How old is too old for Nintendo games?
How old is too old for Nintendo games?
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>25 for 2 more weeks
oh shit I guess I should trade in my switch
based pewds is talking about himself you stupid fucking goy
Probably 90.
When ever you are consistently not enjoying playing their games.
You can be 80 but if you are still having fun you are not to old for them.
You shouldn't ever touch video games of you want to be the best version of you possible.
Video games are just an easy way to convince yourself you're improving, without actually improving in any meaningful way.
Pick up a real life hobby
>you're mature if you only drink bitter stuff and are a cynical asshole
I'd say 50/60, arthritis will prevent any job in life at that age.
This is the normalfag way of saying your excited for something because being anything but apathetic is uncool.
Doesn't he have like 10 millions subscribers? how is that only 5k likes?
>says the retard who gets paid to entertain 6-year olds
What is the "best" version of me? Is it not the version that is happiest and most content with life? Because video games consistently bring me joy, I play them with good friends, and it's a hobby that doesn't get in the way of my professional or social life.
>Pick up a real life hobby
Those usually aren't going to do anything for you either. It's the same shit.
Now if you can turn your hobby into a profession, then you're going places.
Because he's a nazi now so their mommies won't let them watch him anymore
Its a fake twit you imbeciles
zelda was never good. it was ok never good
I'm a high school teacher and I can honestly say this 26 year old man has the funnybone and moral fiber of a high school freshman. There's a reason why kids think he's the shit.
>letting other people decide what you should like depending on how old you are
pure autism, like what ever makes you happy and do what ever you want.
>game says ages between 0 and 99
>you're 100 years old
>people failing to know he's talking about himself
>he's a huge fucking Nintendo/Zelda fag
>probably already had a Switch and has been playing the fuck out of BotW
b-but playing games improve critical thinking user
Have fun playing BotW on cemu at 6fps in two years
I can objectively say this is untrue, he doesn't appeal to high school kids
middle schoolers maybe
>t. grade 10er
Wrong. The NES games are great, and it's been mostly downhill since then.
He's joking right?
He plays video games for a living.
>he doesnt appeal to high school kids
Maybe in your school. I teach a film studies class and I always teach a segment every year on youtube. Whenever that segment comes around, they always wanna watch videos of the flavor of the year. 7 years ago it was Raywilliamjohnson. Now its pewdiepie.
I didn't let them watch either.
>game says ages between 0 and 99
>you've been frozen for 1000 years
>tfw 28
I guess it's over lads. I need to trade in all of my consoles, my PC, and start doing adult things like drinking myself to death and getting into fights over what team can kick a ball better.
If you too old for Nintendo games, you are too old for all video games.
self-actualization is a scam
>teaching a segment on Youtube
I thought you were supposed to be a film teacher?
Youtube isn't film, it's barely good enough to be considered video
You seem to forget that he's a tool that plays games but doesn't enjoy or care about them outside of which game will get him the most cash. I'd rather be a manchild than a sell out personally.
Define "real life hobby".
u sound jelly
But user, that's clearly an "adult" hobby! You can't say anything against it, because it's more "mature" to sit around and give the ad center known as "Professional Sports" an additional view to add to their millions so that they can get paid better by Coke, Toyota, and Apple! It's the same as reading the real newspapers rather than your kiddy Internet News!
But user we can drink ourselves to death while we play video games
I have them start youtube channels to upload the movies they make in the class to. It's very fun and it gets them involved and making movies. Some kids do vlogs and others do full on 30 minute films. I receive a grant each year for film equipment so I let them loose to have fun with it. Before they upload their films to youtube, we have a segment teaching them about it.
>Youtube isn't film, it's barely good enough to be considered video
Depends on the video.
This is high art, for instance.
>there are people who don't follow this advice
if you let someone tell you not to like something, you're a fucking loser and you don't have a mind of your own.
As soon as you grow out of other toys.
Anything for children.
>easy way to convince yourself you're improving, without actually improving in any meaningful way
Playing fast vidya has kept my reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination sharp. Puzzle games have prevented my mind from becoming lazy. PC games have required that I learn about PC's, how they work, and how to build them, so I've gained a couple of skills from that which has helped family and friends more than once.
It may not give anything that I can put on a resume but it's providing more benefits than wasting my mind away on a hobby like movies or comics.
>he makes children record videos of themselves and post them online
again, I thought you were supposed to be a teacher?
>YFW Youtube Celebrities can't enjoy things because of their "adult" image.
>YFW C.S Lewis was right
original nes zelda was god tier
but you're too young to remember that
It's an art class and they're making art.
You should take it. It's quite fun :)
1002 (MAYBE)
I have a real hobby, but even then I need a break from it and video games fill in that gap.
>art class
Alright don't worry everyone, I've isolated the issue.
Age 10
>Nintendo games
All games are for children
12 max
His videos are shit though. Just like Nintendo
What did C.S. Lewis say?
nintendogs BTFO
I believe he is being ironic
Yep. You got it, user. Helping students develop creative minds so they don't turn into mindless drones since 2010.
>art class
so you set children up for failure?
I thought you were supposed to be a teacher
This. (((video games))). You should be getting a woman and having 8 white kids for Trumps 1000 year American Reich.
Nah man. I don't make them be artists outside of class. It's an elective. The state requires students to take those. If it's not film, its music, theatre, crafts or other kind of art.
>Helping students develop creative minds
You really believe this?
Sure do, dude! It's actually really refreshing to see some of the things they come up with.
There is such a thing as moderation, you know. As long as video games are fun for me, I won't stop playing them.
Wrong classification, the institute has deemd this "Pure Kino"
Why are you here?
Because he hates himself. I can relate.
Piss off hypocrite
you just don't want to put forth the effort necessary to improve your life
he's right though
and i guess your hobby is going to Sup Forums threads of things you dont like and telling the people that like those things that they shouldnt like what you dont like? your worse then that fucking fat potato on that world of warcraft episode of southpark.
Yeah, me too. I also hate him.
this coming from a guy who got his money by acting like a child
and I don't even play Nintendo games
we just don't want to admit it user ;_;
growing up sucks
>Don't commit to playing video games
>Be bald for 18 years of your life
Must be terrible.
>How old is too old for Nintendo games?
Old enough to work? Old enough to not want to spend earned money on toys.
>caring what others think
I'll never understand this
>bragging to women that you did your highschool required reading
Why would I want to fuck women with such shit taste?
>CS: Lewis Black
>throw grenade
>bounces off wall
>teamkill entire squad
>blame republicans
we are a social species, user
I accepted that I am a responsible adult long ago
this is why I got sony console
It's pathetic that people actually think like this.
>I'm going to convince myself that I don't actually like to do [thing] because someone shamed me into thinking it reflects poorly on my societal (read: sexual) value
Same lol
Still don't have a job though :/
Shut up bitch boy
fuck off you stupid flip
They chose Gatsby just to fuck with /lit/, right? T-they don't actually think it's good, do they?
I don't tend to give a fuck what people think about my hobbies or whatever, but I can certainly understand why others do, it's not very complicated
Reminder that Quentin destroyed his life with Sup Forums.
Who didn't?
>Still thinking life is about achieving and not enjoying yourself
Let me let you in on a secret. You will die.
That being the case, there's really no point in trying to achieve anything unless that's something you want to do. That's all it comes down to, really. Do what you want, not what you think or tradition tells you you should be doing. Because happiness comes from contentment, and you can't be content if you force yourself to do things you do not like doing.
What happened to him?
>You will die.
Maybe you will. I'm going to live forever and you can't stop me.
Probably got forced into mental institution.
>Being an edgy nihilist kid
Really? You got edgy out of that post?
Lol no understand that the absurdity of life therefore means that pleasure in and of itself is a goal that cannot be striven for.
wtf I love pewds now.