I guess it's official now. You have no excuse, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


Still not buying a switch.

Its called the switch because of the bait and switch tactics on Sup Forums. I'm not falling for it you slanty eyed jews.

I bet Tatsumi Kimishima is now trembling over your statement.

I don't care what this ADHD idiot thinks. He has pathetic perception and arguments. He's probably a memer who think's it's so amazing because you can go anywhere. What a joke. How can you watch any of his let's plays and take him seriously? You can find more honest and smart opinions on Sup Forums, and that is saying something.

>caring about sjw cuck opinions

No, it's called the Switch because it makes you want to switch genders.

I hope so it's the only game they've got for the next 9 fucking months and 1 of 2 for the next 3 years kek

He only does that to infiltrate the Gerudo forces you retarded shitposter, a man NPC "disguised" as woman sells it to him.

Why is "good-lookin' gal" highlighted?

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Estrogen

You're a fucking pleb if you bought a switch for this.

Horizon Zero Testosterone

literally who?

Oh boy, I'm so glad that the guy who thinks Ocarina of Time is garbage thinks this one is the best ever.

Either that or he's a Sony drone that wants people to watch this 3 chinned fuck make the game look like bullshit due to his incompetency.

I still hate arin.

what makes his opinion more valid than mine or anyone elses here

He notoriously hates all the 3D Zeldas.

He's also a hack who makes a living off poop jokes and has shit opinions on video games in general.

>people who think OoT was amazing think BotW is possibly the best Zelda game
>people who think OoT was overrated think BotW is possibly the best Zelda game
I'm fucking shaking guys, there's no way a game can be THIS good.

Arin's never been an authority on anything besides maybe sucking dick.

Sequelitis showed just how stupid his opinions were

>patrician authority on anything but being a huge fucking cuck

>Still caring about Arin 12-pound chin "KEK" Hanson when superior Chris The Aryan Potato O'Niel makes actually entertaining content.

it's on Wii-u. no excuse

They're already calling Link a trans-female now.

Emulation is still shit though so nah.


Opinion discarded.
I'll still have fun with the game, but Arin has proven himself to be a gigantic shithead alongside DSP in terms of game judgement.

Hey man, a broken clock is still right twice a day.

If Nintendo is willing to do this, then that gives me hope for the Honey Bee Inn in the FFVII Remake.

>Chris The Aryan Potato O'Niel makes actually entertaining content.

You asked for it.


I really don't think he's as bad as dsp.

His OOT teardown was brilliant in some parts and completely cancerous in other parts, but he understood the core issue with the Zelda series better than anyone else. Zelda as a franchise is too indebted to Ocarina (and to a lesser extent Arin's own baby A Link to the Past) to branch out on its own, a problem that progressively hurt the series as it went on. Both WW and TP try to position themselves as direct sequels to OOT, while SS tries to position itself as a prequel to OOT.

What the series needed was a Breath of fresh air to really Breathe new life into the series. Something that understood the core of Zelda (exploration, adventure, cool scenarios, and creative thinking) without necessarily checking off all the boxes on the list (awesome dungeons, gripping story, insane music). The result is a game that, while on a technical level is almost a disappointment as a modern Zelda game, understands and recaptures the essence of Zelda so well it doesn't even really matter.

tl;dr: If you hate this game you're a whiny nostalgiafag who can't accept change.

stop being a nigger and buy the damn thing

>Gets a bomb bag
>Spends 10 minutes trying to take a bomb flower up the elevator

wtf i hate botw now

How long has he been playing the game for?

He should. This is Nintendo last chance, and overall it's a pretty bad console.

but the best Zelda game is Link's Awakening?

Why would anybody willingly pay for a console that had been obsolete before it even released?

>What the series needed was a Breath of fresh air to really Breathe new life into the series.
A Breathe of The Wild

OoT > Alttp

Egoraptor is fucking retard who doesn't know how to play 3D games, don't even listen to him.

>tries to like Arin because he is genuinely a nice guy
>tfw he starts talking about Zelda, especially OoT, or pretty much any game he finds overrated

>Patrician Authority
Leddit pls go.

Link to the Past was my first goddamn Zelda and I hate how overrated it is.

Of course he'd love it since they removed the gameplay

botw looks good but there's no way it's better than ocarina of time

what the fuck is this guy smoking

>since LttP
>implying OoT wasn't that good


Looks like they nailed the game feel this time.

Is this a subtle diss on Majoras mask

Did you ever watch his Sequelitis? He hates it for the most bizarre reasons:
>Enemies can block you
>The chest opening animation
>Looking around the room to find the eyes that you shoot arrows at
>You have to be aware of your surroundings so you don't wander into hazards
>It has a story
>There's no goron escort mission
>Skyward Sword lets you roll your bombs

I'm glad Nintendo has moved on from OoT. I agree that every 3D Zelda since OoT has tried to copy it in a way or another, and has never let the series now on to something fresh. Thankfully they've done that with BotW from what I've heard so far.

I can judge the quality of the game myself without needing to hear the vapid reasoning of a lazy quadruble chinned eceleb parasite who doesn't know his own rear end from a controller.

He is still a fag. But he is right

As good as ALttP? Nah.

Let the series die and make a new one, otherwise you end with turds like FF and RE.

>good-lookin' gal
>highlighted in The Legend of Zelda This-is-important red

>Did you ever watch his Sequelitis?

No, I dont listen to internet celebrities and their retarded opinions on anything.

How is he saying "since LttP" when
1. OoT is even more groundbreaking arguably
2. ALBW is a better LttP than LttP

>>Looking around the room to find the eyes that you shoot arrows at

Yeah god fforbid the game was made to show off 3D or something.

I can't even remember the last time I had to actually look at the ceiling to solve a puzzle in Zelda. Skyview Temple?

Wasn't The Minish Cap better than LTTP?

Damn they sent everyone a free switch with zelda huh.

That bumps up the mandatory minimum zelda score from 8 to 9!

fuck arin, he is a nobody now

>Nintendo last chance
Just like all their other consoles since the N64?

So is this a hype thread for BoTW, or a thread calling for people to stop shitting about OoT being the best and finally admit LttP was GOAT?

I'm still not buying it. Its just too expensive

thats not links awakening dx

But how could he even learn how to play the game properly if he can't even read?

This is a thread where we laugh at 2D Zelda plebs.

I don't have to fucking choose between OOT and LTTP. There's no law that says I have to be a major autist about it and arrange every game into tier lists.

>There's no law that says I have to be a major autist about it and arrange every game into tier lists.

>doesn't have autism


Have you see the stream of him playing OOT for Sequelitis?

The guy seriously cannot understand the most basic of movements in 3D. And ends up yelling at the game for mistakes entirely on his own fault.

It almost gets near DSP levels of it.

But almost every Zelda since LttP has already been better. The series consistent improvement is one of its major successes. The few games which seem to stagnate or degrade (Wind Waker and Skyward Sword) are infamous for it.

Literally who?

Can we please make an e-celeb board as a filter/containment zone?

>not liking the only worthwhile Zelda games
Dumb newfag.

>le OoT is too hard man

I disagree with how Arin feels about Ocarina of Time, but I still like A Link to the Past the most.

Ocarina is still in my top 5.

>falls into the lava pit in the fire temple
>tries to roll up the hill only to fall down back into the pit
>does this about a thousand times more
>accidentally walks up the hill
>it works

LTTP is trash
ugly fucking game

that's not an accomplishment

>Will probably sell less than TP

What's your favorite Zelda game?

>Arin "Unable To Comprehend Complex 3D Space In A Video Game" Hanson likes the Zelda game that is 95% big open world with very few puzzles or dungeon-like areas

No wonder

>But almost every Zelda since LttP has already been better. The series consistent improvement is one of its major successes

reminder that arin hanson singehandedly ruined any and all discussion about ocarina of time or the zelda franchise

Who needs the pre-sequelitis stream, when you can watch him fail his way through his second playthrough?

If only Jon was still there to tell him to stop being retarded.

The Jon stuff wasn't exactly stellar entertainment but it was a lot less awful. Dan seems like a nice guy but the show mostly got boring or annoying with him. Arin needs a hard counter.

Why do people always bring this shit up? Jon couldn't argue his way out of a wet paper bag. Remember when Arin criticized Symphony of the Night, Conker's Bad Fur Day, and other of Jons favorites as they played them? Jon fell apart and had nothing to counter with, he'd just change the subject. It's frustrating because a lot of what Arin says is flat out wrong but no one ever properly challenges him, especially not Jon.

ALBW > MC > OoA > LA > OoS > ALttP > shit > the rest of the 2D or semi-2D (DS) games

You guys are idiots and this new Zelda game doesn't even resemble OoT at all, which is not a good thing. The game it resembles now is Skyrim. BotW barely has a story and no character to it at all because you need to have any linearity to achieve these things. Doesn't even have an antagonist.

tll;dr it's MGS5 all over again, and fags like Egoraptor are the hipsters who made it happen

Jon's not a skilled debater, but at least he knows some shit about video games, unlike Dan. Jon and Arin still argued though, just look at Nickelodeon GUTS. Jon and Arin felt like equal partners, but nowadays it's clear that Arin's the boss of Grumps. Dan is pretty submissive.

He's a sellout so he's wrong, you twat!

The only time I remember Dan arguing about a games merits with Arin is Castlevania 2. And that's because it was actually a game he knew about. If we go outside of the dozen NES games Danny played we just get "Oh, really?" from him as Arin complains about games Danny knows nothing about.

Is this NPC hot?

>(my opinion presented as fact) full stop

no one cares arin

Didn't Aaron play StarFox 64 for three levels before figuring out he could charge his laser?

The guy know comedy but he knows shit about playing games.

>filthy Irish potato subhuman

>The guy know comedy
That's debatable.

In the early Grump threads I remember Sup Forums being hyped as fuck for the Star Fox 64 playthrough. So much for that.