Three new heroes

>three new heroes
>all brown females
what did blizzard mean by this ?

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But the newest hero is an omnic mech

Trying to discourage SFM with shitskins.

bruh do you even play the game?

That you fags will sperg out over anything yet I keep coming here for some damned reason.



It didn't discourage Shadman

>sexy Egyptian military captain woman
>sexy Mexican teasing SUPER HACKER
I'll happily have more like this.

Black is not brown.

>Still no smug edit
What a let down

you shits are opposite side of the same coin of the people hate.

Who gives a shit as long as the gameplay is good?

>old cunt and quirky bitch

Ayy ramao.

>No fun allowed at the expense of muh minorities!
Stay triggered

It's just memes bro

seriously nobody wanted this, everybody would rather have doomfist even if he is a nigger (which at this rate he definitely will be)

>not sexy

I can accept that Sombra isn't everyones thing though, but I totally like her type.

You can't have missed his point that hard. I refuse to believe anyone capable of operating a computer well enough to get here can be this retarded.

>A robot with an accent


Superior brown pussy is here to stay, step aside sloppy white puss.

Do you not understand how parts of the world that aren't america work?

>young prodigious African girl
>dressed like a fucking racist caricature

Every voice in a world is an accent from somewhere, my dude

>not 98% brown

but the gameplay isn't good


what are you even talking about?

So like every other synthesized voice ever created?

then complain about that instead of the skin color of some fictional character in some fictional world.

What I was trying to say is the people who complain about "diverse" characters being added are just as annoying as the people who complain about the lack of "diverse" characters being added instead of complaining about shit gameplay.

>being tolerant and diverse enough to think beaner skrillex or old muslim sniper woman is sexy

Not gonna work famalam

sombra really is cheap whore tier

I'm so tired of politics, man. From any side.

So is
>It's actually about journalism!
You fucko.

The robot is clearly modeled after a black woman personality wise, similar to zenyatta clearly being a Nepali monk

niggers ruin everything

Natural sounding synthesized voices are generally created from an individual human's voice.


honestly I'd rather fuck the granny, at least she looks like she has some fucking taste.
I can just picture the leopard or zebra print this bitch has in her home.

>nigger genius
Now that's an oxymoron if I ever saw one.

good taste

woah you sure proved him wrong

Why is this Orisa design so fucking lame? It's completely lacking of any fine touches. It's like a tumblr kid's first attempt at a robot.

I guess it's true that the only good designs are the leftovers from Project Titan. Pic related. Actual good Blizzard design.

>whines about "nigger genius"
>posts a morally corrupt, academically unremarkable man who rested on his laurels after stealing crucial data
Use a better example man.

Jim Watson is a brilliant scientist and one who got rejected by the politically correct establishment because his research said what everyone was thinking. Niggers are simply dumber.

>It's like a tumblr kid's first attempt at a robot.

Because it is

Even her new kit feels like some retard just threw a bunch of already existing abilities into one hero and called it a day

Not really.

Cunt used Rosalind Franklin's x-ray crystallography plates to basically get ahead of the race to elucidate the structure of DNA. Before then the double helix was one of several hypothesised structures, and not even his primary one - and afterwards he refused to acknowledge R.F even posthumously after she died from radiation induced cancer. Without the images, data and lab notes Maurice Wilkins stole from Rosalind Franklin for Watson and Crick he wouldn't have been unable to publish jack shit.

Dude became a mainstream show pony and quickly, and undeservedly, got offered managerial positions because of his nobel prize. He didn't meaningfully expand upon his prize winning theory nor contribute much to the field of molecular biology afterwards. Academically he's incredibly unremarkable.

Now he did openly rebel against patenting endogenous genetic sequences, which is cool, but that doesn't discount him being a monumental cunt.

>muh women in science meme
Just stop man.

Didn't work with the previous ones, won't work now either.

sombra is druggie pornstar tier

>half a man hair cut

whew, i'd rather engage with bastion.

diversity = white genocide
wake the fuck up, sheepel

>makes old hag sand nigger
>gives her a legendary skin on release that makes her hotter than pharah

I like how the front legs look like they would work on their own when viewing Orisa from the front.

Hoped the next hero could be a riot officer from Ireland, used to keeping the peace during the omnic unrest.
Even if he's evil white man, his motivations for law and order will be better than a plotline from Big Hero 6


>Not translucent.

Shit image.

Explain the new hero to me.
How does she not just exist to shit on Winston and D.Va?

>has a shield that she can drop, cd starts as soon as you hit it
>meanwhile Winstons shitty shield ability

>has an almost infinite ammo minigun with long range capabilities that also has basically no spread
>meanwhile D.Vas shitty fucking peashooters

How is any of this fair? I just don't get it.
Of course, in addition to one upping those two she also has mini graviton charges and can become almost invincible and cc immune instantly.

Was Blizzards objective here to shit on the tanks that aren't Rein or Road? Because shit, they sure did just that.

>tfw accidently bought the beige version instead
1000 coins wasted.

looks 10x times worse and also packed with old granny voice that spews shit language from tme to time


He was a fucking hack

i like the design, reminds me of a beatle
has like elephant tusks and its face looks like a tribal mask thing.

>young skin
>old voice

>four kinds of white = four different kinds of white
>four kinds of african = they're all shitskin
At least make it even between the two



She's a lot less mobile than Winston and D.Va.

However she ruins Mei's, Junkrat and McCree's day.
The only way her invulnerability can be nerfed is with an actual flashbang ability, making her walk into a wall or something

>cute alternative hairstyle with sexy purple as part of it
>matching heavy purple make up
>sharp nails that are sexy as fuck in her wave animation
>mole under the left eye
>constantly teasing people and acting superior
>that accent
Like I said, not everyone's thing but good lord I love it.

Were you drunk or something? How do you even fuck that up?

>We'll never get an omnic villain

Doomfist is my last hope.

>She's a lot less mobile than Winston and D.Va.
Does she need to be mobile with that gun?
With her displacement skill?
With her shields of permanent uptime?
With her cc immunity?

and i bet you like suicide girls too faggot

>if mechagamezilla was an overwatch hero
I want it so bad.

>tfw no crab hero

Furthermore, what is it with Blizzard being so in love? And apparently hating Mercy.

Orisa's ult stacking with Nano Boost but not Mercy's damage boost just further pushes Mercy out of the game, while making Ana even more important.

How is Blizzard allowed to get away with such blatant playing favorites?

Not really. I could, but the concept is generally really hard to pull off well on real girls, and on top of that so many of their girls are absolutely covered in tattoos which is offputting for me. One or two tattoos (or in Sombras case, modifications) can be sexy, but all over the body is a turn off for me.

Also Sombra makes the whole thing work because of her selfish streak and the way she acts.


Same thing they meant when they made Oasis an Numbani super futuristic and Eichenwalde is a crumpling decrepit ruin. The future belongs to the brown. We just have to wait until the last old white men finally die off.

It reminds you of 3 elements that don't fit together? That isn't good design

>he doesn't like delicious brown grills

Pretty sure someone over at Blizzard has a brown slut fetish


In the four months it takes to release a new character, they just can't find the time user :^)

>playing blizzard games
just what exactly has this board become?


She looiks like Tupac.

The penis wants what the penis wants

They know the only thing keeping their bottom of the barrel FPS popular are tumblr and waifufags, so they have to appease both

> sexy


They were allways console peasants, just check those threads: filled with gay links, le thick etc.
Why do u think the quality posting is so low? Yet they dare to report good threads. So much cancer.

Fuck I replied then I realized it's a worthless fat neckbeard virgin namefag, and I just reinstalled Sup Forums x so I lost my filters.

Thank you for reminding you and kindly NECK YOUR FUCKING SELF.

That they are cisnormative bigots, why no lesbian/transgender ?