Do you use backloggery Sup Forums? If not, how do you keep track of your backlog or do you not worry about that at all?

Do you use backloggery Sup Forums? If not, how do you keep track of your backlog or do you not worry about that at all?

I already have like an 800 anime series backlog, have yet to sit myself down and find live action shit to watch on Netflix, and have roughly 250 games from various platforms on my PC that I have yet to touch

But I never feel as though I need to log them, and only really ever like using sites like these in the same manner I used to use

I don't worry about it.
What does having a backlog do for me to make it worth any of the trouble?

I use Backloggery. It is great because it gets me around to playing games I haven't before when I'm bored of playing the usual

Why worry about a backlog?

I use it mainly to see how many games I've finished in a given month/year.
It's also useful for making notes so I'm not lost if I end up dropping a game for a while and then going back to it.
Viewing it as some kind of to do list that you have to slog through is dumb though.

This, it's a shitty mentality that turns play into work. You should only play what you want to at any given time.

what the fuck is backloggery? sounds like some retarded pointless shit that retards use to feel better about themselves for not having played video games that they still shitpost about

That sure is a nice string of buzzwords

i use it. i had like a mental list of around 20 games i had left to beat until i went through and cataloged all my games. ive downloaded/bought so many games on a whim, so it really puts your shit in perspective. now its around 400.
its also a great idea if you've got a lot of consoles but aren't sure what you want to play. just scroll your lsit on your phone or whatever.

its really not that bad. you basically have a list of games you need to beat, and another list of games you want to play. if i never forced myself to beat games, i'd just being doing xenoblade and unreal tournament 2004 all day. its better to be productive i think.

I don't I just play what I feel like playing.
I don't like forcing myself to do something for relaxing.

Backloggery's interface is AIDS for your eyes. I use Grouvee. Adding and managing games is a lot easier for larger backlogs there.

Back in 2012, I had a ransomware attack while I was on Backloggery. I'm not sure if it was Backloggery that infected my computer, or if I got the malware from another site, and it was on a timer, but I'm still paranoid about going to Backloggery.

If you have a massive backlog you are doing something wrong

autism, that's all.

I mean no but whatever floats your goat.

No shit.

what's wrong with notepad, why shill some website that does an incredibly simple thing?


Nothing's wrong with notepad, I must've missed the memo where asking a question and discussing if people use a site I use was shilling. Won't happen again.

>not notepad++

What people dont seem to get is you accumlate a back log "in your head" because you assume your enjoying every game you bought when in reality you have a shit game and you just refuse to admit thus why you havent "finished it".

I just have a small txt of upcoming games I'm interested in to remember to keep tabs on.

>Ace Combat 7
>Sonic Mania
>Etrian Odyssey V
>Freedom Planet 2
>Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
>Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom

This is it in its entirety.

Why would I need more than this?

Thanks for the reminder Cuphead is never ever coming out

I don't have a backlog anymore. I used to play heaps of games, but now I find it harder and harder to be interested in something as my standards continuously get higher as the amount of media I've consumed increases.

I used to love RPGs, but as I grew older and started reading authors like Guy Gavriel Kay, Joe Abercrombie, and Stephen Erikson, my tolerance for all the bad writing that pretty much all games have is close to 0. I remember attempting to play the most recent Dragon Age, and literally ALT+F4ing out of the first dialogue in the game because it was so poorly written I cringed about as hard as the first time I watched Napoleon Dynamite(not hating on the movie, when something is done with intent I can appreciate it).

Undertale was shockingly good, and the Witcher 3 was solid, but other than that there hasn't been an RPG worth a fart since Mass Effect 2(which despite being awesome also clearly demonstrated the writers had no fucking clue what they were doing with the plot).

Repeat with pretty much every single genre and basically nothing excites me anymore. Plus the group of people that I used to play online games with has slowly drifted apart as people finish up college or get started on careers, so no multiplayer games hold any appeal since I end up comparing the experience I'm having with a bunch of random people to the experiences I had with that group of ~15 that I was playing LoL with back in 2011... Recently went to a concert with some coworkers and we rented a hotel room because it was cheaper than cabbing back to the burbs. One brought his Wii U and we played Smash. First time I'd done local multiplayer in like 8 years. I haven't touched any online multiplayers in the month and a half since then. Everything just feels empty compared to shooting the shit my friends.

I thought it was mid-2017

You sound pretentious as all fuck, but have you played MOTHER 3?

I have. It was really good. I got tired of the combat partway through but other than that I really enjoyed it. Writing was stellar, music was good.

>not sublimetext

story in games is like music in porn etc

However I do feel your pain because writing AND mechanics have somehow went backwards 20 years

Somewhat, there are some games that I hear good things and that seems interesting, those I save later to learn more about them. Others that I think are pretty cool I just download and keep them ready to be played if I ever feel like playing them.

I like to finish all the games I play but this one 'Stranger from Sword City' is just god damn awful. I can't seem to find in me the will to finish it, but the feeling of already moving on so much inside the game makes me feeling bad that I just gave up. I hate this shit.

i just use it to keep track on what games i own

>treating games like a job
Why? If you want to play a game play it.

>story in games is like music in porn etc
I'm not the pretentious fuck you are replying to but this is pretty wrong mate.

Many games can tell a good story in a different and sometimes even closer way than other type of media, since the player have some input on the story.

This mentality comes from how this media was created and how most of the users are youthful but games can have a great story and be just as captivating as any good movie, it only takes a lot of more work to it since they are newer than any other media form.

Can you not remember if you've beaten a game or not?