

Unless a game is cracked within' the first 2 months, Denuvo wasn't BTFO, it did it's job.

>A Criminal Past
>2 months

You're right but I just love how all the "ITS UNCRACKABLE PIRATES ARE DONE" bullshit has been proven wrong.

Besides all denuvo did was prove pirates don't affect sales like big companies want you to think. A shit game will still sell like shit.

>Release date: February 23, 2017
>Crack Release March 2, 2017


you probably need cPY's cracked game since this is just the dlc

I have the game and the season pass but I can't be arse too played the dlc because they aren't part of the game and you don't keep your Jensen with the augs you had picks in the main games.

Developers and companies like Denuvo are always talking about "starving out" the pirates fanbases, because a lot of people don't want to wait for a crack and buy a real copy of the game instead.
What if I want to actively support these release groups though? Like sent them a small batch of money for their work. They obviously don't have a fucking patreon so how would one go about doing that?

You dont.
Its not like CPY has a website or anything in the first place.

No, full

>game has denuvo
>better buy instead then
Said no pirate ever.

its average at best

no point using any weapon since shooting is so bad too

It's the latest patch + the DLC. The method Skidrow used is completely different from CPY method. Skidrow managed to break Denuvo, so it's not even operating when the game runs, while CPY disables the trigger checks.

Haven't played it yet but do you have to use weapons?

is a criminal past dlc or just what they call pirates now?

I recently got around to watching The Expanse and was really amused to see Adam Jensen's VA show up as a character

That character's got cybernetics too

the expanse is fucking great

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter has also been cracked a few days ago, by the way.

true, but you know there are those that would concede. Some may have even bought the game for cheaper since then.

>A criminal past
>main game

great job ma boi skidrow


Wait, what?

So that pastebin claiming to be SKIDROW talking shit about CPY's Denuvo cracks from a while back was legit then?

So after playing this game through it's finish, and 100% it, i think its safe to say i never would've bought this game.

Pirate everything from EA because they're money hungry Jews that rape developers.
Don't even play anything from ubisoft because they're a bunch of fags that shit annual releases of the same games made from a template.

>Sup Forums will pirate a Eidos game
>but not a EA or Ubishit game

Does anyone have that drawing where the knight got beat up and Sup Forums is fucking the girl in a tent and complaining while using video game mechanics terms?

The one that came out in Jan 1? That was a fake Reloaded NFO.

because they're autistic

i'd like to see that. you might have to think back when you saw that to find it on the archive

If it's true, sounds promising.

A game update requires a whole new crack, so yes it was cracked in just a few days.