He isn't camped out at GameStop

>He isn't camped out at GameStop
And you call yourselves gamers...

oh so thats why those autist where sitting on the ground at meijers watching anime

Can't, have to go to the gym, come home, shower, and then go to Walmart and hope there's actually a spot left.

>He doesn't have a sibling working at gamestop
Don't tell me you actually have to go to the store yourself.

>not bringing a bean bag chair
>not drinking mt. dew

he's not going to make it

Stuffing my face at a local buffet. I can swing into Walmart and pick it up.

It's a shame that I have to return it on the spot. I didn't have my discount card on me. So now I have to waste an extra 5 minutes, just to save $30.

Woah gym, cool bro like youve got alot of shit to do man going to the gym and shit woah then you have to shower and then go home? Double woah bro

op made a shitty blog thread so I responded with a shitty blog reply
you should try going to the gym, it's fun and makes you feel good

I did gym for 5years ish, its the biggest pile of shit in the world.

Why do they camp out? It's released at midnight. Just walk up at like 12:15 and you can just walk in and get the game.

I no longer use Gamestop. I won't support those business practices.

I don't call myself a gamer

did you also take protein. i heard that's not good for you. glad that you stopped. all that motion is not good for the body. sitting down and relaxing is much better.

Lets see what youve achieved, post your gym body lol i bet my untrained body of over two years shits on your body.

Come on lets see what the gym has given you, surely if its so amazing you have something to show? No? Oh guess youre a piece of shit faggot who doesnt know who the fuck he is currently talking to

I'm too busy rubbing my dick on all the switches at my store

But Switch isn't a console for gamers, it's for human beings

>camping out to get a console that nobody wants

>current timeline
>not paying some poor person to wait in line for you

>go to eb games
>fedora wearing guy with pony tail playing pokemon on his OG 3ds

Like pottery

Pfft. I'm in Australia. Botw is intalling to my WiiU as we speak. 10 minutes to go. Didn't have midnight launch here. Just had a nice sleep in and wandered in at 11:30. No rush to play another 7.5/10 game.

I brought pic related when I waited for the Gamecube and that stupid fucking Wii. Very cheap and comfy.

You better mean Mountain Dew Hitler Did Nothing Wrong, or as plebs know it, Code Red.

>last couple times I've been waiting for a midnight release I did this
>went to gamestop with a backpack full of delicious snacks and my 3DS, charger, and some vidyas
>spent all day cozy in the corner of the store sitting down playan vidya and eatan
>get to be first in line

thought about doing it for the switch but last time a few of the employees seemed like they got a little annoyed that I would wait in the store all day but not buy anything until midnight kek

I'd rather be at the end of the line, not have to camp out in a store for 6 hours by myself, and hang out with other sleepy people in line for a while.

What the hell is coming out?

Isnt that considered soliciting?


>post pic of your body so i can fap to it

Why not just straight up ask him for the real reason rather than pussy foot around. Fucking homo

You should post a pic of your dick too. Dont be gay and just do it.

I don't buy consoles at launch


I would have thrown you out and paid someone to beat the shit out you... kek!

>Planning to go tomorrow in the AMs to Walmart
>It's going to be -15, with wind chill and flurries

Bundling up in a powersuit of layers. I'm just hoping the weather sloughs off some of the competition. Neckbeards are immune to cold due to bodyfat, but it might mitigate some of the hipsters and underaged.

Dammit! yes instead of literally googling cock i want to see some random anons yes spot on sherlock!

>taking pictures of random people
>then posting them on Sup Forums


I'm #2, was talking with a pretty chill dude about Zelda and starfox

Gonna come back at 10 for a pizza party and trivia raffle event, then get my switch at midnight. Also pre-ordered and paid off ARMS and Splatoon just because.

>Get of work and drive to gamestop to finalize preorder
>See a line scrawny/lanky guys sitting out in the cold for 6 more hours
>In and out the store in 2 minutes
>One of the guys is calling their mom for a blanket
>Got the #1 for R and B Switch so will be out fast tonight
>At home relaxed while they are freezing their ass off

Why are most Nintendo fans manchildren? I like them but I grew up and act my age.

>Why buy at launch

I wouldn't normally, but I'm getting a $50 switch thanks to connections and a gamestop manager who owes me quite a debt.

why would I camp out when I already preordered and am guaranteed to get it at midnight? I'm going in at 11:50 then heading home

Whatcha making/eating while waiting anons?

I'm doing a lemon pepper chicken alfredo fusilli

>! lb fusilli pasta
>Garlic alfredo basil mix sauce, mixed in with a handful of grated romano and asiago cheese
>Roasted chicken breast, glazed in lemon marinate and a dash of white wine for flavoring and black pepper stuffed with basil, cooked 1 hour ahead, diced and thrown in
>Panko bread crumb italian mix crowned and baked at 350 for 35 minutes.
>Topped with Havarti shears and diced baby tomato

>I did gym
I suspect you didn't.

If it's gamestop, you need to go and finalize your sale.

You said 100 dollars last time, you get him haggled down or what?

spending 30 minutes on an elliptical while brad fucks your girlfriend back at her place doesn't really count as "gym"

Nah I just changed my mind.

Dude owes me $800 for a severe fuck up, so I get to extort him tonight.,I'm making a deal, he gets his debt lowered long as I get my Switch, Zelda, Pro controller, and Ether block, he gets his debt cut to $200 instead. I'm honestly thinking of just being spiteful and buying a copy of 1+2 switch as well just because I can. Maybe even pay off splatoon in full just so I dont have to later.

>Still haven't received my tax return

oh my god...

guy in OP's image.



>giving a poor person $300 + tip

Holy shit are all nintendrones like that guy? now i feel sad

>Current timeline
>Not mindhacking a poor person to use their own life funds to buy your switch for you

I'm camped in the shitter. Diarrhea for days senpai.

Atheism was a mistake

Did he ask someone to take that photo for him?

Trucrypt is that you?

>for a severe fuck up,

What did a guy have to do to owe you $800?

If i went to gamestop and gave the first guy in line a blowjob, would he give me his Switch?

He probably got his ass pregnant

He fucked with the wrong people. But to put iot bluntly, he came to me and my friends, asked us for a loan to impress some girl he was dating. We said sure, leant him the money, turns out the skirt he found was one of the boss' gals, Bozo goes and gets her pregnant and fled the night after. So, Either the guy pays up the money he owes us, or we break his legs and hand him over to em.. plain and simple.

Its just easier to get the things we want when we have a scared chickenshit who'll do anything we say now.

He'd probably call the police on you, but hey you wont know unless you try

No because people want a fun time.

Literally didn't happen.

Depends what do you look like?

Source me dude

If you already gave him the blowjob first then why would he give you anything? Get the cash first, idiot.

what game are you dorks waiting on?

>Somebody actually took the time to type out all this fake bullshit

Writing like a 30s mobster really adds something to the story.

t. 14 year old

>someone actually saved this gif

Why don't you just a wait a month until they get more stock in when nobody wants one anymore


Just buy a stolen one from a dindu.

TOMMYYYY, wheres the money

>sonyggers have debts to Sony
Can't even make this shit up

>tfw got off work 30 minutes ago
Friend in line says theres only 30 in stock and he's 22nd, with another 10 behind him at least, so I'll just hit up another EB when it opens at 8am, or the Walmart across the street at 7.

> Camping out for a kiddieshit console.

Look sonny, i told you, it was an ambush they killed pete there was nothing we could do

Is that the stinky finger kid?

>Not wanting $800

Your loss dude, I'm making a cool $1600 thanks to a buddy of mine

>Camping out

Nah user im waiting on the corner to cave some Nintendrone's head in and steal his shit

t. nigger

this is a good idea, ill help you with 1 if you also help me k.o a nintoddler

>Waiting on the corner
>Of a gamestop
>That has survelience feed

You're one dumb pony


Defending your claim with a fucking outdated meme only proves to me that A. You're childish beyond belief and have no way of expressing yourself beyond candid reaction images. B. Not that passionate nor bothered about me calling you out, and putting up a front just to cause a scene. C. Unable to understand how a simple debate/discussion goes without lashing out agressively and defensively. D. Unable to grasp the concept of constructive reasoning. E. A man of incredibly poor taste. F. Lost in delusions that a thumbnail of a cartoon frog is somehow supposed to intimidate me. G. Asuming that anyone on this planet would intimidated by someone on the other side of a computer screen. H. Severely lacking in vitamin D and sunlight. I. Capitalizing a secondary title, where it doesn't require it. J. Greentexting a response but offering no rebutal or form of debate. K. Expecting me to actually respond to you as if you weren't an ironic troll expecting a giant paragraph response like the one yours truly just typed for you. Happy mister?

a bag of chips

Why what's coming out?

The newest installment of the only serioes Konami hasnt anally raped

>The newest installment of the only serioes Konami hasnt anally raped
You can't buy dance dance revolution at a fucking gamestop user.

So you sucked him off and he didnt pay right?

Stopped reading there.

the legend of zelda: the phantom ganon

>y'all thought i was kidding on the wait.

No, no one thought you were kidding.

>check this autist twitter to see if any more pictures
>thats it, nothing much

Well thats didnt last long

I was wondering why there was a line of nerds in folding chairs playing magic cards lined up in Walmart.

Who else /waitingforFedEx/ ?

Sup Sup Forums?
