Who else here cancelled their preorders?

I was really optimistic about the system and preordered the day it was available from my local GameStop. Got up early, waited in line with everyone else and even jumped on the opportunity to get the Master Edition as well. But as news came out over the last couple of months I started to lose my hype quite a bit.

>No VC at launch
>Still using friend codes
>Only worthwhile game for months is an upgraded Wii U port
>Build quality isn't the greatest (Personally thought screen would be glass not scratch-magnet plastic)
>Still no solid details on the online system
>Still no solid details on how VC is going to work
>Still no solid details on how old purchases are going to be handled

I'm am 110% excited to play BOTW but honestly not excited enough to purchase an entire system for along with a damn $70 controller. I'll probably pick it up once they fully add VC support or at least let us know what the fuck is going on with it. Went ahead and just preordered the Wii U version of BOTW and gonna pick that up at midnight tonight.

I strive to be an idort. Got a PS4 Pro, Xbone S, Wii U, N3DS XL, Vita, i5/GTX 970 PC, but this just didn't seem worth it to me right at this moment. First time I've held off on getting a console at launch. I got the Wii U at launch and regretted that quite a bit, didn't want to repeat that mistake again.

For those that are still getting a Switch at launch, why? Didn't have a Wii U? Wanted the "definitive" version of BOTW? 1-2 Switch honestly looks like something you play for a day or two with a friend that's visiting and you never touch it again only to trade it in later this year toward Mario Odyssey for like $5. I'm just not seeing a good reason for getting it. At least with the PS4 and Xbone you had multiple media functions and other uses for the damn thing. The Switch won't have that stuff for months.

No one cares faggot

If you have a Wii U, there is no reason to get a Switch right now.

Should probably just wait at least a year until it has a decent library and the console itself is out of beta state.

You're oddly hostile for someone who does t care.


Here they come!

>If you have a Pii-U
My dumb hunk of "nintendium" decided to brick itself because I didn't turn it on for more than two years.

Really makes you think...

Seriously, I'm never buying another Nintendo product for as long as I live. Total idiots don't deserve a cent of my money.

why would you cancel it instead of just selling it for even more money?


>why would you cancel it instead of just selling it for even more money?

I hate scalpers and hate perpetuating the practice, especially with Nintendo products. Not only that but I'm lazy as fuck and don't trust eBay or any of the shits willing to drop $600+ on a Switch with Master Edition of Zelda. Can see myself getting scammed. Rather let some other actual Nintendo fan that shows up at midnight tonight get it.

Are you sure that "it" tried to brick "itself"?
Are you sure it wasn't you trying and failing miserably to hack it that caused it to brick?

>Wanted the "definitive" version of BOTW?
That's it. That, and I get a 60 minute lunchbreak at work every day, so it'll be nice to have some meaningful gameplay rather than just playing Sonic on my Android phone like I usually do.

No one cares

I know who's behind this post...



nigga if you have all that cash to waste on consoles I don't see why you would regret it

>No one cares
>13 replies

Huh 13 definitely seems like more than 0 to me kiddo.

>nigga if you have all that cash to waste on consoles I don't see why you would regret it

That's because when I buy consoles at launch I am usually excited by a few titles that I know or at least near 100% positive will be out in the next year. Switch has just Mario confirmed at this point and BOTW which has already been shown to be nearly identical to Switch version.

My tune will probably change when E3 rolls around and Nintendo goes full throttle on the announcements (one would hope) and I'll pick it up then if there are good games announced like MH or a mainline Pokemon.

Let me get this straight, you cancelled it after Zelda was revealed as the highest rated game in a decade? We knew all of that other shit (or didn't know) before today.

Why the fuck did you buy it on the first place then? This reeks of console warring falseflagging

Nice blog OP

>Why the fuck did you buy it on the first place then? This reeks of console warring falseflagging

Shit you caught me.

I preordered a console, controller, and CE of a game, paid for the entire thing in advance, just to cancel it and post about it on Sup Forums to trigger nintoddlers and sonyggers alike.

Guess us Xbros aren't as slick as we thought.

It bricked itself.

>Let me get this straight, you cancelled it after Zelda was revealed as the highest rated game in a decade? We knew all of that other shit (or didn't know) before today.

Well yeah. I wanted the Master Edition of Zelda and knew the Switch would be really hard to find at launch without a preorder so I just placed it to be safe. Kind of the point of a preorder, to make sure you get the product. Luckily there's this thing where you can cancel at any time and get your full money back if there are features you don't like or if it ends up lacking in certain areas.

Pretty nifty huh?

Why did you cancel it after it was revealed that it's flagship launch title is better than anything released on PS4 and Xbox One after 3 years?

>better than anything released on PS4

The Last of Us Remastered, Bloodborne, Persona 5 prove this statement false.

>Why did you cancel it after it was revealed that it's flagship launch title is better than anything released on PS4 and Xbox One after 3 years?

Because today was also the day the day one patch was released and confirmed friend codes were back despite Reggie literally saying "No friend codes this time" and also because the retail versions of both Switch and Wii U versions have been compared and are nearly identical.

I'm just gonna play the game on Wii U, not worth the extra $300 barrier at this point.

>The Last of Us Remastered, Bloodborne, Persona 5 prove this statement false.
None of those have a 98 on metacritic

>$463.30 for one game

What do the collected opinions of video games bloggers have to do with anything?

Its literally a game where you play as a little tranny who just runs around in empty fields with shit graphics.

All the people giving it a 100 are shit tier 20 somethings hired by places like forbes to be "game journalists" so their site gets more clicks. Who are like "teeheeheee I'm a stupid little bitch! Zelda is so cool!"

Then why else would you buy all that when nothing new has happened? Did you just think more launch titles would magically appear?

Delete this at once.

>the last of us remastered
I should expect nothing less from a frogposter

NO ONE CARES!!!!!!! NO ONE!!!!

>required to buy a pro controller
Might want to double check that, console warring faggot

You seem butthurt.

>Did you just think more launch titles would magically appear?

Well yeah. Nintendo was pulling the whole "this isn't even my final form" when it came to announcing games. After the conference back in January people were pissed about lack of games but were told by Nintendo to just wait and see, we haven't announced everything yet. Also a lot of the third party titles didn't have release dates and a lot were rumored for launch but that didn't pan out either.

Sadly that really WAS everything and I just held out until today to see the final reviews for BOTW and to see comparisons between the retail versions. Also wanted to see what the day one patch changed/updated and came to the conclusion that I would rather just pick up BOTW on Wii U and hold off on the Switch until after E3.

Are you juat throwing around preconceived comebacks? That makes no sense

Good man, to be honest I should tell you to kill yourself for even preordering that shit, but you did the right thing
We need less people buying nintendo shit

Cancelled mine the second I saw 1.2 Switch, while debating "Am I wasting me money?"

I'll just get BOTW on Wii U and maybe one day pick up a switch when it has a legit library of games. I was literally going to spend nearly $500 dollars to play one game.

*dips bedora*

>point out the OP threw out $463.30 for one game
>C-console warring faggot
Cry fucking more shitbreath

>online online online online

Cool, shit I don't care about isn't implemented yet. Big fucking deal, normie.

I hope a lot more do so I can get one.

>I hate perpetuating the practice

Your Switch console literally went straight to a scalper the moment you cancelled it, you fucking idiot.

At least you still get to play the game of the decade

Kill yourself, I used to be a nintendo fan

>Your Switch console literally went straight to a scalper the moment you cancelled it, you fucking idiot.

Possibly, but there's no way to tell for sure. It's like recycling. I put my bottle in the blue waste bin but does it actually end up in the right place? Probably not but I like to think it did rather than just throwing it on the ground right then and there.

>I'll just add an extra 60$ to make my point seem more viable
>Fuck, someone called me out! Uh... I guess I'll call him mad?
>Shit, he's still going! Guess I'll just follow through with my half assed fallacy of a response
You can just stop and spare us the trouble

Thanks OP, just picked up your preorder.

Fuck yeah can't wait for my Switch

You seem to know the future, could you tell me the next winning number of the lottery?
I need at least half million

>At least you still get to play the game of the decade

Yeah I'm really really excited for BOTW. Heard the story is bland but that's to be expected from the open-world meme. Hoping the next Zelda is more linear so they can tighten everything up.

Sounds like a common thing that happens to a lot of Wii U

You're full of shit

Clearly, your passion for a console shows. What side have you converted to?

Clearly you're upset with pre-orderer's remorse so I'll revise my post for you.

>$403.30 for one game

Feel better about your preorder yet? You win now.

If this is true, I'm more than happy to have helped.

>The Switch only has Zelda lol

Hmmm... in 2017 alone (that's just the first 9 months of the Switch) it is getting

Zelda BotW
Fast RMX
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Splatoon 2
Project Octopath
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade 2
Blaster Master Zero
Runner 3
Has Been Heroes

Disgaea 5
Snake Pass
Sonic Mania
Flipping Death
Constructor HD
Shovel Knight Specter of Torment
Steamworld Dig 2
Hollow Knight
Stardew Valley

And we already know 2018 will bring us an untitled Pokémon game, Fire Emblem Warriors, Fire Emblem Switch etc.

It's funny that these retards are going pretend Zelda is the best game of all time, because they know if they don't, they will be consumed by guilt

If this was from Gamestop you most likely got that employee fired

I went to the PC. I never liked PS or xbox

Will you be able to actually scalp these?

>And we already know 2018 will bring us an untitled Pokémon game, Fire Emblem Warriors, Fire Emblem Switch

Aside from these most of that list is just indie ports and I pity you if you honestly believe Xenoblade 2 will come out this year. Gonna be pushed to 2018 at the earliest, we all know it. Never really cared that much for Splatoon and Snipperclips looks like a mediocre co-op game. Like I said I'll pick it up after E3 when they confirm release dates for more games coming out THIS YEAR otherwise I'm just gonna wait until Mario and get it in a bundle.

tell me, why should I buy the Switch NOW and not wait for the christmas deals?

To me it looks like you were desperately looking for reasons to cancel it and now you want acknowledgment for it.

All your green stuff is either some bullshit about VC or online which will be implemented anyway and is definitely not needed at the moment, well, and, a lie about the build quality (bar the kick stand) which was praised by god knows how may people.

>If this was from Gamestop you most likely got that employee fired

You know if GameStop were smart they would just let us preorder from certain stores online and allow us to cancel/pay for the shit online also.

I always feel bad when I have to cancel a preorder but it's never stopped me. Would shop there more if I could just do everything online then just walk over to pick it up since I live across the street from mine.

Im holding out, waiting to see how much the Indie titles cost.
Seeing how the majority of the games coming out for the Switch are rehashed PC indies, im not going to pay double or triple the price for Stardew Valley just because its on a Nintendo

My thoughts exactly

>tfw I will play BotW on my TV
>then I'll go take a shit and play some Fast RMX on the toilet
>go back to living room and play some ARMS to stay fit
>girlfriend calls me and asks me to come to her so I get on the train for a few stops where I play Runner 3
>arrive at her place, she wants to play some Snipperclips with me
>after the sex that always follows some snipperclips action I tell her to make me food and while I ait I play some Project Octopath
>after dinner two of her friends come over and we all play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on my Switch
>stay at her place for the night, play some Wargroove (Advance Wars) under the bedsheets cause I can't sleep
>next morning take train back, play some Sonic Mania on it while a man sitting next to me compliments me on how fast I'm going
>back at home I pop it back in the dock and play some Super Mario Odyssey

Fuck yeah

>a lie about the build quality

I've heard multiple reports about the Joycons wobbling when attached and the action of docking/removing the screen from the dock has the chance to scratch the screen, which should be fucking glass, not shitty plastic. The fucking thing is $300, can't even give us a quality screen?

>also on wii u
>kinnect tier garbage
>also on wii u
>splatoon 1.5
>literally who?
>unironically caring about bing bing wahoo in 2017
>literally who
>literally who
>literally who
>literally who
>also on ps4
>literally who?
>literally who?
>literally who
>literally who
>literally who
>literally who
>literally who
>literally who

so this..... is the power....... of the switch.....

You don't have to. I considered waiting for a bundle at Christmas (or it being 50 bucks cheaper or something), however

>I really want to play the definitive version of BotW right now
>I'm actually looking forward to ARMS and MK8D which both release very soon
>I want to go fast in Fast RMX and play a ton of the indie games on the go
>want to play Spla2n in summer as well and then Project Octopath Traveler
>will probably pick up Disgaea 5, Rime and Snakepass too

To each his own man, only you can know when you think it's worth it.

I don't like having huge backlogs, so if I get it earlier I can go through the games as they come

>indie garbage
>actual new game
>indie garbage
>actual game
>weeb shit
>indie garbage
>indie garbage
>tech demo
>indie garbage

>indie garbage
>indie garbage
>indie garbage
>indie garbage
>actual game
>indie garbage
>indie garbage
>indie garbage
>gindie iarbage
>indie garbage
>indie garbage
>indie garbage
>indie garbage
>indie garbage

wow rly maks me think
u changed my opnionen thanks brozz

He is trying to clean your carpets

>Implying we are Gamestop's target consumer.

No my man, normies and moms buy the most.

You cant deny that Nintendo is shoving a bunch of Indie games on to pad their numbers.

I tend to like indie games so its not a big deal to me.

This is not your LiveJournal. We don't care. I'm not buying a Switch either but I'm also not falseflaggin' and begging for attention.


nice retort
what next, youre going toc all me a sonygger? maybe a mustard race?
Indies don't sell a console. New first party games and strong third party titles sell a console. I dont see any third party games on that list besides Sonic.
>inb4 skyrim
still a port. ports dont sell consoles. New games do.

no I agree ur right buddy
i just cancel my preorder
i hat nintendo now, fuck u reggie

So this...
Is the power...
Of nintendrones..

who the fuck cares?

>people still take the bait for greentext game release posts
We get it. Just name one PS4 or X1 exclusive with a better Metacritic than Both. I'll wait. Forever.

Hey, liking indie games isnt a bad thing.
No need to get passive aggressive about it.

I am buying it on release because I have come into some money, but honestly its not worth it till at least summers end. Also if they don't release a monster hunter for it I will never buy a Nintendo console again.

user, you don't have to worry.

The Switch is literally the perfect Monster Hunter machine in every way possible. It's coming.

>>unironically caring about bing bing wahoo in 2017
Why didn't you juat say you were shitposting and save us the time?

>Also if they don't release a monster hunter for it I will never buy a Nintendo console again.

I bought a Wii-U on launch day because I wanted a new Animal Crossing
Im still not over it honestly... I can only hope for a Switch version.

>scores suddenly matter when they're in favor of games i personally like

the nerve of you nintoddlers

It better be, 3u was the only reason I bought there last system, and the 1200 hours I put into it made it worth it. I can't deal with this little 3ds low res screen anymore

Uncharted 2 was better than 4

I feel for you, honestly I hope they start to phase out 3ds games and instead develop for switch since it is portable

Than both what? You mean Zelda?
I already own a Wii U and will be playing Zelda on that. I never said it was shit, I'm saying its a port.
I'll buy a switch once it has more than Mario and Sonic mania to offer, but you got to admit that the first year is littered with boring garbage


You and me brother.
I love MH to death but I can't take yet another installment on the 3DS, I just can't.

The 200 pixels total, the tiny ass screen, the shitty uncomfy controls, just NO. No more!

MH3U on the WiiU was so much fucking fun.
Hell, it was a mere 3DS port yet looked better than every later MH game just because it wasn't on the fucking 3ds screen.

I suspect once MHXX is released Capcom will talk about something.

>This damage control over the 98 metacritic

KEK stay mad Sup Forums

but my nintendo,,,,

If you actually, unironically and sincere think that Zelda BotW + SM Odyssey + Xenoblade 2 + Splatoon 2 + Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with a ton of new stuff including a whole new proper battle mode + ARMS + Project Octopath + Fast RMX is "boring garbage" for the first 9 months of the Switch, then I don't even know what to say to you.

Metacritic scores literally do not matter.
I enjoyed MGSV but believe that it doesn't deserve a 95, and I think Horizon is fun but deserves an 88, and I think Mario RE7 deserves higher than an 87. Don't use metacritic to back up your opinons. You don't need to find a game fun because reviewers tell you to. You find a game fun because you enjoy it