He doesn't play Siege

>He doesn't play Siege

Other urls found in this thread:


Siege seems like a slow casualfest for autismos that jerk off to weapon skins, hats, """""competitive"""""" """"""e-sports""""""" and gay twitch streamers and jewtubers

you forgot to fit "cuck" in there otherwise it was a pretty good shitpost

>[Glaz Him]

Eye him?

Yeah I dont because Ubishit refuses to fix the fucking ranked being broken by leaving the game.

Real fucking funny to get +0 after a tense match.

Anyone know what mid season reinforcements are adding?

this is the sort of game that is so complex and obscure that the most base and venal of hackers can easily be excused as having "game sense"



>FPS hide and seek

>seems like
So you haven't touched it?

There's something about this game that I just can't put my finger on

I wonder what it could be


>literally Campers: the Game
I regret wasting 200 rubles on it. Should have bought hot dinner.


It was a pretty piss-poor R6 game and a somewhat-above-mediocre 'tactical' game in it's own right.

Ugly as fuck with those god awful fuzzy filters you can't turn off, though. Ubisoft ran the name 'Tom Clancy' into the dirt and killed the 'squad tactical' genre to give us...what? Some weird 'we want the battlefield 3 audience' adaptation of R6 that's an entirely different genre than it's predecessors because they wanted to ride the 'muh espawts' fad?

Also forgot to mention
>Special forces

I would play sometimes, but For Honor is the new Ubishit game for me to play at the moment.

Autistic Overwatch Players

>Playing a game that is heavily reliant on voice chat coordination with complete strangers

Siege is the kind of game that you require multiple friends for.

Cuz siege is shit? For tactical gameplay and fun from shooting I have arma, for fast gameplay I have overwatch

>for gameplay I have overwatch

Even Overwatch is less casual than your shitty excuse for a FPS.
I only play Quake, UT and Toxikk

Overwatch is definitely faster than siege or call of duty

What's up with autistic kids and an obsession with speed? Overwatch is a shit version of TF2 for people who are bad at TF2 and no amount of "speed" will ever make it a good game.

How come the game came out in 2015 but the ranked mode is still in beta?

Dude, I played tf2 for 2 years (2k hours) and only 120 in ovw, I only wanted to say that there is no place for r6siege to fit, it's not complex and deep tactical game, it have shit-tier shooting mechanic and it's slow af

>it's not a complex and deep tactical game
>shit tier shooting
>slow af
t. unraked

>Overwatch is faster than CoD

What was the last CoD you played? I played the multiplayer beta for BlOps 3 and it was way faster paced than Overwatch.

Lold, I don't believe there is peoples who enjoy shooting in siege.
And not even talking about meta-shit instead of tactic and speed of gameplay

Bops 2 I think.
Genji and pharah gameplay are way more faster than cod

So the shooting in siege is bad because you have to be good at shooting for it to be enjoyable? Expected from an overwatch kidde who enjoys games with hitboxes the size of of a barn.

Shooting in siege is bad because its boring, guns don't resist you just point ironsight on target and press lmb
And yes
>this plastic sounds
Also, you are really bad at reading
> Cuz siege is shit? For tactical gameplay and fun from shooting I have arma, for fast gameplay I have overwatch

>Guns don't resist
Okay so you just never played it before. Thanks for clearing that up.


Sonic autists fuck off

>he installed Uplay

Valk is a tranny and that is disgusting.

Thanks for telling me that you never played any shooter but siege, bf or cod, casual

Vietnam operators when

le tactical shooter attempts to be modern meme



Hopefully 2/2 for Kapkan and removing blitz from the game.

I would enjoy it and keep playing if it weren't for the fact that the aiming feels like dragging my mouse through butter. Every setting on low and all that good shit and yet I can't get my mouse movement to feel responsive at all. I had this problem in Overwatch until I put render scale at like 50-75% and tanked the graphics. Too bad I can't do that in R6.

>Still no daisy dukes IQ outfit

Played since 2-3 months after release, but the more I played, the more I raged about the fucking netcode.

It's just way beyond horrible.
> guy can shoot me before I see him
> die randomly
> fire 30 rounds into someone, yet I die
etc etc.

All Siege players know these.

>Hear pitter patter on the roof of that room
>Throw nitro cell at the panel
>Triple kill

I really want to get into Siege. I really do, but the learning curve is so ridiculously steep. Map knowledge is key but with 15 maps, some of them huge, this knowledge is hard to obtain. Getting stomped by players who are much better since they have been playing for a long time doesn't help. You don't learn anything out of that.

And yet the game remains excellent, yes there are techical issues but beyond that ive not had this much fun in a multiplayer shooter in a long time...and theres nothing like it on the market, Ubi has plenty to answer for recently, but making a unique multiplayer shooter in a sea of derivitive trash is not one of them.

2/2 Kapkan would be awesome

Also anybody else downright terrible at this game but still enjoy it?

Outside of getting spawn peeked or when the matchmaking makes you play Favela, this is so relaxing for me compared to getting frustrated at Dota or overwatch

You need some siege buddies user.

This guy's vids got me good fast

>shoot through the ceiling

>randomly shoot at walls on the off chance i actually hit something

My first 10 hours in the game fucking sucked ass. I'd regularly go 0-5 in games, and getting anything more than 1 kill in a match was a momentous occasion worthy of celebration. I couldn't aim worth a fuck, I didn't know how things worked, and I spent most games hiding behind couches in the objective room waiting to get Fuzed.

It's just something that takes time. If you don't have the patience or desire to stick it out for the first dozen or so hours it'll take to really get a grasp on how every single operator operates, where you should be going both on attack and defense for every objective point on every map, and finding a control scheme that really works best for you.

The best advice I can offer is to play with friends, or at least 1 friend. It makes the game easily 10 times more enjoyable, and you can pick up on each other's bad habits to help improve. I can't even bring myself to play solo anymore, it's just so upsetting and frustrating to play with randoms after having a full team of competent people that I can easily communicate with.

Guns do resist, however given 1 hit kill headshots, if you line up a shot right it usually only take 1 or a handful of bullets to drop someone, which is what you want in a close quarters shooter, you dont want two players spazing out trying have a recoil management duel when they are in the same room as one another.

>unreinfroced wall
>not being shot up the second they caught a glimpse of it

Those guys were shitters.

best way to play

That's a very common place to wallbang, user. With a small killhole, good audio or a Mira window you can rack up kills because at least 3/5 of your opponents will go over there 100% of the time. Just poke a hole in the wall where nobody will see it, and wait until you hear the very loud sound of somebody trying to walk up to the non-reinforced panel and put a Fuze/breaching charge, then fire.

I did.

>atrocious netcode
>atrocious matchmaking
>atrocious UI (improved slightly since last patch but still below 3rd gen era functionally)
>atrocious sound spacialization
>pink guns and retarded outfits
>acceptable gunplay
>no doors nor windows, not even blinds nor curtains
>defenders carry unlimited magical cyanolite barricades
>paper walls you can break with a knife
>no physics engine
>can't jump
>unlimited sprinting
>can't place stuff freely and instead have to put them in predefined and available gameplay compliant spots
>plenty other stupid shit all across the board

And that's why I stopped.

All that my friends play is cs:go, hearthstone and overwatch. It's generally really hard to convince them to try something new. As for finding friends online, well I tried but eventually the connection just kinda breaks up.

you listen for footsteps. must have been new people though, you never walk by unreinforced walls right next to reinforced...

why is this game so much fun? It has no right to be as good as it is

He only has 3 videos on siege explaining the maps. The rest is game play with music overlayed and weebshit music.

I recently bought this game and put about 15 hours into it, and that's much more than I needed to figure out it is a mediocre game.

First and foremost sight lines are busted to all fuck. I lost count of how many times I got killed by someone I could not see, not because my eyesight failed me or they had a minor peeking advantage due to lag, but because they were completely concealed behind cover but on their screen they could still see out from behind it.

Second the guns feel like toys. There's almost zero recoil, the sounds are like someone recorded someone else typing on a cheap keyboard and then ran it through some slightly metallic-sounding filter and there's almost no visual effects.

Third is the matchmaking for casual, in that there really isn't any and it's often slow as fuck. The majority of my matches took >4 minutes for the system to put together and team skill rating was heavily skewed one way or another. At least 60% of my matches were stomps, one way or the other. I didn't play ranked because I had to get to level 20 and y that time I had heard from multiple sources that ranked was broken, plus if the casual matchmaking was any indication, ranked would be just as piss poor but with more angry people yelling about their team being bad.

Fourth is Uplay. Uplay is trash.

Fifth is character balance, which with only 15 hours I'm not entirely qualified to comment on, but it really did not seem that great. Mute, for example, seemed to be way better than most characters, hard countering like half the abilities in the game and it was no surprise he showed up on most defender teams.

All in all I was not impressed, but I only spent $15 on the poor people edition so whatever.

>muh Uplay
>uses Steam
Made me go huh

>new as fuck
>can't play for shit
>win the match by getting a random kapkan trap kill
>team praises me
The learning curve in this game is extremely steep.

Disown them.

First 20 something hours are pretty rough.

Activate advanced gadget deployment in options to be able to cancel it and raise your volume.

I played this shit game for about six months. Nothing better than shitting on people with recruit. Got sick of it after the first dlc drop though.

>Defending in secure area mode
>Team leaves the objective area
>Everybody getting raped upstairs
>Left alone defending the objective with no reinforced walls or barricaded doors

>Attacking in hostage mode
>Somebody picks Fuze
>Forced to spend the whole round babysitting him and being ready to TK if he is about to kill the hostage
Every fucking time. The game is great but there are so many complete idiots playing the game that it's rarely enjoyable unless you have at least one or two friends with you.

this is literally the reason i dont play this game

every time you do something, you have to make sure you are not in LoS of some fuck face adsing through a hole in the wall or proning in a corner or peak aiming from behind a couch or sitting behind an instakill mounted lmg

Post more memes

>Defending in secure area mode
>Team leaves the objective area
>Everybody getting raped upstairs
>Left alone defending the objective with no reinforced walls or barricaded doors

That's not too bad of a strategy, the only issue is they die like retards.

The objective area always gets attacked from all sides, you can only slow attackers but don't expect to defend that room from the inside. If you stay with the objective from the start of round you're as good as dead.

Barricading the objective is the quickest way to lose too, because once everyone inside the objective area is dead and the attacker is in, those reinforced walls and doors play against you. They protect the attacker, prevent you from going inside, and you have no assault capability.

You're better off leaving the objective area opened from the inside, barricaded only to the outside, and defending it from neighboring rooms by having poked holes in all walls.

I only play Terrorist Hunt

Overwatch costs 2000 rubles. That's something between 20-40 hot meals. Overwatch buying would be colossal waste of money.

Waiting for GROM

It's really sad when Siege is good DESPITE ubijew trying to fuck it up as hard as they can every fucking update.

Always stuck between Silver 1 and Gold III and I still adore it with all my heart. It's just fun.

Lvl 42 here.

still learning how to play the game, my best match was when i killed 4 enemies and didn't die a single round

Good job user, keep it up

level 50 repping

the game gets a LOT easier and more fun and rewarding when you realize the netcode is such shit that any 1v1 is effectively a cointoss because of the low time to kill. if you want consistent kills you HAVE to outsmart the other team by flanking, feinting, knowing the map and cameras better, etc etc.

Peekers advantage is a thing and you can usually rely upon it but only if you know exactly where the other guy is, and you're ready to give out your position by pre-firing.

tried it, it's fucking boring

Subjective. You should've said "I got bored"

But I do. I suck at it, but I do.

It's started to make me feel weird in the head though. I was drunk the other day and saw something on the floor that looked a bit like a drone. Instinctively I thought I needed to shoot it.

I think I need to stop.

Silver 1 level 125 here. When I see cameras in shopping centers or supermarkets I want to shoot them.

What are some good feels in it?

>Play IQ
>See a Pulse
>Headshot him through a wall knowing that he probably saw me through it but wasn't fast enough

I'm a level 10 noob. Don't have any idea what I'm doing but yesterday I was last man vs 5 and I just rambo'd my way thru 3 of them, could of got four but my aim went back to potato mode. Still felt good about it. 4th guy I literally shot all around him when he was looking the other way...

I stopped playing when Ubisoft broke hit registration, lighting, and hit boxes again after claiming to fix it.

When will they remove Ash from the game or atleast make her slower and fix her hitbox?

I'll play siege again when they fix the netcode and nerf 3 speeds.

The game has a retarded peekers advantage. SO much so that a laggy player playing a 3 speed will kill you before they're even on your screen.

>play montagne
>extended shield
>staredown with opfor
unextend shield
>hipfire headshot with the magnum

Even the low effotrt memes you are trying to shove in this thread are fucking boring. Pass. I declare this thread ded.

>play montagne
>plant bomb in corner near a window
>extend shield
>glaz gets an ace

>He thinks his opinion holds any value

Fuck you, the memes are delicious. Feed me more

Literally asking for it

What his power will be?

>play a couple matches with some chill randoms I met
>little mexican kid joins
>tries to hang with the big boys
>he picks Caveira
>"Hey is your mom a thicc latina too?"
>"shut up"
>he keeps trying to hang with us
>shut him out of every room or just team kill him
>tell him that we will play seriously with him if he sends us a picture of his mom's ass
>"no. what the hell"
>keep telling him this until he gets so pissed that he leaves
>we laugh

It's fun being an asshole sometimes.