Ignoring the obvious nintenshill game being spammed on Sup Forums right now, why is this going to be the GOTY?
> Incredible graphics
> Great gameplay
> Amazing story
Ignoring the obvious nintenshill game being spammed on Sup Forums right now, why is this going to be the GOTY?
> Incredible graphics
> Great gameplay
> Amazing story
>incredible graphics
>posts that picture
ill take that bait, thank you very much
How much are you being paid right now?
>amazing story
We wuz sjw queens n sheeeeeeet.
Fuck off Nintenyearold!!! Stop falseflagging! OK we got it Zelda is better now stop this once and for all for the love of God...
>Womyn stronk men little bitch boys@!!! Me stroknkw!!!!
>Not sjw
Soniggers defense team out in full force today lmao
looks like you didnt play the game
Lmao amazing story.
Lets be serious for a moment.
Alright, I'll bite
What's the story?
>Incredible Graphics
Why would I buy this generic as fuck game
There is a mention about a male UK minister that tells a refugee he should kill himself in the Thames if he didn't appreciate the country's hospitality.
And he is named after Farage most likely
>Great gameplay
>Amazing story
i love how this game makes retards mad
>Horizon Zero Dawn™
everything is named like that
wat the fuck, this sounds so fucking retarded
So how many copies did it sell?
Don't know exactly the story since I just saw it posted in a previous thread:
>White CEO creates life eating robots
>Diverse group of scientists (white people included) create GAIA and the clones if I'm not mistaken. One of them creates the HADES switchoff just in case.
>Meanwhile the military has to use people as meatshields against the machines
>CEO gasses every scientist to not be recorded as a failure
>HADES is corrupted somehow
It's less SJW that the fake story people told in previous threads, but it is still retarded taking in mind that a group of retarded tribesmen with arrows and an improvised mortar thing can take down like four of the biggests and most armed machines ingame.So why couldn't the military of just one country take down all of them
self replicating robots that can make more of themselves and feed on biomass now imagine fighting 1000 of those things at the same time
Why would this be GOTY?
It's literally like any other open world game.
name one fucking PC game that looks better than this?
Kek. No one cares. Thats why your shit game got an 88. Shit gameplay is shit gameplay and no amount of polishing is going to make that game decent
Didn't they need the factory thing showed in some videos to replicate themselves? And aren't they affected by EMPs or crap like that?
I don't know but if the new humans managed to survive hundreds of years enduring that I can't see why an unified army couldn't such disaster.
Granted I lost the interest in the game after I saw the stream, so I only know 100% the ending and the crab-like robots
are you going to have any other arguments or are you just going to say the same shit over and over
Persona 5 will be GOTY two years in a row.
My argument is pointing out why your argument is wrong. I know it hurts, but enjoy your 88. Could have been worse. Maybe next time focus more on gameplay and not graphics and you can get a 98.
so no arguments then ok
Sony is objectively better than Microsoft and Nintendo this generation. Anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong. PC also sucks. This game is fun
nice glitch
One of the mangakas I follow on twitter seem to be playing this shit, he seems to be having fun, it doesn't look like a really bad game
nice false flag
>amazing story
Amazing propaganda
Dutchland are clearly full of complete and total cucks
>New Tehran
The game is a putrid pile of dogshit social justice western hatred muslim cock sucking masquerading as a videogame.
yea but this game has white people have the three stooges tier intelligence.
I already played BOTW but Horizon is just better. At 4K it's amazing while Zelda looks ok if I squint really hard.
>someone points how how the game has shitty gameplay
>hurry durr not an argument
Please kill yourself
I have a PS4 and it has a ton of amazing games, but this is not one of them.
He tries to warn you, highly ungrateful individual.
the only thing you are saying is shit gameplay over and over
>Horizon has a metacritic score of 88
>BoTW at a 98
feels good man
I'm not even that other guy, but gameplay is the most important part of a video game. If you honestly put graphics over gameplay you're a retard and the reason most games nowadays are shit.
are you idiots fucking retarded
>amazing story
That isn't going to fly here. Not only did we see it before the game released, but it was the leftist tripe that Sup Forums expected it to be with a dumb sequel hook after the hilariously long credits.
>arrow sponges: the game
>good gameplay
You don't even deserve a serious reply