Okay NOW I'm starting to get worried
Okay NOW I'm starting to get worried
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You lucky my man, i missed the date by a few days and they sold out.
Now i gotta haul around my fat hairy ass to a toys r us tommorow morning
If it says Preparing for Shipment, you're fine.
I'm in the same boat, my credit card got charged at least...
gonna be a nice dust collector 6 months from now. hope that $400 is worth it.
>to play Zelda
Youre an impatient idiot. I bet you buy the newest iphone evry six months too.
You didn't order the pro controller user? Seriously?
Anons, what if I told you that I take a 1.5 hour train ride for work every day and I don't need your shit to tell me what I can and can't buy?
ive gotten amazon shipments in 1 day.
they know what they're doing for the most part.
I didn't either, I will get it eventually. I thought getting a controller would be easier than the console and was considering a second set of joycons and a grip so it could be used for 4 player as well.
not our fault you make piss poor decisions - what do we care?
I've already been charged, can't cancel at this point. Unless they have the order change to one day shipping due to having prime, I don't think I'm getting this on friday.
Must suck to worry about $400
You certainly seem to care a lot that I'm buying a 400 dollar gaming console though.
Well, MAYBE you are very lucky and they will pass by the switch reserve and pick it there.
I'm worried bois. Ill amazon really do 1 day shipping on all these switches? I doubt it, fuck everything. We will be getting these things on saturday when all the chads and chadetts will be playing on it day fucking one going to the stores. Im literally sitting in my bed curled up into a ball from all the horror im witnessing.
I hope it's something like that, if both things arrive in the same package it's a lot of less hassle desu
Also why is Zelda so cheap for OP?
>transfer normie younger brother 380€ for him to grab me a Switch and Zelda later tonight
>give him an extra 10€ for gas
>mfw I'm chilling at home with no worries in life
>trusting Amazon with day 1 releases
Serves you right. I already learned my lesson from FFXIV 1.0 when my limited edition copy didn't arrive until after 7pm. Walked into a store earlier that day and just bought one, sent back the Amazon one later.
In-store pickup is the best way to go for these, because they'll have it the moment the doors open.
Dude it's just a cheap-ass console.
we arent poor like you. i spent $1300 this morning just because i could
Only tried an in-store pickup once. I got there, and it turns out they sold my reserved copy. I had to spend an hour following the manager around the store demanding a refund while he tried to give me a bunch of random shit instead of a refund. At the end of it all he offered me $20 in store credit, a used PS3 controller, and a new copy of the latest Madden game on PS4. I had pre-ordered a fucking 3DS game.
Wow, did you borrow daddys credit card and enter the information all by yourself too?
Get a job
As of now both Bomberman and Zelda will be delovered tomorrow. Now I just need to worry about getting my Switch home from Walmart at 6am on a bike. Does anyone know how big the box is?
3 feet long and weights 50 pounds.
My Switch arrives this morning, as well as my copy of Zelda. I have a feeling Zelda might arrive before the Switch, since I ordered from a local game store via their website.
Watch an unboxing video, its not very large.
Maybe you should buy it again.
roughly switch-sized
Yeah I'll go and do that
Literal manchild. How many fucking threads are you going to make whining about your shitty console not being shipped? The fact that people are actually engaging with you really fucking worries me, go to fucking facebook or reddit, this isn't game discussion, this is literally
>no patience autist keeps on checking amazon to see if his dust collector has sold and then has an autistic meltdown when he realizes amazon is shit
then why are you engaging?
fucking nice. Thanks, Anons.
b-because i'm mad...
This is literal autism
It's been saying this since 6 AM I'm pretty sure I'm not getting it tomorrow.
>tfw Zelda shipped this morning and live close to an Amazon warehouse
I haven't upgraded my phone in like 3 years. The Switch is worth it for sure.
why are you buying a console with 1 game?
to have fun
>work legal job
>get paid $200/hr, or contingency based on the case and client
I literally afforded my Switch + Game with only 2 hours of work. You get a fucking respectable job and maybe one day you will be able to not have to cry to mommy for a new console every Christmas too.
Same here. I get a game early for once and I can't even play it
At least you can taste the cartridge.
>bought both zelda and switch with same payment method
>Zelda ships just fine yesterday
>Got email today saying i need to review payment method for switch and won't arrive till Tuesday
How does the zelda go through just fine but not the switch?
Is there a map of all the places Amazon ships from?
Unless they are shipping out of Denver the only way my switch is coming on time is if it comes straight here from California.
At least you can taste the car-
Fuck you
I'd tell you yo buy a portable with a better battery.
j/k faggot, enjoy your console
I live in SoCal, and my Zelda was shipped from Moreno Valley
>ordering on Jewmazon
Only order on Digitec or Galaxus. Nothing else.
wtf?? mine says it will arrive tomorrow by 8pm, best case scenario it will arrive by monday. Feels bad man, feels really bad.
>people STILL order from Amazon despite knowing their stuff arrives late for every launch-day console/game
has anyone's best buy orders actually shipped?
you're a neet, right?
it's cheap as fuck if you have a job
>not just using customer service to fix your issues
Switch wasnt coming on release day it seemed, so i complained to customer service. boom, shipping finally updated and it's now arriving tommorow.
Can you people not hold a conversation in an online chatroom or something?
This user is doing the right thing. Fuck amazon.
Well the problem is that right now it looks like it still is arriving tomorrow, launch day
Yep, and already in my state. But this is just Zelda for Wii U.
It says it's arriving tomorrow I'm more worried about the fact that it's been "preparing to ship" for 10 hours now and not actually shipped.
I ordered my pro controller from there and it already shipped.
why not pirate the wii u version? hacked wii u is pretty cool
>not getting the master edition + switch from gamestop at midnight
I don't usually like to hack consoles until I have their successor. I'm weird. Actually, I've never hacked a console, but I would hack the Wii if there was any reason to. Can already emulate the games better anyway if I really wanted any others.
>Got the collector today
>Console sin't shipped yet
You don't even need a "respectable job" manage your budget well enough and you could get one on minimum wage easily.
>ordering from Amazon
It's your own fucking fault
first time I see where the package is going, amazon is quite professional
>why wouldn't you give more money to nintendo? what's wrong with you?
That's Best Buy. And you can usually see where any package is going if you just use the tracking number on UPS/FedEx/USPS site.
Atleast you can read the m-
True. I worked a base v commission sales job at one point, where base was below minimum wage, but the commissions were decent. Made a lot of money one week. Saved that for a new hard drive for my PC.
Fucking too soon user, I remember doing that with Mario Kart DOubledash because we were only allowed to play consoles friday-sundays and non-school days
Oh you guys are fucked. Amazon did this shit with my Nioh order too. You ain't getting shit.
Yeah, mine is waiting for UPS pickup, but it is ready to be shipped.
I live in the Netherlands, everything gets directly delivered except if I buy it in Germany, Belgium or France
I called in about my Wii U version preorder and got nothing, no gift card, no shipping upgrade.
Any chance i can get one if i dont have a preorder?
enjoy getting stabbed and robbed by tyrese and lamar
>talking to pajeet about my Switch
I'm not sure he' or Ramashandra will be able to assist me today
>not being bros with tyrese and lamar
>not chilling in a car, hotboxing, eating shitty fast food while waiting for the Gamestop to start doing the midnight release stuff
>also not getting hooked up with high test girls or boys by your bros
Most of the black community I hang around are pretty fucking chill. And basically I buy the food, they provide the weed.
man what the fuck, i got the wii u version too and mine hasn't shipped yet. assuming best buy works like amazon's shipping i guess that's because i'm closer to a store or warehouse
Maybe, but Georgia is the closest I've ever had anything shipped from. It's almost always out west or New England. Maybe it's right in your state this time? I've read about some people talking to Best Buy support and supposedly some are supposed to be overnighted.
I can read the box
Fucking Amazon
Anxiously waiting for classes to end so I can run home lads.
I'm in the exact opposite boat. Console shipped, game hasn't. They'd better slap 1-day shipping on that shit.
Open up a chat and try seeing if Gopalkrishna can make it go faster
Already did. He said it "would ship in a few hours". That was last night
I like how it had to travel across three states and it still came to you quicker than my GA to FL. I guess the driving time is a bit underestimated though, took me 14 hours to get to a part of GA from here once.
Well open up a new chat and see if Aravinda can help you today
Do you like camping Infront of GameStop's?
What did this update from? Preparing to ship?
And it just updated? If you don't mind me asking, what state do you live in?
So there is still hope. Mine still says fucking "preparing for shipment"
>What did this update from? Preparing to ship?
>And it just updated? If you don't mind me asking, what state do you live in?
Yes, I don't mind, but I don't live in the states