms of service :)
Star Ruler 2 is better :^)
They've also released a trailer some days ago.
Oh could they be any more Swedish?
>aliens live in harmony and peace with each other
>humans are militaristic expansionists at war with others
What's wrong with it?
Try to learn some world history
That sounds a lot like Starship trooper
Are you saying humans aren't militaristic expansionists at war with others?
... yes and?
Isn't there a United Nations faction of humans as well?
Of course. And it should be mandated as well. How else will the benevolent government track everything that every one of its slav-- sorry, citizens does?
You can make whatever faction you want.
It's pretty realistic that humans will most likely rape and plunder their way through space until some ascended empire slaps them.
Yes, but in my game they ended up enslaved by some nasty looking fungoid conclave. That peaceful UN shit only works in Star Trek.
Yes, but you can create whole factions from zero.
>until some ascended empire slaps them.
What now?
>Star Trek peaceful Federation
>Section 31
how many times must we go over this, you fucking degenerates
Wars of liberation are an absolute chore. Unrestricted wars are the only way.
Also does anyone play this game at a speed other than "fastest"? I'm either on fastest or paused.
Depends if they volunteer for space pioneering, citizens who have no intention of expanding Humanities' holdings do not need them unless for their work, and if that's the case then the company should provide them.
Oh, just looked it up, makes me want to watch DS9.
I never played any Paradox game at anything but the fastest. I don't really see the point, if something happens a popup will pause.
The only problem with pirating this is that finding and installing mods is bigger pain than it would be on Steam.
Other than that, Im glad i wont have to pay another $30usd just to play the geth empire.
€20 and I agree it's over priced.
A much better question is at which level of cybernetization a person could be reasonably considered not human, allowing people to legally hunt and slaughter them.
>Can't play as robots
Depends on what you are trying to achieve.
If you want to elevate your species to make it once and for all clear that your people are the only true masterrace, free and mandatory it is.
If you want to make loads of emone, hell no, pay to play.
If you have neither strong inclination, different price ranges for different customers.
A pity that nothing of that is possible in stellaris, especially missiles doing anything.
when you stop growing so you dont have to replace them every couple months you dingus
Robots aren't naturally occurring
>>humans are militaristic expansionists at war with others
True to life.
Nah, it has so many flaws and outright retarded design decisions.
It is basically an Early Access Alpha game, with the option of paying extra for half the content that is missing.
the basic human race is the star trek peaceful hippies and they included the evil twin alternate dimension human race as well
name better modern 4X then
Humans are a race of peace.
Galactic Civilizations 2.
Which is funny, considering the united nations are a powerless and overly bureaucratic farce.
Science fiction really is the only place where they actually work.
>be free for every citizen
nothing is free, do you expect the doctors to work pro bono? the engineers that created the implants?
Get a fucking job and work for your augs you lazy fucker.
>Galactic Civilizations 2.
10 years ago is not modern.
also it's boring as fuck
>Humans are a race of peace.
Endless Legend.
get robots to install them
>terrible overly long battle mechanics
Unpopular opinion time: I still believe that ISIS simulator 2016 would have been a fun game if also disturbing.
I didn't move to Windows 10, I'd never trust free implants
Endless space then, you literally auto-resolve even when you play the battles.
Or if you are a bigger casual than I think, Civ6.
true dat, but galciv is the very opposite of modern.
what is modern in your eyes, and why do you limit the answers to this specific kind?
Endless legend.
If by that you mean a sequel to C&C: General, then it would have been GOTY.
as opposed to terrible and frankly broken battle mechanics that you can not really influence?
Damn, strong contender stellaris is there.
We're not even advanced enough as a society (in murrika) to offer even free ibuprofen or standard checkups to our citizens.
The rest of the world will probably already be genetically and cybernetically modified super humans, while our lawmakers are still weak cattle conforming to the demands of the ultra rich.
We need to have an education limit set on our elected officials, like at least 1 PhD to be elected to the house of reps and 3 to be elected president, with one mandatory STEM degree.
>Saturn and Playstation
I still don't understand why they did that
male and female voices took turns to appeal to left wing pansies
nah, but stellaris have more stuff to do aside of battles, when endless legends hardly has anything else to do aside of city building
Fucking Doom had ports too, and even that couldn't run properly.
I still whole heartedly believe that if humans came into contact with intelligent extra terrestrial life, we would have declared war on them withing 8 hours.
It was a different, more innocent era.
you can auto-resolve and have much faster and much better battles than in stellaris.
What is completely OP or totally useless changes at random with every patch in there.
>endless garbage
Wow, this is the new low
How long do you think it would have taken till someone stick his dick in it?
do you have played so little of the game that you need to resort to lying or are you simply trying to elicit some kind of angered response?
Cost of building buying and maintaining robots
A simpler time.
the icon is straight from it
>pretending Mali didn't happen
is every thread infested by butthurt frenchies? someone always mentions Chirac as the odd one out
woah dude. its almost like someone modded in the race and ethics
Rape is a matter of course in war for every army in recorded history, no matter how propaganda likes to say other wise
it's unoptimal as fuck
I played few sessions, was awhile back tho
maybe addons fixed it. but as base release it was shit
Oh sweet memories. But anything really, a shooter where you play as the towelheads for instance. Its probably the only theme/setting no one will every touch unless they're actually recruiting for the real ISIS.
As much as the megalomaniac in me likes that question and line of thought, that's no different than any other 'The Robots Won and Everyone Loses' scenario.
>humanity is improved
No, it's morphed into something that's not humanity and its flaws.
Not saying it didn't happen, but putting him on the same poster than Stalin, Mao and Hitler is completely stupid. He was a dick, but god damn it, it's just not the same as those three.
user, it would help if you explained why stellaris is the better 4x than the current contrived explanation on why everything else sucks in your opinion.
>putting cybernetics in your body
Considering the pace at which technology advances your implants will be obsolete in no time.
Have fun getting brain surgery every other year.
Retroviral bioengineering is the way of the future.
You know, that's why it's "previous high scores" and not "top 3 murderous regimes"
>humans are militaristic expansionists at war with others
Yah, no suprise here
>aliens live in harmony and peace with each other
Play the game and you'll see it's not true at all. Plenty of agressive xenophobic slavers that just want to fuck you up.
I'm talking about the trailer, user.