This game is actually quite good

I know Sup Forums usually doesn't like open world games, but I'm actually surprised at how good it is

>great graphics with almost zero frame drops
>incredible amount of detail and effort put in
>even random NPCs have outstanding facial detail
>not a single case of sameface, and every NPC has a different voice actor as far as I can tell (15 or so hours in)
>those cauldrons are sweet
>vantages that let you see areas from the past
>really rewarding combat, every medium or large robot feels different
>surprisinly fast loading screens, considering the massive size of the game

What went right?

Also what is the level cap, does anybody know?


You played this game for 15 hours but have nothing at all bad to say about it. I can watch 15 minutes of a youtube video to see how shit it is.

Enjoy the fog, fag.

15 hours is more than enough to form an initial opinion.

He's saying that you played it for 15 hours and don't hate it so you must be shilling.

I'm digging it too. Sup Forums was wrong again. Surprise, surprise.

Im enjoying it so far anom. Just started the first cauldron and excited to play through it.

The open world tropes are definitely present in this game. It was fun as fuck climbing my first strider or whatever they're called but it was essentially a moving ubitower. Still looked gorgeous

I'm still waiting for mine arrive today or tomorrow. I can't wait to play it honestly it looks so fucking cool.

If you can tell me one thing, is the jungle area dense and huge? Like Witcher 3's? Is it fun to just roam around in the world doing side content?

The world map is quite large, much larger than Velen in terms of actual land mass since there is much less water. Don't know how much of it is jungle, I've only uncovered the first little bit, but I know there is a large desert somewhere. Exploring is fun, you fine come across big machines out of nowhere. Wish there was more rewards for looting the ancient ruins, though.

He watches other people play games on YouTube. I'll bet you also like to watch other men fuck your girlfriend too instead of actually trying it yourself. Just kidding, we all know you don't have a girlfriend.

Dam that sounds sweet, thanks. I really want to see what fighting the robots are like and go visit the jungle area, it looks amazing