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what the fuck is that


A female quadrupedal robotic tank. Say something nice about her.

She looks BAD ASS!

She is blasphemy....that comes in a really cute package!

At least that lil nigga is hidden inside the robot
sasuga blizzard for making every character black




get yo cracka ass outta here. this street belong to Laquishanda now.

She's a crossing guard. She helps old women across the street.

Germany cucked again. RIP

That's not how robots work.

Cool kneejerk autism op


clearly there are female robots and bastion is fucking them

Her hitbox must be massive

>the one man who could save us from this shit no longer makes new video games

this is fucking awesome what the fuck

I hope they NEVER nerf bastion. He's so perfect now.

They've already confirmed they're nerfing him again.

They already nerfed him on the PTR

they increased his spread like 20 or 30%, but his ammo is upped from 200 to 300 and he has a passive ability giving him like 30% armor in turret mode


don't most westerners call inanimate objects as a she? e.g. ships, cars, planes

I have a DANGEROUS NEED to care for and protect that 99% cocoa loli

they look nothing alike you fucking moron

Zenyatta's a he, though

Yeha and now in the latest PTR his damage reduction in Sentry is 20% rather than 35%

There is nothing sexual about this. Don't be silly.

>Reduces damage. You cannot be stopped.

Does this mean we could get a iron general Franky in this game at some point?

>low CD mini-graviton
but why

Is it me, or does it just not fit with the rest of the heroes visually? It seems like it's from something different.


It's wonky as fuck


I was lukewarm on her until I found out that her barrier is a projectile

it's really cool that she's effective at range


where's the porn

>the Sup Forums leaks were all real
>right down to the term "anchor tank"

*blocks your path*

That's pretty fucking good.

Interesting abilities too.

Let's see whether she will be a Sombra or an Ana in terms of OPness though.

I think it's super cute.

Must be an intern or something because everything wasn't entirely accurate.

Everything was accurate though. Except for the codename.

>mfw I have yet another stationary target to lob pipes at all fucking day for free hot wheels
Looks like junk is back on the menu boys!

The fuck kind of game design is this. 24 heroes and you make one specifically to counter only ONE hero? Reinhardt was the most perfectly balanced hero by far, never needing buffs or ners since the beta. And so because he has high usage rate they make a character that invalidates him?

>implying junk ever came off the menu

I think Halt! needs to be a second or two longer maybe, but otherwise she seems pretty balanced as is.

It's just the reverse of Pharah's concussive blast.

It's not a counter, it's an alternative.

>Ew what is this thing? I don't like it.
>*female voice*

it's just like one of my chinese cartoons.

>nigger walks across the road while cars are driving
>robot punches the cars


>robot designed to keep people safe stops someone from dying
>creator is clearly freaking out because the robot wasn't supposed to do that
Really flogs my noggin. You motherfuckers need to stop getting so angry at shit all the time.

cutie mark?

Goddamn niggers need to build a robot to help them jaywalk? Are they crossing the street to rob a ;liquor store?

Does the black girl have any significance in actual play like Dva?


Mei's lunar near year skin isn't a qi pao, instead Symmetra got that. The leaker said genji and hanzo would also get lunar new year skins, but didn't happen. Then there's the whole Mei origin story that's still just up in the air.

So our leaker is just an intern that probably heard some shit going on in the background.


No. It's called lore.
After all, killing kids isn't acceptable in some places

>payed mods will fix this

Does anyone have it saved? I missed it the first time



Orisa gives you a happy expression, and turns around. Pulled carefully over her backside are a pair of vibrant blue panties. She giggles, a resonating and carefully reverberated cadence to it. You are bumped backwards onto a sofa, and Orisa giggles again.
>"You like?" She asks.
Blood has been guiltily acknowledging this shapely nubian centaur robot's curves into your crotch for some time now, and she slips a surprisingly eager but gentle 4 legged hand into your sweatpants.
The action takes you by surprise, but hey at least it's some action.
Orisa transforms her gun hand unto a normal one, crouches down and pulls your pants off.
>"Oooh... Interesting." she intones.
and works her other hand into things, gently massaging you.
>"Are you all ready? Prepare yourself, user. "
Orisa turns back around and plants a soaking, panty-covered-robot-horse-pussy onto your crotch, and begins girating.
She begins
>"oooh...Omnics, we have acess ro the internet. We can run through a billion simulations a minute on pleasure...but this, user...YOU are special."
The centaurian twerking continues, you are throbbing at this point and easing your hands all over the pliant material of Orisas ass.
She pulls the panties free, and flesh meets flesh. Orisa is radiating heat and whinnies with pleasure at your contact. Her hips buck awkwardly, but the accommodating smoothness of her synthetic vagina allows you to maneuver however you want, even getting a hand in there if you want.
>"Ooooh!" Orisa squeals,
And flips forward, panting. Her pussy is clutching at you with a mind of its own, and with a few more concentrated tugs, relieves you of your cum.
>"Yesss...." Orisa pants.
You spray hot ropes of jizz all over the besmirched, shamefull robothorsepussy.
>"Oowooo...shame on you user...getting me so worked up..."

It's her first day. Don't be mean.

what pisses me off is the fact that her gun does the amount of damage Sombra should

Robots of any shape or size are my guilty pleasure.

What? You think offense characters should be the ones that do damage? Please user that's so predictable.

She has a nice fat robot ass

This is one of the ugliest character designs I've ever seen in my life, I didn't even think it was real when I first saw it

What the FUCK, blizzard?

Headshot hitbox is almost as big as D'Va's.

Pleb taste.
Never speak about my wife that way again.


to be fair that applies to all characters in overwatch



Or just got lucky.

>lose interest in Overwatch
>horse pussy arrives


That thing looks fucking awesome.

>Reinhardt was the most perfectly balanced hero by far
and thats why you see two of them in literally every competitive match above bronze since the comp release

>tfw it's literally Soldier without drop-off
>tfw with my sick aim people are already calling me a hacker for playing her

I'm going to main Orisa, Soldier, McCree and Roadhog.

not him but its you who has pleb taste here. Bland, incohesive design that once again was made to pander to certain groups of people ( fat african robot woman )

This would be cute without the giantess shit

It's amazing how far you reach and how out of your way to go to feel offended and look like the victim.



>furry shit

no thx

It's not really a "nigger" when they're in Africa user.

fucking HELL no.

but traps dont stop her and the mine wont move her, you do less damage, i tested a junkrat unloading a whole clip on me and i didnt die

It takes place in an African country. Even in African countries you spot a white person every so often.

>Everything was accurate though.
>Except for the codename.

Blizzard? more like mudslide