Tfw botw shipped but not the switch to play it

>tfw botw shipped but not the switch to play it
Fuck amazon.

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Ryonafags are subhuman.

Same. What the fuck Amazon?

tfw you'll never be a cute girl and get punched

>wake up today to find out my game should be shipping soon, feel relieved.
>Check now its still shipping soon and nearly 9pm est

What the fuck amazon

>mfw bought one on ebay with the seller saying the pre-order was made on amazon saying he will change the address to mine so I can get the prime delivery with it.

well I hope I get it tomorrow. I asked him whats going on yesturday at some point and he told me it wasnt updated yet I was wondering what was going on.

the problem is that a lot of the internet retailers are have a shitstorm of problem atm. Amazon, best buy, target, any where you bought a switch online is getting fucked hard. I heard that it has something to do with their servers got fucked up hard yesturday. Although I dont know if this is true

I'm in the opposite boat, getting my switch tomorrow but BotW wont get here until next week

I wanted to play it over my break from classes but I guess not

forgot to add.

>buying a console day 1 that has 1 game