Nintendo Accounts

Has anyone played a Switch with their new account yet? How does it work? What does your profile look like?

Most importantly, is there anyone with a five letter ID that can confirm whether or not you get to keep it?

also interested in this since I got a really cool name in time but it's five letters. not gonna have a Switch for a while to find out

Why'd they add this new system on top of NNIDs /plus/ bring friend codes back? Are they trying to make things as convoluted as possible?

It's fucked. I was really hoping no friend codes, but perhaps that will happen when the actual online service launches?

I got the name "fuckup" can anyone tell me if you get b& for profanity in your id

I don't get it either, I was glad when I heard about these new accounts because I thought Nintendo had finally learned and we'd have a simple system like gamertags. apparently not

>“there are no friend codes within what we’re doing.” - Reggie Fils-Aime, 2017

I get the feeling that the User ID is purely an overarching account thing, and noone's really going to see it ever. Otherwise they for sure would have not allowed "fuck"

I think not having the filter there is an oversight on Nintendo's part and they're going to FNC those IDs

tf was the entire point of registering a unique id then? two factor authentication even though we could just use our emails for that? why add muh friend codes again when we could literally just use our ids? why must Nintendo be like this?


Idk but Nintendo usually shows whatever the specific user's name is, not their account.

They're also letting you switch User IDs willy-nilly, (Sony doesnt allow it at all, and Xbox makes you pay), so who knows, it's probably different.

apparently there will be four ways to add friends out of the gate

>Search for local users
>Search for users you’ve played with
>Search with Friend Code
>Send Friend Requests

I don't quite understand what the last one entails, plus they said they're going to give us more ways to do it in the future. here's hoping that it will involve your ID somehow

thats 4 letters so it's clearly just his username on the console, not his actual User ID.

Man, even NNIDs on the WiiU showed your registered name along with your nickname. That's a bit of a letdown.

>be the first person to notice that you can now register an ID on Nitnendo's account page
>take Mario and feel joy and pride that you were finally ahead of the curve on something
>months later discover that the ID is more or less pointless
>play online with hundreds of people named Mario
>they will never ever know your accomplishment

I would probably be fine with this if the limit for nicknames wasn't 10 characters. in what day and age would you impose a 10 letter limit on someone?

What's the different between a User ID and Username for the new Nintendo accounts?

From what I understand, User ID is like your account name on Nintendo's end, and the username is what you go by on your console ( and is also what people see when you play online). It's easy to change both at the moment.

It's like Nintendo got a faint inkling of an idea of a system that makes sense and then backed out of it at the last moment

>unique IDs? check
>give them a nickname too
>this way you can search via the ID but alter your display name
>wait, something's wrong here
>forget about the ID, we need FRIEND CODES

So it's 100% confirmed both are changeable at any time? Plus no fees?


Most people assumed that Nintendo was simply being reasonable and not greedy about changing a name (kinda like Valve with Steam)

What is this and why is the tutorial almost forcing me to spend 50 coins? Should I do it?

hold up

aren't these new accounts going to take the place of NNIDs and be multi platform? how is it going to work outside of the Switch then?

Hmm, well, my question still stands about five letter IDs. Do they mess with the system or are they fine?

>successor to 3ds ditches NNID shit

Is any one else having issues connecting anything too it?