>in the middle of a deadlift PR set
>realize that by constantly pushing myself to do certain pre-designed movements with more and more resistance, i'm encouraging a sanitized, irrelevant, tedious, pointless and primitive activity as opposed to advancing my race through my existence
>realize that while my ideals completely oppose the intellectual pollution and counter-productivity that is becoming exponentially rampant in society, i'm now part of it
>realize that it wasn't that long ago that my ancestors were hunting animals with tools they improvised out of wooden sticks to even hope to guarantee the survival of the species, and my way of honoring that legacy is by picking up an iron bar from the floor exactly how a fat man who encourages drinking a gallon of milk daily taught me to
>realize that i'm the very cancer that i've been preaching against my entire life
>realize the ultimate pointlessness of it all, seeing as i'm just a tiny irrelevant life form in a gigantic universe with trillions of others and forces beyond anyone's scope are working against the survival of everything that exists as we speak
>finish set and moonwalk out of the gym
So how was your Thursday night, /fit/ ?
In the middle of a deadlift PR set
Other urls found in this thread:
wrong board buddy
Really killing the whole brawn = no brains stereotype here aren't you chief?
hahahahahholy shit, you didn't even get the wright board
Welp. That's your problem, you should be playing videogames instead of going to the gym.
sorry i'm not sure how to respond to this thread since it isn't about BOTW shitposting and shilling.
>not doing both
Top jej
>Played chess
>Went down below 1550 rating on bullet chess and decided I wouldn't stop till I got back up
>Gave up when I hit 1400
Shit night
/fit/ is 26 boards that way =>
Why don't you just kill yourself then?
This mispost is already better than all of the shitposting threads going on right now.
I think some people are missing the point here
Thats why I work out by chain masturbating furiously.
Yo /fit/ while you're here, convince a nearly recovered cripple why he should your muscle cult pls
>tfw two smart too stop lifting
>tfw tu smart two post on the wrong board
That's why you lift for your self. I know /fit/ tells you to lift for whatever ideal or aesthetics or whatever. Look kid, you lift because you're narcissistic and you want people to like you. It's not a bad thing, just accept it. It has nothing to do with muh ancestors. Lift to be better than the rest. The sooner you accept it the less thinking you have to do.
Because while your a fucking cripple at least you won't die sooner, get /fit/ fag
>maek poop post
>L € better than all da other thread
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board. /fit/ is two blocks down.
Best advice I have heard on here in a while.
You can be a ripped crippled half man, instead of just a crippled half man.
Think about it.
smartest user on this board.
As a wise man once said
>i'm gonna be me...you be you
Fit says this all the time.
Fuck health or girls or other nonsense, we like seeing ourselves in the mirror and see something that , just for once, we don't feel shame.
Who the fuck cares about a bunch of fucking monkey ancestros, they would shit if they saw a personal computer of something like that , bunch of faggots
>squat 3pl8
>can't even run up a flight of stairs without getting tired
At least I have my aesthetics.
/fit/ fags, I tried to learn your ways but then I got mild symptoms of sciatica so I stopped. Never even lifted more than 120 pounds. Everyone I asked said my form was ok. Been almost 5-6 months now and it still lingers. When is it safe to start again? Somewhat related, the other day I tried to do a piriformis stretch for the first time and almost cried from pain in my hips...ungodly tight. You think maybe I just have piriformis syndrome and not a herniated disc?