BOTW - 10/10

>BOTW - 10/10
>Switch - 6.7/10

Looks like no reason not to just get it on Wii U then eh.

That's the Switch Version that got 10/10. No one has reviewed the Wii U version

The Wii U version is the Switch version at 720p instead of 900p and with less draw distance.

Do I get to protect qt Zelda?

And with a unstable framerate

So exactly the same in that regard.

Not really. I played the switch version on handheld and there is litteraly 0 lag. Played for 5 hrs not a single drop. But the TV version does lag, it's still playable though unlike Wii u version

Please respond

I don't know

Not really. I played the switch version on handheld and there is litteraly 0 lag. Played for 5 hrs not a single drop. But the TV version does lag, it's unplayable like Wii u version