>Blizzard still considers "pristine" servers
Literally why? Idea itself is terrible and can't be fixed
Blizzard still considers "pristine" servers
They just dance around the idea of legacy servers because actually implementing them will be like admitting defeat. No one fucking wants pristine servers, it's not the thing people want from WoW.
Blizzard is retarded.
What else is new?
>They just dance around the idea of legacy servers because actually implementing them will be like admitting defeat
true, it would be admitting that they turned the game to shit; which they did over the last 3 expansions
>No one fucking wants pristine servers
people went and downloaded the original files off the internet, and are now playing it on some ragtag little server base and theres SO MANY of them that the queue to get in is about 5000
id say people want it.
me personally i think they should end it and make warcraft 5.
>Blizzard still considers "christine" servers
now we're talking
People want the actual vanilla servers, not this "pristine" bullshit that's just the regular retail without certian features. There's no trust in blizzard as is, they are just making something no one wants instead of actually solving this issue.
This would get me to sub back again. The main appeal of Blizzard being behind it would be the quality insurance. Reason why so many people tend to jump from server to server looking for a stable PS to play on, is because they're not guaranteed to survive, have stable scripting, active moderators, etc.
>it's vanillatards think vanilla is good
Lol server wont even last a year until all the content is done and will end up like siege of org tier of content drought
>People want the actual vanilla servers
Only vocal minority
People want older servers, not "pristine" as Blizz wants to consider.